Sanjay Chari 9c70924dc3 Refactor stress-ng workload
This patch refactors the stress-ng workload code
to make it easier to integrate with dynamic workloads.
A parameter has been added for nova_api_version as this is required
in dynamic workloads to use tags for VMs.
The file has been renamed to
and stress-ng.yml to stress_ng.yml, in order to adhere to Python
module naming conventions. Without this change, a syntax error occurs
while importing the module. Common code that can be used for dynamic
workloads has been moved to a new file called

Browbeat results and logs :

Change-Id: Ifdcdd1e91658f48d6b19275446f1fb3df4e9575f
2022-10-07 12:16:20 +05:30

795 lines
26 KiB

# Basic set of initial stress tests to test overcloud before running complete set of benchmarks.
cloud_name: openstack
rerun: 1
# Two types of rerun:
# iteration reruns on the iteration
# complete reruns after all workloads complete
# rerun_type: complete
rerun_type: iteration
# This option enables starting collectd before running workloads,
# and stopping collectd after running workloads. It should be enabled
# when it is required to store collectd data only when workloads
# are running. Please install collectd by running the command
# "cd ansible;ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml -vvv install/collectd.yml" before
# setting this option to true.
start_stop_collectd: true
hosts: ansible/hosts.yml
metadata_playbook: ansible/gather/stockpile.yml
logging_playbook: ansible/common_logging/browbeat_logging.yml
start_collectd_playbook: ansible/install/start-collectd.yml
stop_collectd_playbook: ansible/install/stop-collectd.yml
check_collectd_config_playbook: ansible/install/check-collectd-config.yml
ssh_config: /home/stack/.ssh/config
enabled: false
port: 9200
regather: false
- name: hardware-metadata
file: metadata/hardware-metadata.json
- name: environment-metadata
file: metadata/environment-metadata.json
- name: software-metadata
file: metadata/software-metadata.json
- name: version
file: metadata/version.json
enabled: false
port: 3000
- openstack-general-system-performance
enabled: false
sleep_before: 5
sleep_after: 5
- glance: rally/rally-plugins/glance
- neutron: rally/rally-plugins/neutron
- netcreate-boot: rally/rally-plugins/netcreate-boot
- octavia: rally/rally-plugins/octavia
- cinder: rally/rally-plugins/cinder
- nova: rally/rally-plugins/nova
- browbeat: rally/rally-plugins/browbeat
- workloads: rally/rally-plugins/workloads
- dynamic-workloads: rally/rally-plugins/dynamic-workloads
- reports: rally/rally-plugins/reports
- manila: rally/rally-plugins/manila
port: 5555
flavor: m1.small
join_timeout: 600
sleep_before: 0
sleep_after: 0
shaker_region: regionOne
# file for shaker should be one of
# Shaker
- name: shaker-l2
enabled: false
type: shaker
density: 1
compute: 1
progression: linear
time: 60
file: dense_l2.yaml
- name: shaker-l3-north-south
enabled: false
type: shaker
placement: double_room
density: 1
compute: 1
progression: null
time: 60
file: dense_l3_north_south.yaml
- name: shaker-l3-east-west
enabled: false
type: shaker
density: 1
compute: 1
time: 60
file: dense_l3_east_west.yaml
# Rally
- name: authenticate
enabled: false
type: rally
rally_deployment: overcloud
- 8
times: 100
- name: authentic-keystone
enabled: true
file: rally/authenticate/keystone-cc.yml
- name: authentic-neutron
enabled: true
file: rally/authenticate/validate_neutron-cc.yml
- name: authentic-nova
enabled: true
file: rally/authenticate/validate_nova-cc.yml
- name: cinder
enabled: false
type: rally
rally_deployment: overcloud
- 2
times: 10
- name: create-attach-volume-cirros
enabled: true
image_name: cirro5
flavor_name: m1.tiny-cirros
file: rally/cinder/cinder-create-and-attach-volume-cc.yml
- name: create-and-list-snapshots
enabled: true
size: 1
file: rally/cinder/cinder-create-and-list-snapshots.yml
- name: create-and-list-volume
enabled: true
size: 1
file: rally/cinder/cinder-create-and-list-volume.yml
- name: create-and-update-volume
enabled: true
size: 1
file: rally/cinder/cinder-create-and-update-volume.yml
- name: create-attach-and-detach-volume
enabled: true
image_name: cirro5
flavor_name: m1.tiny
