jkilpatr a8ef2462d7 Add StatsD support for Ironic
StatsD support works, working on dashboards

As documented here http://docs.openstack.org/developer/ironic/deploy/metrics.html
Ironic allows performance metrics to be dumped via StatsD, this installs StatsD
on the undercloud via epel, sets up a service for it, enables it, and updates
Ironic to use it.

Change-Id: I793d4d3211ecf6113bd4863a0672ea0cb0de9dd3
2017-02-01 20:49:35 +00:00

237 lines
7.4 KiB

# OpenStack Installer
tripleo: true
browbeat_path: /home/stack/browbeat
home_dir: /home/stack
# Configuration items to adjust browbeat results served through httpd
browbeat_results_port: 9001
browbeat_results_in_httpd: true
supported_distro: ((ansible_distribution == "CentOS" && ansible_distribution_major_version >= "7") or
(ansible_distribution == "RedHat" && ansible_distribution_major_version >= "7"))
# Login user for the remote hosts
host_remote_user: heat-admin
# Login user for the local/jump machine
local_remote_user: stack
# The Overcloud RC file
overcloudrc: /home/stack/overcloudrc
# The Overcloud CA cert file
# overcloud_ca_path: /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/overcloud.crt.pem
# The default Browbeat venv
browbeat_venv: /home/stack/browbeat-venv
# The default Rally venv
rally_venv: /home/stack/rally-venv
# Rally version to install
rally_version: 0.8.1
# The default Shaker venv
shaker_venv: /home/stack/shaker-venv
# Shaker version to Install
shaker_version: 0.0.16
# PerfKitBenchmarker Settings
perfkit_venv: /home/stack/perfkit-venv
perfkit_version: v1.7.0
# Guest images for the Overcloud
url: http://cloud.centos.org/centos/7/images/CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud.qcow2
url: http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.4/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img
# DNS Server to add
# Disables dns lookup by overcloud sshd process
disable_ssh_dns: false
# epel7 rpm for collectd packages
epel7_rpm: https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
# Host where connmond will be running
# Collectd Configuration
# Interval in seconds
collectd_interval: 10
# Run collectd on specific openstack nodes:
collectd_undercloud: true
collectd_controller: true
collectd_blockstorage: true
collectd_objectstorage: true
collectd_cephstorage: true
collectd_compute: false
# Collect plugins configuration:
# Gnocchi backlog plugin
# This should only be enabled on a single controller when monitoring Gnocchi for
# performance/scale. This plugin does create a token each interval and adds load
# to Gnocchi-api each time it polls for measurements and thus your cloud will pay
# a monitoring "tax" by enabling this plugin.
gnocchi_status_python_plugin: false
gnocchi_status_interval: 30
# tail plugin
# Determines if WARN/INFO messages are also counted
regex_warn: false
regex_info: false
# Docker related
# (use these if deploying graphite/carbon/grafana as containers)
persistent_carbon_data_path: /data/carbon/whisper
persistent_grafana_data_path: /data/grafana
docker_carbon_cache_port: 2003
docker_graphite_port: 8888
docker_grafana_port: 3000
carbon_cache_docker_image: kambiz/carbon-cache:0.9.15
graphite_web_docker_image: kambiz/graphite-web:0.9.15
grafana_docker_image: grafana/grafana:2.6.0
# Graphite Configuration
# Graphite Server ip address (Collectd -> Graphite server)
# you must fill out graphite_host prior to playbook execution
graphite_port: 80
# Graphite prefix / Cloud name used both with graphite and grafana dashboards
graphite_prefix: openstack
# Graphite username and password for login on the dashboard
# credential aren't created when you deploy graphite, use manage.py
graphite_username: root
graphite_password: calvin
# List of cloud names taken by other infrastructure
# attempting to use them should fail.
- "statsd"
- "stats"
- "stats_counts"
# Grafana Dashboarding Configuration
# Grafana Server IP Address/Port (Can be hosted on the Graphite server)
# you must fill out grafana_host prior to playbook execution
# If you are deploying grafana the username/password combination will be set
# (if you're using the grafana-docker playbook this does not currently work,
# it will deploy with admin/admin). If you're uploading dashboards be sure to
# set the password here to whatever it actually is.
grafana_port: 3000
grafana_username: admin
grafana_password: admin
# Batch number of hosts per row for all-{cpu, memory, disk, network} openstack dashboards
dashboards_batch: 20
# For use with all-{cpu, memory, disk, network} openstack dashboards, uses the graphite prefix to create dashboards for specific openstack cloud
dashboard_cloud_name: "{{graphite_prefix}}"
# StatsD Configuration
# Points at configured Graphite instance
statsd_port: 8125
statsd_enabled: False
# Shaker Configuration
# Port for Shaker (5555 should suffice)
shaker_port: 5555
# Should choose m1.small or larger
shaker_flavor: m1.small
# Shaker centos image builder template
shaker_image: "{{shaker_venv}}/lib/python2.7/site-packages/shaker/resources/image_builder_templates/centos.yaml"
shaker_region: regionOne
shaker_dns_nameserver: "{{ dns_server }}"
# Connman Configuration
# Port for Connman
connmon_port: 5800
# Browbeat Network Configuration
# Public network that perfkit and shaker utilize
browbeat_pub_net_name: browbeat_public
# Private subnet
browbeat_pri_net_name: browbeat_private
browbeat_router_name: browbeat_router
# ELK Server Variables
# port filebeat client grabs the client SSL certificate
# e.g. 9999
elk_server_ssl_cert_port: 8080
### logging backend ###
# you can pick between logstash or fluentd
# if left empty logstash will be used
### accepted options ###
# logging_backend:
# logging_backend: logstash
# logging_backend: fluentd
### logstash options ###
logstash_syslog_port: 5044
### fluentd options ###
fluentd_syslog_port: 42185
fluentd_http_port: 9919
fluentd_debug_port: 24230
## elasticsearch local port listener
# we will enable localhost listening on TCP/9200
# due to utilizing elasticsearch connectors, general
# usage may want to disable this option due to security reasons
# in which case you should set this to false
es_local_port: 9200
es_listen_external: true
### kibana options ###
# change this to affect nginx-wrapped htpasswd authentication
kibana_user: admin
kibana_password: admin
es_kibana_index: .kibana
### kibana nginx ###
# add nonstandard port here for undercloud usage
# usage: port nginx listens to reverse-proxy Kibana
# e.g. 8888
nginx_kibana_port: 80
### install curator tool ###
# curator is the recommended tool for managing elasticsearch indexes
# https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/curator/current/index.html
# default is no (set to blank) or false
# set the below variable to 'true' to activate
install_curator_tool: false