This patch adds support to pass multiple Rally result json files as arguments to the Google Sheet generation script. This helps in comparison between results of different runs. Change-Id: Ic833b10b3fb94e8d5771a5ab3235576fedebfec6
252 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
252 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Rally generates a json file with data about atomic actions duration from each iteration.
# These atomic actions often occur multiple times within one iteration.
# This script allows a user to generate a CSV file and also has an option to
# generate a Google Sheet about individual resource
# duration through the Rally json file. To use the script to upload the CSV file to Google Sheets,
# a Google Drive service account is required.
# The script sends an email to the email id of the user with the Google sheet
# if the --uploadgooglesheet option is enabled.
# To generate only CSV files and not upload to Google Sheets :
# $ source .browbeat-venv/bin/activate && cd utils
# $ python rally_google_sheet_gen.py -c -f <path to directory to write csv file locally>
# -j <path to rally json file>
# -a <space separated list of atomic actions(Eg.: boot_server create_network)>
# To only upload to Google Sheets and not generate CSV files :
# $ source .browbeat-venv/bin/activate && cd utils
# $ python rally_google_sheet_gen.py
# -j <path to rally json file>
# -a <space separated list of atomic actions(Eg.: boot_server create_network)> -g
# -s <path to google service account json credentials file>
# -e <email id of user> -n <name of google sheet to be created>
# To only upload to Google Sheets along with SLA failures and not generate CSV files :
# $ source .browbeat-venv/bin/activate && cd utils
# $ python rally_google_sheet_gen.py
# -j <path to rally json file>
# -a <space separated list of atomic actions(Eg.: boot_server create_network)> -g
# -v <space separated list of max durations as per SLA criteria(Eg.: 10 20 120)>
# Note: The ordering of the max durations must match the ordering of atomic actions.
# -s <path to google service account json credentials file>
# -e <email id of user> -n <name of google sheet to be created>
# To generate a CSV file and upload to Google Sheets :
# $ source .browbeat-venv/bin/activate && cd utils
# $ python rally_google_sheet_gen.py -c -f <path to directory to write csv file locally>
# -j <path to rally json file>
# -a <space separated list of atomic actions(Eg.: boot_server create_network)> -g
# -s <path to google service account json credentials file>
# -e <email id of user> -n <name of google sheet to be created>
import json
import pandas as pd
import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
from gspread_formatting import cellFormat
from gspread_formatting import format_cell_range
from gspread_formatting import set_column_width
from gspread_dataframe import set_with_dataframe
import argparse
def add_atomic_action_data_to_df(json_file_paths, atomic_action, df_dict, df_sla_fail_dict,
sla_duration, sla_enabled):
"""Convert rally json data to csv file containing atomic action data
:param json_file_path: str, list containing paths to rally json files
:param atomic_action: str, atomic action to generate duration data
:param df_dict: dict, dict of dataframes from different atomic actions
:param df_sla_fail_dict: dict, dict of dataframes from different atomic actions that fails sla
:param sla_duration: int, max duration allowed as per sla
:param sla_enabled: bool, variable that determines whether sla criteria should be considered
for json_file_path in json_file_paths:
json_file = open(json_file_path)
json_data = json.load(json_file)
df = pd.DataFrame({"Resource Number": [], "Duration(in seconds)": []})
if sla_enabled:
df_sla_fail = pd.DataFrame({"Resource Number": [], "Duration(in seconds)": []})
resource_number = 1
for iteration in json_data[0]["result"]:
for atomic_action_json in iteration["atomic_actions"]:
if atomic_action in atomic_action_json:
atomic_action_duration = iteration["atomic_actions"][atomic_action_json]
df = df.append({"Resource Number": resource_number,
"Duration(in seconds)": atomic_action_duration},
if sla_enabled and atomic_action_duration > sla_duration:
df_sla_fail = df_sla_fail.append({"Resource Number": resource_number,
"Duration(in seconds)":
resource_number += 1
df_dict[(json_file_path, atomic_action)] = df
if sla_enabled:
df_sla_fail_dict[(json_file_path, atomic_action)] = df_sla_fail
print("Pandas DF for json file {} and atomic action {} generated successfully.".format(
