Sanjay Chari da7b97c08a Google Sheets : Add support for run comparison
This patch adds support to pass multiple Rally
result json files as arguments to the Google Sheet
generation script. This helps in comparison between results
of different runs.

Change-Id: Ic833b10b3fb94e8d5771a5ab3235576fedebfec6
2022-08-08 16:45:40 +05:30

252 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Rally generates a json file with data about atomic actions duration from each iteration.
# These atomic actions often occur multiple times within one iteration.
# This script allows a user to generate a CSV file and also has an option to
# generate a Google Sheet about individual resource
# duration through the Rally json file. To use the script to upload the CSV file to Google Sheets,
# a Google Drive service account is required.
# The script sends an email to the email id of the user with the Google sheet
# if the --uploadgooglesheet option is enabled.
# To generate only CSV files and not upload to Google Sheets :
# $ source .browbeat-venv/bin/activate && cd utils
# $ python -c -f <path to directory to write csv file locally>
# -j <path to rally json file>
# -a <space separated list of atomic actions(Eg.: boot_server create_network)>
# To only upload to Google Sheets and not generate CSV files :
# $ source .browbeat-venv/bin/activate && cd utils
# $ python
# -j <path to rally json file>
# -a <space separated list of atomic actions(Eg.: boot_server create_network)> -g
# -s <path to google service account json credentials file>
# -e <email id of user> -n <name of google sheet to be created>
# To only upload to Google Sheets along with SLA failures and not generate CSV files :
# $ source .browbeat-venv/bin/activate && cd utils
# $ python
# -j <path to rally json file>
# -a <space separated list of atomic actions(Eg.: boot_server create_network)> -g
# -v <space separated list of max durations as per SLA criteria(Eg.: 10 20 120)>
# Note: The ordering of the max durations must match the ordering of atomic actions.
# -s <path to google service account json credentials file>
# -e <email id of user> -n <name of google sheet to be created>
# To generate a CSV file and upload to Google Sheets :
# $ source .browbeat-venv/bin/activate && cd utils
# $ python -c -f <path to directory to write csv file locally>
# -j <path to rally json file>
# -a <space separated list of atomic actions(Eg.: boot_server create_network)> -g
# -s <path to google service account json credentials file>
# -e <email id of user> -n <name of google sheet to be created>
import json
import pandas as pd
import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
from gspread_formatting import cellFormat
from gspread_formatting import format_cell_range
from gspread_formatting import set_column_width
from gspread_dataframe import set_with_dataframe
import argparse
def add_atomic_action_data_to_df(json_file_paths, atomic_action, df_dict, df_sla_fail_dict,
sla_duration, sla_enabled):
"""Convert rally json data to csv file containing atomic action data
:param json_file_path: str, list containing paths to rally json files
:param atomic_action: str, atomic action to generate duration data
:param df_dict: dict, dict of dataframes from different atomic actions
:param df_sla_fail_dict: dict, dict of dataframes from different atomic actions that fails sla
:param sla_duration: int, max duration allowed as per sla
:param sla_enabled: bool, variable that determines whether sla criteria should be considered
for json_file_path in json_file_paths:
json_file = open(json_file_path)
json_data = json.load(json_file)
df = pd.DataFrame({"Resource Number": [], "Duration(in seconds)": []})
if sla_enabled:
df_sla_fail = pd.DataFrame({"Resource Number": [], "Duration(in seconds)": []})
resource_number = 1
for iteration in json_data[0]["result"]:
for atomic_action_json in iteration["atomic_actions"]:
if atomic_action in atomic_action_json:
atomic_action_duration = iteration["atomic_actions"][atomic_action_json]
df = df.append({"Resource Number": resource_number,
"Duration(in seconds)": atomic_action_duration},
if sla_enabled and atomic_action_duration > sla_duration:
df_sla_fail = df_sla_fail.append({"Resource Number": resource_number,
"Duration(in seconds)":
resource_number += 1
df_dict[(json_file_path, atomic_action)] = df
if sla_enabled:
df_sla_fail_dict[(json_file_path, atomic_action)] = df_sla_fail
print("Pandas DF for json file {} and atomic action {} generated successfully.".format(
