Alex Krzos e7f2e5c2cb Add cfme general performance dashboard, break apart openstack vs generic dashboards.
+ Added Grafana Port to install vars
+ Parameterized Per Process component of General Dashboard to allow much faster deployment of Dashboarding Per process components on machine types.
+ Graph Graphite/Carbon Metrics in Graphite Dashboard
+ Added a few more workers for CFME to collect on in collectd

Change-Id: I6cf0488332cc0aa9816f11e34fc7f0429ee17eb7
2016-03-14 13:23:09 -04:00

13 lines
214 B

# Builds dashboards based on your ansible hosts for Openstack
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
ansible_connection: local
overwrite_existing: true
- dashboard-openstack