file: rally/rally-plugins/cinder/boot_vm_attach_detach_volume.yml
- name: keystonebasic
enabled: false
type: rally
rally_deployment: overcloud
- 8
times: 100
- name: create-and-list-tenants
enabled: false
file: rally/keystonebasic/create_and_list_tenants-cc.yml
- name: create-and-list-users
enabled: true
file: rally/keystonebasic/create_and_list_users-cc.yml
- name: neutron
enabled: false
type: rally
rally_deployment: overcloud
- 2
times: 10
- name: create-list-network
enabled: true
file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-list-network-cc.yml
- name: create-update-network
enabled: false
file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-update-network-cc.yml
admin_state_up: False
- name: create-delete-network
enabled: false
file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-delete-network-cc.yml
- name: create-list-port
enabled: true
file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-list-port-cc.yml
- name: create-update-port
enabled: false
file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-update-port-cc.yml
network_create_args: {}
port_create_args: {}
ports_per_network: 5
admin_state_up: False
device_id: "dummy_id"
device_owner: "dummy_owner"
- name: create-delete-port
enabled: false
file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-delete-port-cc.yml
network_create_args: {}
port_create_args: {}
ports_per_network: 5
- name: create-list-router
enabled: true
file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-list-router-cc.yml
- name: create-update-router
enabled: false
file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-update-router-cc.yml
network_create_args: {}
subnet_create_args: {}
subnet_cidr_start: ""
subnets_per_network: 2
router_create_args: {}
admin_state_up: False
- name: create-delete-router
enabled: false
file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-delete-router-cc.yml
network_create_args: {}
subnet_create_args: {}
subnet_cidr_start: ""
subnets_per_network: 2
router_create_args: {}
- name: create-list-security-group
enabled: true
file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-list-security-group-cc.yml
- name: create-list-subnet
enabled: true
file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-list-subnet-cc.yml
- name: create-update-subnets
enabled: false
file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-update-subnet-cc.yml
network_create_args: {}
subnet_create_args: {}
subnet_cidr_start: ""
subnets_per_network: 2
enable_dhcp: true
- name: create-delete-subnets
enabled: false
file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-delete-subnet-cc.yml
network_create_args: {}
subnet_create_args: {}
subnet_cidr_start: ""
subnets_per_network: 2
- name: create-list-trunks
enabled: true
subport_count: 10
file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-list-trunks.yml
- name: boot-server-with-subports
enabled: true
flavor_name: m1.small
image_name: centos7
subport_count: 10
file: rally/neutron/neutron-boot-server-with-subports.yml
- name: boot-server-and-add-subports
enabled: true
flavor_name: m1.small
image_name: centos7
subport_count: 10
file: rally/neutron/neutron-boot-server-and-add-subports.yml
- name: boot-server-and-batch-add-subports
enabled: true
flavor_name: m1.small
image_name: centos7
subports_per_batch: 10
batches: 5
file: rally/neutron/neutron-boot-server-and-batch-add-subports.yml
- name: heat
enabled: false
type: rally
rally_deployment: overcloud
- 8
times: 16
- name: create-and-delete-stack-resource-group
enabled: false
num_instances: 2
instance_image: cirro5
instance_volume_size: 1
instance_flavor: m1.tiny-cirros
instance_availability_zone: nova
file: rally/heat/create-and-delete-stack-resource-group.yaml
# specify the updated_template_path as per the use case from "rally/heat/templates/"
# use 'updated-random-strings-add.yaml.template' for adding resources to the existing stack
# use 'updated-random-strings-delete.yaml.template' for delete
# use 'updated-random-strings-replace.yaml.template' for replace
- name: create-update-delete-stack
enabled: false
updated_template_path: rally/heat/templates/updated-random-strings-replace.yaml.template