json_file_path, atomic_action))
def generate_csv_from_df(csv_files_path, df_dict):
"""Generate csv files from pandas dataframe
:param csv_files_path: str, path of directory to generate csv files
:param df_dict: dict, dict of dataframes from different json files
for key in df_dict:
json_file_name = key[0].split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]
atomic_action = key[1]
df_dict[key].to_csv("{}/{}_{}.csv".format(csv_files_path, json_file_name, atomic_action))
print("{}/{}_{}.csv created successfully".format(csv_files_path,
json_file_name, atomic_action))
def push_to_gsheet(df_dict, df_sla_fail_dict, google_svc_acc_key, email_id, sheetname, sla_enabled):
"""Push csv file to Google Sheets
:param df_dict: dict, dict of dataframes from different atomic actions
:param df_sla_fail_dict: dict, dict of dataframes from different atomic actions that fails sla
:param google_svc_acc_key: str, path to json credentials for google service account
:param email_id: str, email id of user who will be given edit access to google sheet
:param sheetname: str, used as the name of the sheet that's going to be generated
:param sla_enabled: bool, variable that determines whether sla criteria should be considered
fmt = cellFormat(
scope = [
credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(google_svc_acc_key, scope)
gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)
sh = gc.create(sheetname)
for key in df_dict:
json_file_name = key[0].split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]
atomic_action = key[1]
ws_name = "{}_{}".format(json_file_name, atomic_action)
ws = sh.add_worksheet(ws_name, rows=len(df_dict[key]), cols=2)
set_with_dataframe(ws, df_dict[key])
format_cell_range(ws, "1:1000", fmt)
set_column_width(ws, "A", 290)
set_column_width(ws, "B", 190)
if sla_enabled:
ws_name_sla = ws_name + "_sla_fail"
ws = sh.add_worksheet(ws_name_sla,
rows=len(df_sla_fail_dict[key]), cols=2)
set_with_dataframe(ws, df_sla_fail_dict[key])
format_cell_range(ws, "1:1000", fmt)
set_column_width(ws, "A", 290)
set_column_width(ws, "B", 190)
sh.share(email_id, perm_type="user", role="writer")
spreadsheet_url = f"{}"
print(f"Google Spreadsheet link -> {spreadsheet_url}\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
'-c', '--generatecsvfiles', action='store_true', required=False,
help='Flag to enable csv file generation', dest="generatecsvfiles"
"-f", "--csvfilespath", help="Path to directory to create CSV files",
nargs='?', required=False, dest="csvfilespath"
"-j", "--jsonfilepaths", help="Rally JSON file paths to scrape output from",
nargs='+', required=True, dest="jsonfilepaths",
"-a", "--atomicactions", help="Atomic actions to generate duration data",
nargs='+', required=True, dest="atomicactions",
'-g', '--uploadtogooglesheets', action='store_true', required=False,
help='Flag to enable upload to Google Sheets', dest="uploadtogooglesheets"
"-n", "--sheetname", help="Google Sheet name",
nargs='?', required=False, dest="sheetname"
"-s", "--googlesvcacckey", help="Google service account credentials",
nargs='?', required=False, dest="googlesvcacckey",
"-e", "--emailid", help="Email id to send result sheet",
nargs='?', required=False, dest="emailid",
"-v", "--sladuration", help="sla criteria for max duration",
nargs='+', required=False, dest="sladuration",
params = parser.parse_args()
if(params.generatecsvfiles and params.csvfilespath is None):
parser.error("{} requires {}.".format("--generatecsvfiles",
df_dict = {}
sla_durations = []
sla_enabled = True
df_sla_fail_dict = {}
if(params.uploadtogooglesheets and
(params.sheetname is None or params.googlesvcacckey is None or params.emailid is None)):
parser.error("{} requires {} and {} and {}.".format("--uploadtogooglesheets",
if params.sladuration is None:
sla_enabled = False
if sla_enabled:
if len(params.sladuration) != len(params.atomicactions):
errmsg = ' '.join(("Invalid arguments passed.",
"The number of Atomic actions and SLA durations doesn't match."))
raise Exception(errmsg)
for sla_duration in params.sladuration:
for i, atomic_action in enumerate(params.atomicactions):
sla_duration = -1
if sla_enabled:
sla_duration = sla_durations[i]
add_atomic_action_data_to_df(params.jsonfilepaths, atomic_action,
df_dict, df_sla_fail_dict, sla_duration, sla_enabled)
if params.generatecsvfiles:
generate_csv_from_df(params.csvfilespath, df_dict)
if params.uploadtogooglesheets:
push_to_gsheet(df_dict, df_sla_fail_dict, params.googlesvcacckey, params.emailid,
params.sheetname, sla_enabled)