+ Adjusted workloads to positional args and is flexiable to take: - ./ ---> Runs all worklaods in order: perfkit rally shaker - ./ all ---> Runs all workloads in order: perfkit rally shaker - ./ perfkit rally ---> Runs workloads in order: perfkit rally - ./ shaker rally perfkit ---> Runs workloads in order: shaker rally perfkit + --debug now displays debug messages in stdout in addition to previous locations it logged + --setup or -s to take a config, Defaults to browbeat-config.yaml (Same as before), Examples: - ./ -s browbeat-complete.yaml rally - ./ -s conf/browbeat-keystone-complete.yaml --debug + Use to allow cleaner importing of files under lib/ + Remove ansible version restriction in requirements.txt + Separate connmon config from browbeat config for clarity. Change-Id: Ifb74e5868be128fb378c7b052ba5a1bea46b4dff
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