file: rally/heat/create-update-delete-stack.yaml
- name: nova
enabled: false
type: rally
rally_deployment: overcloud
- 2
times: 10
- name: boot-snapshot-delete-cirros
enabled: true
file: rally/nova/nova-boot-snapshot-cc.yml
image_name: cirro5
flavor_name: m1.tiny-cirros
- name: boot-list-cirros
enabled: true
image_name: cirro5
file: rally/nova/nova-boot-list-cc.yml
flavor_name: m1.tiny-cirros
- name: boot-show-cirros
enabled: true
image_name: cirro5
file: rally/nova/nova-boot-show-cc.yml
flavor_name: m1.tiny-cirros
- name: boot-bounce-delete-cirros
enabled: true
image_name: cirro5
file: rally/nova/nova-boot-bounce-delete-cc.yml
flavor_name: m1.tiny-cirros
- name: boot-lock-unlock-cirros
enabled: true
image_name: cirro5
file: rally/nova/nova-lock-unlock-cc.yml
flavor_name: m1.tiny-cirros
- name: boot_server_from_volume_and_resize
enabled: true
image_name: cirro5
file: rally/nova/nova-boot-from-volume-and-resize.yml
initial_flavor_name: m1.tiny-cirros
final_flavor_name: m1.small
- name: glance
enabled: false
type: rally
rally_deployment: overcloud
- 2
times: 10
- name: create-and-delete-image
enabled: true
image_location: /home/stack/cirros.qcow2
container_format: bare
disk_format: qcow2
file: rally/glance/create-and-delete-image-cc.yml
- name: octavia
enabled: false
type: rally
rally_deployment: overcloud
- 2
times: 10
- name: create-and-list-loadbalancers
enabled: true
sla_max_failure: 0
file: rally/octavia/octavia-create-list-loadbalancers.yml
- name: create-and-stats-show-loadbalancers
enabled: true
file: rally/octavia/octavia-create-stats-show-loadbalancers.yml
sla_max_failure: 0
- name: create-and-show-loadbalancers
enabled: true
file: rally/octavia/octavia-create-show-loadbalancers.yml
sla_max_failure: 0
- name: create-and-update-loadbalancers
enabled: true
file: rally/octavia/octavia-create-update-loadbalancers.yml
sla_max_failure: 0
- name: create-and-delete-loadbalancers
enabled: true
file: rally/octavia/octavia-create-delete-loadbalancers.yml
sla_max_failure: 0
- name: create-and-list-pools
enabled: true
sla_max_failure: 0
file: rally/octavia/octavia-create-list-pools.yml
- name: create-and-show-pools
enabled: true
file: rally/octavia/octavia-create-show-pools.yml
sla_max_failure: 0
- name: create-and-update-pools
enabled: true
file: rally/octavia/octavia-create-update-pools.yml
sla_max_failure: 0
- name: create-and-delete-pools
enabled: true
file: rally/octavia/octavia-create-delete-pools.yml
sla_max_failure: 0
- name: simple-plugins
enabled: false
type: rally
rally_deployment: overcloud
- 8
times: 10
- name: nova-boot-in-batches-with-delay
enabled: true
image_name: cirro5
flavor_name: m1.tiny-cirros
# Time to throttle VM boot in seconds
delay_time: 600
# Number of iterations that can run before delay is introduced
# iterations_per_batch should always be greater than concurrency.
iterations_per_batch: 10
# Number of iterations that should be delayed per batch.
# For example, if iterations_per_batch is 3000 and num_iterations_to_delay
# is 50, iterations 3000-3050, 6000-6050.... will be delayed.
# Setting this value to a small multiple(1x or 2x) of the concurrency is optimal.
# num_iterations_to_delay should always be lesser than iterations_per_batch.
num_iterations_to_delay: 8