json_file_path, atomic_action))
def generate_csv_from_df(csv_files_path, df_dict):
"""Generate csv files from pandas dataframe
:param csv_files_path: str, path of directory to generate csv files
:param df_dict: dict, dict of dataframes from different json files
for key in df_dict:
json_file_name = key[0].split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]
atomic_action = key[1]
df_dict[key].to_csv("{}/{}_{}.csv".format(csv_files_path, json_file_name, atomic_action))
print("{}/{}_{}.csv created successfully".format(csv_files_path,
json_file_name, atomic_action))
def push_to_gsheet(df_dict, df_sla_fail_dict, google_svc_acc_key, email_id, sheetname, sla_enabled):
"""Push csv file to Google Sheets
:param df_dict: dict, dict of dataframes from different atomic actions
:param df_sla_fail_dict: dict, dict of dataframes from different atomic actions that fails sla
:param google_svc_acc_key: str, path to json credentials for google service account
:param email_id: str, email id of user who will be given edit access to google sheet
:param sheetname: str, used as the name of the sheet that's going to be generated
:param sla_enabled: bool, variable that determines whether sla criteria should be considered
fmt = cellFormat(
scope = [
credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(google_svc_acc_key, scope)
gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)
sh = gc.create(sheetname)
for key in df_dict:
json_file_name = key[0].split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]
atomic_action = key[1]
ws_name = "{}_{}".format(json_file_name, atomic_action)
ws = sh.add_worksheet(ws_name, rows=len(df_dict[key]), cols=2)
set_with_dataframe(ws, df_dict[key])
format_cell_range(ws, "1:1000", fmt)
set_column_width(ws, "A", 290)
set_column_width(ws, "B", 190)
if sla_enabled:
ws_name_sla = ws_name + "_sla_fail"
ws = sh.add_worksheet(ws_name_sla,
rows=len(df_sla_fail_dict[key]), cols=2)
set_with_dataframe(ws, df_sla_fail_dict[key])
format_cell_range(ws, "1:1000", fmt)
set_column_width(ws, "A", 290)
set_column_width(ws, "B", 190)
sh.share(email_id, perm_type="user", role="writer")
spreadsheet_url = f"https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/{sh.id}"
print(f"Google Spreadsheet link -> {spreadsheet_url}\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
'-c', '--generatecsvfiles', action='store_true', required=False,
help='Flag to enable csv file generation', dest="generatecsvfiles"
"-f", "--csvfilespath", help="Path to directory to create CSV files",
nargs='?', required=False, dest="csvfilespath"
"-j", "--jsonfilepaths", help="Rally JSON file paths to scrape output from",
nargs='+', required=True, dest="jsonfilepaths",
"-a", "--atomicactions", help="Atomic actions to generate duration data",
nargs='+', required=True, dest="atomicactions",
'-g', '--uploadtogooglesheets', action='store_true', required=False,
help='Flag to enable upload to Google Sheets', dest="uploadtogooglesheets"
"-n", "--sheetname", help="Google Sheet name",
nargs='?', required=False, dest="sheetname"
"-s", "--googlesvcacckey", help="Google service account credentials",
nargs='?', required=False, dest="googlesvcacckey",
"-e", "--emailid", help="Email id to send result sheet",
nargs='?', required=False, dest="emailid",
"-v", "--sladuration", help="sla criteria for max duration",
nargs='+', required=False, dest="sladuration",
params = parser.parse_args()
if(params.generatecsvfiles and params.csvfilespath is None):
parser.error("{} requires {}.".format("--generatecsvfiles",
df_dict = {}
sla_durations = []
sla_enabled = True
df_sla_fail_dict = {}
if(params.uploadtogooglesheets and
(params.sheetname is None or params.googlesvcacckey is None or params.emailid is None)):
parser.error("{} requires {} and {} and {}.".format("--uploadtogooglesheets",
if params.sladuration is None:
sla_enabled = False
if sla_enabled:
if len(params.sladuration) != len(params.atomicactions):
errmsg = ' '.join(("Invalid arguments passed.",
"The number of Atomic actions and SLA durations doesn't match."))
raise Exception(errmsg)
for sla_duration in params.sladuration:
for i, atomic_action in enumerate(params.atomicactions):
sla_duration = -1
if sla_enabled:
sla_duration = sla_durations[i]
add_atomic_action_data_to_df(params.jsonfilepaths, atomic_action,
df_dict, df_sla_fail_dict, sla_duration, sla_enabled)
if params.generatecsvfiles:
generate_csv_from_df(params.csvfilespath, df_dict)
if params.uploadtogooglesheets:
push_to_gsheet(df_dict, df_sla_fail_dict, params.googlesvcacckey, params.emailid,
params.sheetname, sla_enabled)