Chuck Short d330e39ffd Use the systemd module
Ansible has a module to control systemd so
we might as well use it.

Change-Id: Ic9d704c442db0ef49e00e29260157e8b91de5b30
Signed-off-by: Chuck Short <>
2018-07-26 09:50:27 -04:00

198 lines
6.8 KiB

# Install/run nginx for browbeat
- name: Install nginx, httpd-tools, httplib2, libsemanage-python
yum: name={{ item }} state=present
become: true
- nginx
- httpd-tools
- python-httplib2
- libsemanage-python
# SELinux boolean for nginx
- name: Apply SELinux boolean httpd_can_network_connect
seboolean: name=httpd_can_network_connect state=yes persistent=yes
when: "ansible_selinux['status'] == 'enabled'"
# create /etc/nginx/conf.d/ directory
- name: Create nginx directory structure
file: path=/etc/nginx/conf.d/
# deploy kibana.conf with FQDN
- name: Setup nginx reverse proxy for kibana
become: true
register: nginx_needs_restart
# deploy basic nginx.conf 8080 vhost
- name: Setup nginx TCP/{{elk_server_ssl_cert_port}} for SSL certificate retrieval
become: true
# start nginx service
- name: Start nginx service
name: nginx.service
state: restarted
ignore_errors: true
when: nginx_needs_restart != 0
- name: Check if nginx is in use
shell: systemctl is-enabled nginx.service | egrep -qv 'masked|disabled'
register: nginx_in_use
ignore_errors: yes
# Skip ANSIBLE0012 Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
# Determine if nginx is enabled
- skip_ansible_lint
- name: Set nginx to start on boot
name: nginx.service
enabled: yes
when: nginx_in_use.rc != 0
# we need TCP/80 and TCP/8080 open
# determine firewall status and take action
# 1) use firewall-cmd if firewalld is utilized
# 2) insert iptables rule if iptables is used
# Firewalld
- name: Determine if firewalld is in use
shell: systemctl is-enabled firewalld.service | egrep -qv 'masked|disabled'
ignore_errors: true
register: firewalld_in_use
no_log: true
# Skip ANSIBLE0012 Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
# Need to check if firewall is active
- skip_ansible_lint
- name: Determine if firewalld is active
shell: systemctl is-active firewalld.service | grep -vq inactive
ignore_errors: true
register: firewalld_is_active
no_log: true
# Skip ANSIBLE0012 Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
# Need to check if firewall is active
- skip_ansible_lint
- name: Determine if TCP/{{nginx_kibana_port}} is already active
shell: firewall-cmd --list-ports | egrep -q "^{{nginx_kibana_port}}/tcp"
ignore_errors: true
register: firewalld_nginx_kibana_port_exists
no_log: true
# Skip ANSIBLE0012 Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
# Need to check if firewall rule already exists
- skip_ansible_lint
# add firewall rule via firewall-cmd
- name: Add firewall rule for TCP/{{nginx_kibana_port}} (firewalld)
command: "{{ item }}"
- firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port={{nginx_kibana_port}}/tcp --permanent
- firewall-cmd --reload
ignore_errors: true
become: true
when: firewalld_in_use.rc == 0 and firewalld_is_active.rc == 0 and firewalld_nginx_kibana_port_exists.rc != 0
# iptables-services
- name: check firewall rules for TCP/{{nginx_kibana_port}} (iptables-services)
shell: grep "dport {{nginx_kibana_port}} \-j ACCEPT" /etc/sysconfig/iptables | wc -l
ignore_errors: true
register: iptables_nginx_kibana_port_exists
failed_when: iptables_nginx_kibana_port_exists == 127
no_log: true
# Skip ANSIBLE0012 Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
# Need to check if firewall rule already exists
- skip_ansible_lint
- name: Add firewall rule for TCP/{{nginx_kibana_port}} (iptables-services)
dest: /etc/sysconfig/iptables
line: '-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport {{nginx_kibana_port}} -j ACCEPT'
regexp: '^INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT'
insertbefore: '-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT'
backup: yes
when: firewalld_in_use.rc != 0 and firewalld_is_active.rc != 0 and iptables_nginx_kibana_port_exists.stdout|int == 0
register: iptables_needs_restart
- name: Restart iptables-services for TCP/{{nginx_kibana_port}} (iptables-services)
shell: systemctl restart iptables.service
ignore_errors: true
when: iptables_needs_restart != 0 and firewalld_in_use.rc != 0 and firewalld_is_active.rc != 0
# Skip ANSIBLE0013 Use shell only when shell functionality is required
# No systemctl module available in current stable release (Ansible 2.1)
- skip_ansible_lint
# Firewalld
- name: Determine if TCP/{{elk_server_ssl_cert_port}} is already active
shell: firewall-cmd --list-ports | egrep -q "^{{elk_server_ssl_cert_port}}/tcp"
ignore_errors: true
register: firewalld_elk_server_ssl_port_exists
no_log: true
# Skip ANSIBLE0012 Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
# Need to check if firewall rule already exists
- skip_ansible_lint
# add firewall rule via firewall-cmd
- name: Add firewall rule for TCP/{{elk_server_ssl_cert_port}} (firewalld)
command: "{{ item }}"
- firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port={{elk_server_ssl_cert_port}}/tcp --permanent
- firewall-cmd --reload
ignore_errors: true
become: true
when: firewalld_in_use.rc == 0 and firewalld_is_active.rc == 0 and firewalld_elk_server_ssl_port_exists.rc != 0
# iptables-services
- name: check firewall rules for TCP/{{elk_server_ssl_cert_port}} (iptables-services)
shell: grep "dport {{elk_server_ssl_cert_port}} \-j ACCEPT" /etc/sysconfig/iptables | wc -l
ignore_errors: true
register: iptables_elk_server_ssl_port_exists
failed_when: iptables_elk_server_ssl_port_exists == 127
no_log: true
# Skip ANSIBLE0012 Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
# Need to check if firewall rule already exists
- skip_ansible_lint
- name: Add firewall rule for TCP/{{elk_server_ssl_cert_port}} (iptables-services)
dest: /etc/sysconfig/iptables
line: '-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport {{elk_server_ssl_cert_port}} -j ACCEPT'
regexp: '^INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT'
insertbefore: '-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT'
backup: yes
when: firewalld_in_use.rc != 0 and firewalld_is_active.rc != 0 and iptables_elk_server_ssl_port_exists.stdout|int == 0
register: iptables_needs_restart
- name: Restart iptables-services for TCP/{{elk_server_ssl_cert_port}} (iptables-services)
shell: systemctl restart iptables.service
ignore_errors: true
when: iptables_needs_restart != 0 and firewalld_in_use.rc != 0 and firewalld_is_active.rc != 0
# Skip ANSIBLE0013 Use shell only when shell functionality is required
# No systemctl module available in current stable release (Ansible 2.1)
- skip_ansible_lint