Moves bug report save location to the playbook directory on the machine running ansible, I feel that this is an odd place to put anything but it seems to be intended behavior. This commit changes where the bug report is saved and where the CI script checks for the output file, until a consistent version of this is checked in CI will fail often. Change-Id: I94d221d718fb13779bf056ae83376851f82a355b
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# Playbook to check OSP install for common performance tuning issues
- hosts: localhost
name: Get MySQL Tuner Script
gather_facts: false
ansible_connection: local
- name: Get MySQL Tuner Script
get_url: url={{mysql_tuner_script}} dest={{playbook_dir}}
- hosts: undercloud
name: Checking Undercloud for common Performance Issues
remote_user: stack
- common
- controller
- undercloud
- keystone
- neutron
- nova
- hosts: controller
name: Checking Controller Nodes for common Performance Issues
remote_user: heat-admin
- common
- controller
- keystone
- neutron
- nova
- glance
- gnocchi
- hosts: compute
name: Checking Compute Nodes for common Performance Issues
remote_user: heat-admin
- common
- compute
- nova
- hosts: ceph
name: Checking Ceph Hosts for common Performance Issues
remote_user: heat-admin
- common
- ceph
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: False
become: false
ansible_python_interpreter: "/usr/bin/python"
name: Generating bug report
- file: "path={{result_dir}} state=directory"
- template: src=templates/bug_report.j2 dest={{result_dir}}/bug_report.log
become: false
- template: src=templates/mysql_report.j2 dest={{result_dir}}/mysql_report.log
become: false
- replace: dest={{result_dir}}/mysql_report.log regexp='\[([^\s+]+)' replace=''
- replace: dest={{result_dir}}/mysql_report.log regexp='\r' replace=''