akrzos ea68729239 Gnocchi Performance Dashboard
Displays everything related to Gnocchi for Performance:
* Gnocchi Backlog against various metrics
* Gnocchi API Performance
* Gnocchi Process Metrics
* Ceilometer Process Metrics
* Specific Controller Process Metrics (Httpd, MariaDB, Rabbitmq, Mongodb, Redis)
* CephStorage Process Metrics
* Swift (Controller) Process Metrics
* Swift (ObjectStorage) Process Metrics
* Apache Metrics
* Rabbitmq Metrics
* Ceph Metrics
* Swift Metrics
* Gnocchi/Ceilometer/Ceph/MariaDB/Rabbitmq/Swift Log rates (E/W/I)

+ keeplastvalue on Instance dashboard to stop the "teardrop" affect on latest data

Change-Id: Id88bf96625396f81788c3ffeba90c89e0690b732
2017-08-18 14:23:25 -04:00

68 lines
2.0 KiB

# Uploads and Builds Dashboards for Browbeat analysis of System Performance Metrics
# You can upload just the Static and Generated General Dashboards with:
# ansible-playbook -i hosts install/grafana-dashboards.yml -e 'cloud_dashboards=false'
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
ansible_connection: local
cloud_dashboards: true
overwrite_existing: true
- apache_request_latency
- cloud_ceph_monitoring
- cloud_gnocchi_status
- cloud_instance_count
- cloud_keystone_token_count
- cloud_rabbitmq_monitoring
- cloud_system_performance_comparsion
- cloud_total_memory_usage
- gnocchi_performance
- iostat
- three_node_performance_food_groups
- openstack_ironic_metrics
- cpu
- memory
- disk
- disks_all
- network
- log
- template_name: openstack
template_node_type: undercloud
process_list_name: OpenStack-Undercloud
- template_name: openstack
template_node_type: controller
process_list_name: OpenStack-Controller
- template_name: openstack
template_node_type: blockstorage
process_list_name: OpenStack-BlockStorage
- template_name: openstack
template_node_type: objectstorage
process_list_name: OpenStack-ObjectStorage
- template_name: openstack
template_node_type: cephstorage
process_list_name: OpenStack-CephStorage
- template_name: openstack
template_node_type: compute
process_list_name: OpenStack-Compute
- template_name: openstack
template_node_type: "*"
process_list_name: OpenStack
# Non-OpenStack specific dashboards that are included:
- template_name: baremetal
process_list_name: Baremetal
- template_name: guest
process_list_name: Guest
- template_name: graphite
process_list_name: Graphite
- grafana-dashboards
environment: "{{proxy_env}}"