Will Foster a1a31ed87f Make kibana user/pass variables.
This adds two new variables to ../install/group_vars/all.yml

kibana_user and kibana_password

Change-Id: I91b260e851ded3259ee39764356b30895eaf3acb
2016-10-14 13:52:16 +00:00

153 lines
5.1 KiB

# Install/run kibana for browbeat
- name: Copy kibana yum repo file
become: true
# We need to insert data to create an initial index, query if it exists
- name: Check elasticsearch index for content
register: elasticsearch_index
# Populate elasticsearch with local logs if using logstash
- name: Populate elasticsearch index with local logs via logstash
shell: cat /var/log/messages | /opt/logstash/bin/logstash -f /etc/logstash/conf.d/10-syslog.conf
when: "'logstash-' not in elasticsearch_index.content"
ignore_errors: true
no_log: true
- name: Install local rsyslogd for fluentd
yum: name={{ item }} state=present
become: true
- rsyslog
when: (logging_backend == 'fluentd')
- name: Setup local rsyslogd for fluentd
lineinfile: dest=/etc/rsyslog.conf \
line="*.* @localhost:{{ fluentd_syslog_port }}"
when: (logging_backend == 'fluentd')
register: rsyslog_updated
- name: Populate elasticsearch index with local logs via fluentd
command: systemctl restart rsyslog.service
ignore_errors: true
when: rsyslog_updated != 0
- name: Install kibana rpms
yum: name={{ item }} state=present
become: true
- kibana
- unzip
- name: Check kibana filebeat dashboards
stat: path=/tmp/filebeat-dashboards.zip
ignore_errors: true
register: kibana_dashboards_present
- name: Copy kibana filebeat dashboards
become: true
ignore_errors: true
when: kibana_dashboards_present != 0
- name: Install kibana filebeat dashboards
unarchive: src=/tmp/filebeat-dashboards.zip dest=/tmp/ copy=no
ignore_errors: true
when: kibana_dashboards_present != 0
- name: Validate kibana load.sh script is available for use
path: /tmp/beats-dashboards-master/load.sh
ignore_errors: true
register: kibana_dashboards_load_sh_present
- name: Configure kibana filebeat dashboards
shell: sh /tmp/beats-dashboards-master/load.sh -url "http://localhost:9200" -user "{{kibana_user}}:{{kibana_password}}"
ignore_errors: true
when: kibana_dashboards_load_sh_present != 0
# Skip ANSIBLE0013 Use shell only when shell functionality is required
# Shell required here during script execution
- skip_ansible_lint
- name: Check kibana users
stat: path=/etc/nginx/htpasswd.users
ignore_errors: true
register: kibana_user_pwfile_exists
- name: Create kibana admin user
command: htpasswd -b -c /etc/nginx/htpasswd.users {{kibana_user}} {{kibana_password}}
ignore_errors: true
when: kibana_user_pwfile_exists != 0
- name: Setup kibana service
service: name=kibana state=started enabled=true
become: true
- name: Check Filebeat forwarder SSL certificate
stat: path=/etc/pki/tls/certs/filebeat-forwarder.crt
ignore_errors: true
register: filebeat_forwarder_ssl_exists
- name: Create client forwarder SSL certificate
command: openssl req -subj '/CN={{ ansible_fqdn }}/' -config /etc/pki/tls/openssl_extras.cnf \
-x509 -days 3650 -batch -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/pki/tls/private/filebeat-forwarder.key \
-out /etc/pki/tls/certs/filebeat-forwarder.crt
ignore_errors: true
when: filebeat_forwarder_ssl_exists != 0
- name: Check Filebeat forwarder SSL certificate copy
stat: path=/usr/share/nginx/html/filebeat-forwarder.crt
ignore_errors: true
register: filebeat_forwarder_ssl_client_copy_exists
- name: Copy Filebeat forwarder SSL certificate
command: cp /etc/pki/tls/certs/filebeat-forwarder.crt /usr/share/nginx/html/filebeat-forwarder.crt
ignore_errors: true
when: filebeat_forwarder_ssl_client_copy_exists != 0
- name: Refresh logstash service
command: systemctl restart logstash.service
ignore_errors: true
when: (logging_backend != 'fluentd')
become: true
- name: Refresh fluentd service
command: systemctl restart td-agent.service
when: (logging_backend == 'fluentd')
become: true
- name: Print SSL post-setup information
debug: msg="Filebeat SSL Certificate available at http://{{ ansible_fqdn }}:{{ elk_server_ssl_cert_port }}/filebeat-forwarder.crt"
when: (logging_backend != 'fluentd')
- name: Print post-setup URL
debug: msg="*** ELK Services available at http://{{ ansible_fqdn }}:{{ nginx_kibana_port }} ***"
- name: Print index creation instructions
debug: msg="** 1) Navigate to http://{{ ansible_fqdn }}:{{ nginx_kibana_port }} and login with admin/admin, click 'create' on the green index button ***"
- name: Print filebeat openstack client setup instructions
debug: msg="** 2) Run ansible-playbook -i hosts install/elk-openstack-client.yml --extra-vars 'elk_server={{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}' to setup OpenStack clients ***"
- name: Print filebeat client setup instructions
debug: msg="** 2) Run ansible-playbook -i hosts install/elk-client.yml --extra-vars 'elk_server={{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}' to setup clients ***"