num_tenant_networks: 1
file: rally/rally-plugins/nova/nova_boot_in_batches_with_delay.yml
- name: netcreate-boot
enabled: true
enable_dhcp: true
image_name: cirro5
flavor_name: m1.tiny-cirros
file: rally/rally-plugins/netcreate-boot/netcreate_nova_boot.yml
- name: netcreate-boot-one-network
enabled: true
enable_dhcp: true
num_vms: 4
image_name: cirro5
flavor_name: m1.tiny-cirros
file: rally/rally-plugins/netcreate-boot/netcreate_nova_boot_vms_on_single_network.yml
- name: netcreate-boot-ping
enabled: true
num_vms: 4
image_name: cirro5
flavor_name: m1.tiny-cirros
file: rally/rally-plugins/netcreate-boot/netcreate_nova_boot_fip_ping.yml
- name: netcreate-boot-ping-sec-group
enabled: true
num_vms: 4
num_sg: 2
num_sgr: 3
image_name: cirro5
flavor_name: m1.tiny-cirros
file: rally/rally-plugins/netcreate-boot/netcreate_nova_boot_fip_ping_sec_groups.yml
- name: netcreate-boot-test-metadata
enabled: true
image_name: cirro5
flavor_name: m1.tiny-cirros
username: cirros
ssh_timeout: 120
file: rally/rally-plugins/netcreate-boot/netcreate_nova_boot_test_metadata.yml
- name: router-subnet-create-delete
enabled: true
num_networks: 5
file: rally/rally-plugins/neutron/router_subnet_create_delete.yml
- name: glance-create-boot-delete
enabled: true
image_location: /home/stack/cirros.qcow2
flavor_name: m1.xtiny
file: rally/rally-plugins/glance/glance_create_boot_delete.yml
- name: neutron-securitygroup-port
enabled: true
file: rally/rally-plugins/neutron/securitygroup_port.yml
- name: create-vm-with-volume-list
enabled: true
image_name: centos7
flavor_name: m1.small
file: rally/rally-plugins/cinder/boot_vm_attach_volume_list.yml
- name: octavia-create-loadbalancer-resources
enabled: true
image_name: cirro5
flavor_name: m1.tiny-cirros
user: cirros
protocol: HTTP
lb_algorithm: ROUND_ROBIN
protocol_port: 80
num_clients: 1
file: rally/rally-plugins/octavia/octavia-create-loadabalancer-resources.yml
- name: octavia-fully-populated-loadbalancer
enabled: true
image_name: custom-cirros
flavor_name: m1.tiny-cirros
num_lb: 1
user: "cirros"
file: rally/rally-plugins/octavia/octavia-fully-populated-loadbalancer.yml
- name: octavia-create-loadbalancer-listeners-pools-members
enabled: true
image_name: custom-cirros
flavor_name: m1.tiny-cirros
protocol: HTTP
lb_algorithm: ROUND_ROBIN
protocol_port: 80
num_pools: 2
num_clients: 2
user: "cirros"
user_data_file: /home/stack/user_data.file
file: rally/rally-plugins/octavia/octavia-create-loadabalancer-listeners-pools-members.yml
- name: trunk-network-simulation
enabled: false
num_subports: 1
file: ./rally/rally-plugins/netcreate-boot/trunk_network_simulation.yml
# provider_phys_net should be provider physical network name.
# Please don't create any vlan interfaces on the physical interface used with this provider type.
# So use a dedicated interface with provider bridge mappings.
# Provide the MAC address of this interface you find in the undercloud.
# Workload will prepare a scapy packet using the interface name and mac.
- name: provider-netcreate-boot-ping
enabled: true
enable_dhcp: true
num_vms: 1
image_name: custom-cirros
flavor_name: m1.tiny-cirros
provider_phys_net: "provider"
iface_name: "ens7f0"
iface_mac: "3c:fd:fe:c1:8c:70"
