Learning the Ansible API for this migration. Very simple script that will use the browbeat checks + Added Pbench start/stop 01/11/16 + Moved ansible to config 01/11/16 + Adding ansible hosts option 01/11/16 + Connmon added (start/stop) still nothing with results 01/12/16 + New Rally YAML format... (nova example) 01/12/16 + Create results directory 01/12/16 + Created lib with classes 01/13/16 + Updated Scenarios 01/14/16 + Updated other workloads to new format 01/15/16 + Switched to dict get method 01/15/16 + Removed pyc files and updated 01/15/16 + updated genhost file 01/15/16 + Update Ansible for connmon finished pbench work 01/15/16 + Catch if user tries to run without Ansible or Ansible2 01/26/16 + Minor changes 01/26/16 + Bug fix... 01/27/16 + (akrzos) added keystone yamls and browbeat-complete.yaml + Moved BrowbeatRally to Rally and broke connmon out of Tools + (akrzos) Implemented per Rally test scenario task args. + Updated Docs, removed old browbeat.sh + (akrzos) Cleaned up lib/Rally.py and added cinder scenarios to browbeat configs. + Fix Connmon install issue + (akrzos) Added parameters to neutron task yamls + (akrzos) Changed connmon to stop logging immediately after rally task completes. Change-Id: I338c3463e25f38c2ec7667c7dfc8b5424acba8c2
Ansible for Browbeat
Currently we only support Ansible 1.9.4.
Playbooks for:
- Install Browbeat
- Install connmon
- Install pbench
- Install shaker
- Check overcloud for performance issues
- Adjust number of workers for nova/keystone
- Deploy keystone in eventlet/httpd
- Switch keystone token type to UUID/Fernet
To use
Install your public key into stack's authorized_keys
# ssh-copy-id stack@<undercloud-ip>
Then run gen_hosts.sh script to generate your overcloud's hosts file for ansible and generate a "jumpbox" ssh config:
# ./gen_hostfile.sh <undercloud-ip> ~/.ssh/config
**Review the hosts file the script generates.
Ansible Installers:
Install Browbeat
# ansible-playbook -i hosts install/browbeat.yml
Install Connmon
# ansible-playbook -i hosts install/connmon.yml
Install Pbench (Requires some knowledge of setting up pbench to have this functionality work completely)
# ansible-playbook -i hosts install/pbench.yml
Install Shaker
# ansible-playbook -i hosts install/shaker.yml
Performance Checks:
Run the check playbook to identify common performance issues:
# ansible-playbook -i hosts check/site.yml
Adjust your overcloud:
To modify the number of workers each service is running:
# ansible-playbook -i hosts browbeat/adjustment.yml -e "workers=8"
Nova and Keystone will be running 8 workers per service.
To modify number of workers each service is running and ensure Keystone is deployed in eventlet:
# ansible-playbook -i hosts browbeat/adjustment.yml -e "workers=8 keystone_deployment=eventlet"
To run Keystone in httpd, change keystone_deployment to httpd:
# ansible-playbook -i hosts browbeat/adjustment.yml -e "workers=8 keystone_deployment=httpd"
To switch to fernet tokens:
# ansible-playbook -i hosts browbeat/keystone_token_type.yml -e "token_provider=fernet"
To switch to UUID tokens:
# ansible-playbook -i hosts browbeat/keystone_token_type.yml -e "token_provider=uuid"