Each iteration creates a bunch of requested load balancers.
These bunch of LBs use a single VM as backend. This VM
will have one port per LB. Each port will get address from the
specified subnet. This address will be used as a LB member
backend address.
Cirros VM runs dhcp client only on first interface. So we need
to pass userdata to the VM which should call dhcp client on
all other interfaces. Prepare user_data.file like below and pass
it to the scenario
for iface in /sys/class/net/*
if [ "$iface" != "/sys/class/net/lo" -a "$iface" != "/sys/class/net/eth0" ]
interface=$(echo $iface | cut -d "/" -f 5)
echo $interface
sudo ifconfig $interface up
sudo udhcpc -p /var/run/udhcpc.$interface.pid -R -n -T 60 -i $interface -s /sbin/cirros-dhcpc -O mtu -O staticroutes -x hostname cirros
And in browbeat-config.yml, add absolute path for this user data
file i.e
user_data_file: /home/stack/user_data.file
Change-Id: Idb647a4af8a37681a1bb8d601ca55782e984e76c