file: rally/rally-plugins/netcreate-boot/provider_netcreate_nova_boot_ping.yml
- name: nova-boot-from-context-provider-networks-ping
# Creates provider networks as part of rally context. Number of VMs booted is equal to times.
# VMs are booted on the provider networks in round robin order.
enabled: true
num_provider_networks: 8
image_name: cirro5
flavor_name: m1.tiny-cirros
provider_phys_net: "provider"
iface_name: "ens7f0"
iface_mac: "3c:fd:fe:c1:8c:70"
cidr_prefix: "172.31"
ping_timeout: 30
file: rally/rally-plugins/netcreate-boot/nova_boot_from_context_provider_networks_ping.yml
- name: swift
enabled: false
type: rally
rally_deployment: overcloud
- 1
times: 1
# object_size: size of created swift objects in byte
- name: create-container-and-object-then-delete-all
enabled: false
objects_per_container: 10
object_size: 1024
file: rally/swift/create-container-and-object-then-delete-all.yaml
- name: create-container-and-object-then-list-objects
enabled: false
objects_per_container: 10
object_size: 1024
file: rally/swift/create-container-and-object-then-list-objects.yaml
- name: list-objects-in-containers
enabled: true
objects_per_container: 10
object_size: 1024
containers_per_tenant: 1
file: rally/swift/list-objects-in-containers.yaml
- name: plugin-workloads
enabled: false
type: rally
rally_deployment: overcloud
- 1
times: 1
- name: linpack
enabled: false
image_name: browbeat-linpack
flavor_name: m1.small
file: rally/rally-plugins/workloads/linpack.yml
- name: sysbench
enabled: false
user: root
image_name: browbeat-sysbench
flavor_name: m1.small
# test_name: Type of Sysbench Benchmark to be run. Example: cpu
test_name: cpu
file: rally/rally-plugins/workloads/sysbench.yml
- name: browbeat-pbench-uperf
enabled: false
user: root
image_name: browbeat-uperf
flavor_name: m1.small
# hypervisor_server: "nova:overcloud-compute-1.localdomain"
# hypervisor_client: "nova:overcloud-compute-0.localdomain"
protocols: tcp,udp
instances: 1
num_pairs: 1
samples: 1
test_types: stream,rr
message_sizes: 64,1024,16384
test_name: "browbeat-pbench-uperf"
send_results: true
elastic_port: 9200
file: rally/rally-plugins/workloads/pbench-uperf.yml
- name: browbeat-abench
enabled: false
user: centos
image_name: browbeat-abench
flavor_name: m1.small
external_network: public
protocol: HTTP
lb_algorithm: ROUND_ROBIN
protocol_port: 80
num_clients: 2
total_requests: 1000
concurrency_level: 10
send_results: true
file: rally/rally-plugins/workloads/abench.yml
- name: browbeat-stress-ng
enabled: false
nova_api_version: 2.52
username: centos
image_name: browbeat-stress-ng
flavor_name: m1.small
ssh_timeout: 120
num_clients: 2
cpu: 4
io: 2
vm: 1
vm_bytes: '1G'
timeout: '60s'
file: rally/rally-plugins/workloads/stress_ng.yml
- name: dynamic-workloads
enabled: false
type: rally
rally_deployment: overcloud
- 1
times: 1
- name: dynamic-workload
enabled: false
# smallest image name and smallest flavor name are used for
# vm dynamic scenarios and for jumphost in trunk dynamic scenario.
smallest_image_name: cirro5
smallest_flavor_name: m1.tiny-cirros
num_create_vms: 10
num_delete_vms: 5
num_vms_to_create_with_fip: 10
num_vms_to_migrate: 5
num_stop_start_vms: 5
octavia_image_name: custom-cirros
octavia_flavor_name: m1.tiny-cirros
num_lbs: 4
num_pools: 2
num_clients: 2
delete_num_lbs: 2
delete_num_members: 1
user: cirros
#If num_pools > 2 you need to make the change in
#octavia-userdata.file ( NUM_POOLS = <num_pools>)
user_data_file: /home/stack/octavia-userdata.file
num_initial_subports: 1
num_trunk_vms: 1
num_add_subports_trunks: 1
num_add_subports: 1
num_delete_subports_trunks: 1
num_delete_subports: 1
provider_phys_net: "provider1"
iface_name: "ens7f0"
iface_mac: "3c:fd:fe:c1:73:40"
