On OSPd10 we ran into a port collision with zaqar-server listening to port 9000. Originally port 9000 was chosen because it is less "work" to allow selinux to let httpd listen on that port. This commit allows us to change the port and handle selinux still. PS#3 - Implemented Justin's suggestion on using the ansible module rather than a shell command to semanage. Do note that I have run into inconsistent behavior with the module if you are running older than ansible 2.1.1. See this now fixed ansible issue: PS#5 - Just use semanage, Ansible upstream does not have seport fixed yet. View response on github for further details. https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/issues/2009 PS#7 - Now persists the iptables rule and results_in_httpd is renamed to browbeat_results_in_httpd and exposed in the typical vars file. PS#12 - Implemented wfoster's handle firewalld/iptables ansible tasks. Change-Id: Ia859c6d87d6c4aba69c0db48be6b434d31162c72
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# OpenStack Installer
tripleo: true
browbeat_path: /home/stack/browbeat
home_dir: /home/stack
# Configuration items to adjust browbeat results served through httpd
browbeat_results_port: 9001
browbeat_results_in_httpd: true
supported_distro: ((ansible_distribution == "CentOS" && ansible_distribution_major_version >= "7") or
(ansible_distribution == "RedHat" && ansible_distribution_major_version >= "7"))
# Login user for the remote hosts
host_remote_user: heat-admin
# Login user for the local/jump machine
local_remote_user: stack
# The Overcloud RC file
overcloudrc: /home/stack/overcloudrc
# The Overcloud CA cert file
# overcloud_ca_path: /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/overcloud.crt.pem
# The default Browbeat venv
browbeat_venv: /home/stack/browbeat-venv
# The default Rally venv
rally_venv: /home/stack/rally-venv
# Rally version to install
rally_version: 0.5.0
# The default Shaker venv
shaker_venv: /home/stack/shaker-venv
# The default PerfKit venv:
perfkit_venv: /home/stack/perfkit-venv
# Guest images for the Overcloud
url: http://cloud.centos.org/centos/7/images/CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud.qcow2
url: http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.4/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img
# DNS Server to add
# epel7 rpm for collectd packages
epel7_rpm: https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
# Host where connmond will be running
# Collectd Configuration
# Interval in seconds
collectd_interval: 10
# Run collectd on specific openstack nodes:
collectd_undercloud: true
collectd_controller: true
collectd_ceph: true
collectd_compute: false
# Docker related
# (use these if deploying graphite/carbon/grafana as containers)
persistent_carbon_data_path: /data/carbon/whisper
persistent_grafana_data_path: /data/grafana
docker_carbon_cache_port: 2003
docker_graphite_port: 8888
docker_grafana_port: 3000
carbon_cache_docker_image: kambiz/carbon-cache:0.9.15
graphite_web_docker_image: kambiz/graphite-web:0.9.15
grafana_docker_image: grafana/grafana:2.6.0
# Graphite Configuration
# Graphite Server ip address (Collectd -> Graphite server)
# you must fill out graphite_host prior to playbook execution
graphite_port: 80
# Graphite prefix / Cloud name used both with graphite and grafana dashboards
graphite_prefix: openstack
# Graphite username and password for login on the dashboard
graphite_username: root
graphite_password: calvin
# Grafana Dashboarding Configuration
# Grafana Server IP Address/Port (Can be hosted on the Graphite server)
# you must fill out grafana_host prior to playbook execution
grafana_port: 3000
grafana_username: admin
grafana_password: admin
# Batch number of hosts per row for all-{cpu, memory, disk, network} openstack dashboards
dashboards_batch: 20
# For use with all-{cpu, memory, disk, network} openstack dashboards, uses the graphite prefix to create dashboards for specific openstack cloud
dashboard_cloud_name: "{{graphite_prefix}}"
# Shaker Configuration
# Port for Shaker (5555 should suffice)
shaker_port: 5555
# Should choose m1.small or larger
shaker_flavor: m1.small
# Shaker centos image builder template
shaker_centos: "{{shaker_venv}}/lib/python2.7/site-packages/shaker/resources/image_builder_templates/centos.yaml"
shaker_region: regionOne
# Connman Configuration
# Port for Connman
connmon_port: 5800
# Browbeat Network Configuration
# Public network that perfkit and shaker utilize
browbeat_pub_net_name: browbeat_public
# Private subnet
browbeat_pri_net_name: browbeat_private
browbeat_router_name: browbeat_router
# ELK Server Variables
### nginx ###
# add nonstandard port here for undercloud usage
# usage: port nginx listens to reverse-proxy Kibana
# e.g. 8888
nginx_kibana_port: 80
# usage: port filebeat client grabs the client SSL certificate
# e.g. 9999
elk_server_ssl_cert_port: 8080
### logging backend ###
# you can pick between logstash or fluentd
# if left empty logstash will be used
### accepted options ###
# logging_backend:
# logging_backend: logstash
# logging_backend: fluentd
### logstash options ###
logstash_syslog_port: 5044
### fluentd options ###
fluentd_syslog_port: 42185
fluentd_http_port: 9919
fluentd_debug_port: 24230
## elasticsearch local port listener
# we will enable localhost listening on TCP/9200
# due to utilizing elasticsearch connectors, general
# usage may want to disable this option due to security reasons
# in which case you should set this to false
es_local_port: 9200
es_listen_external: true
### install curator tool ###
# curator is the recommended tool for managing elasticsearch indexes
# https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/curator/current/index.html
# default is no (set to blank) or false
# set the below variable to 'true' to activate
install_curator_tool: false