num_vms_provider_net: 2
e2e_kube_burner_job_iterations: 100
e2e_kube_burner_qps: 20
e2e_kube_burner_burst: 20
# e2e_kube_burner_workload can be poddensity, clusterdensity, maxnamespaces,
# or maxservices
e2e_kube_burner_workload: poddensity
- /home/stack/.kube/config
# External networks with /23 ranges will be created by dynamic workloads.
# All these external networks will share the first 16 bits.
cidr_prefix: "172.31"
# num_external_networks are the number of the external networks to be
# created as part of rally context for dynamic workloads. These external
# networks will be used in a round robin fashion by the iterations.
num_external_networks: 16
# workloads can be 'all', a single workload(Eg. : create_delete_servers),
# or a comma separated string(Eg. : create_delete_servers,migrate_servers).
# Currently supported workloads : create_delete_servers, migrate_servers
# swap_floating_ips_between_servers, stop_start_servers, create_loadbalancers,
# delete_loadbalancers, delete_members_random_lb, pod_fip_simulation,
# add_subports_to_random_trunks, delete_subports_from_random_trunks,
# swap_floating_ips_between_random_subports, provider_netcreate_nova_boot_ping,
# provider_net_nova_boot_ping, provider_net_nova_delete, e2e_kube_burner, ocp_on_osp
# Note: Octavia, Provider, e2e_kube_burner and ocp_on_osp scenarios are not included in 'all'
# by default, and have to be included separately.
# Steps for running ocp_on_osp workload, given that underlying openstack has been
# deployed with necessary dependencies:
# 1) Pass your pull secret in ocp_on_osp/vars/shift_stack_vars.yaml
# 2) If you want to change any default params(like ocp_version, worker count, master and worker flavors, etc), refer to ocp_on_osp/vars/shift_stack_vars.yml
# 3) Run "ansible-playbook -vvv ocp_on_osp/ocp_bootstrap.yml"
# 4) And then run ocp_on_osp workload. NOTE: use "ansible-playbook -vvv ocp_on_osp/ocp_cleanup.yml" for the clean up.
workloads: all
file: rally/rally-plugins/dynamic-workloads/dynamic_workload.yml
- name: dynamic-workloads-min
enabled: false
type: rally
rally_deployment: overcloud
- 1
times: 1
- name: dynamic-workload-min
enabled: false
# smallest image name and smallest flavor name are used for
# vm dynamic scenarios.
smallest_image_name: cirro5
smallest_flavor_name: m1.tiny-cirros
num_create_vms: 10
num_delete_vms: 5
num_vms_to_create_with_fip: 10
num_vms_to_migrate: 5
num_stop_start_vms: 5
workloads: all
file: rally/rally-plugins/dynamic-workloads/dynamic_workload_min.yml
- name: manila
enabled: false
type: rally
rally_deployment: overcloud
- 1
times: 1
- name: create-share-network-and-list
enabled: true
file: rally/manila/create-share-network-and-list.yaml
- name: create-share-network-and-delete
enabled: true
file: rally/manila/create-share-network-and-delete.yaml
- name: create-share-and-shrink
enabled: true
share_type: default
share_proto: "nfs"
file: rally/manila/create-share-and-shrink.yaml
- name: create-share-and-extend
enabled: true
share_type: default
share_proto: "nfs"
file: rally/manila/create-share-and-extend.yaml
- name: create-share-allow-and-deny-access
enabled: true
share_type: default
share_proto: "nfs"
access: ""
access_type: "ip"
file: rally/manila/create-share-allow-and-deny-access.yml
- name: create-share-boot-vm-mount-share-write-delete-vm-share
enabled: true
flavor_name: m1.small
image_name: centos7
user: centos
share_type: default
file: rally/rally-plugins/manila/create-share-boot-vm-mount-share-write-delete-vm-share.yml