diff --git a/bin/charm_helpers_sync.py b/bin/charm_helpers_sync.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f67fdb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/charm_helpers_sync.py
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+# Copyright 2014-2015 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+# Authors:
+# Adam Gandelman
+import logging
+import optparse
+import os
+import subprocess
+import shutil
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import yaml
+from fnmatch import fnmatch
+import six
+CHARM_HELPERS_BRANCH = 'lp:charm-helpers'
+def parse_config(conf_file):
+ if not os.path.isfile(conf_file):
+ logging.error('Invalid config file: %s.' % conf_file)
+ return False
+ return yaml.load(open(conf_file).read())
+def clone_helpers(work_dir, branch):
+ dest = os.path.join(work_dir, 'charm-helpers')
+ logging.info('Checking out %s to %s.' % (branch, dest))
+ cmd = ['bzr', 'checkout', '--lightweight', branch, dest]
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+ return dest
+def _module_path(module):
+ return os.path.join(*module.split('.'))
+def _src_path(src, module):
+ return os.path.join(src, 'charmhelpers', _module_path(module))
+def _dest_path(dest, module):
+ return os.path.join(dest, _module_path(module))
+def _is_pyfile(path):
+ return os.path.isfile(path + '.py')
+def ensure_init(path):
+ '''
+ ensure directories leading up to path are importable, omitting
+ parent directory, eg path='/hooks/helpers/foo'/:
+ hooks/
+ hooks/helpers/__init__.py
+ hooks/helpers/foo/__init__.py
+ '''
+ for d, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(*path.split('/')[:2])):
+ _i = os.path.join(d, '__init__.py')
+ if not os.path.exists(_i):
+ logging.info('Adding missing __init__.py: %s' % _i)
+ open(_i, 'wb').close()
+def sync_pyfile(src, dest):
+ src = src + '.py'
+ src_dir = os.path.dirname(src)
+ logging.info('Syncing pyfile: %s -> %s.' % (src, dest))
+ if not os.path.exists(dest):
+ os.makedirs(dest)
+ shutil.copy(src, dest)
+ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(src_dir, '__init__.py')):
+ shutil.copy(os.path.join(src_dir, '__init__.py'),
+ dest)
+ ensure_init(dest)
+def get_filter(opts=None):
+ opts = opts or []
+ if 'inc=*' in opts:
+ # do not filter any files, include everything
+ return None
+ def _filter(dir, ls):
+ incs = [opt.split('=').pop() for opt in opts if 'inc=' in opt]
+ _filter = []
+ for f in ls:
+ _f = os.path.join(dir, f)
+ if not os.path.isdir(_f) and not _f.endswith('.py') and incs:
+ if True not in [fnmatch(_f, inc) for inc in incs]:
+ logging.debug('Not syncing %s, does not match include '
+ 'filters (%s)' % (_f, incs))
+ _filter.append(f)
+ else:
+ logging.debug('Including file, which matches include '
+ 'filters (%s): %s' % (incs, _f))
+ elif (os.path.isfile(_f) and not _f.endswith('.py')):
+ logging.debug('Not syncing file: %s' % f)
+ _filter.append(f)
+ elif (os.path.isdir(_f) and not
+ os.path.isfile(os.path.join(_f, '__init__.py'))):
+ logging.debug('Not syncing directory: %s' % f)
+ _filter.append(f)
+ return _filter
+ return _filter
+def sync_directory(src, dest, opts=None):
+ if os.path.exists(dest):
+ logging.debug('Removing existing directory: %s' % dest)
+ shutil.rmtree(dest)
+ logging.info('Syncing directory: %s -> %s.' % (src, dest))
+ shutil.copytree(src, dest, ignore=get_filter(opts))
+ ensure_init(dest)
+def sync(src, dest, module, opts=None):
+ # Sync charmhelpers/__init__.py for bootstrap code.
+ sync_pyfile(_src_path(src, '__init__'), dest)
+ # Sync other __init__.py files in the path leading to module.
+ m = []
+ steps = module.split('.')[:-1]
+ while steps:
+ m.append(steps.pop(0))
+ init = '.'.join(m + ['__init__'])
+ sync_pyfile(_src_path(src, init),
+ os.path.dirname(_dest_path(dest, init)))
+ # Sync the module, or maybe a .py file.
+ if os.path.isdir(_src_path(src, module)):
+ sync_directory(_src_path(src, module), _dest_path(dest, module), opts)
+ elif _is_pyfile(_src_path(src, module)):
+ sync_pyfile(_src_path(src, module),
+ os.path.dirname(_dest_path(dest, module)))
+ else:
+ logging.warn('Could not sync: %s. Neither a pyfile or directory, '
+ 'does it even exist?' % module)
+def parse_sync_options(options):
+ if not options:
+ return []
+ return options.split(',')
+def extract_options(inc, global_options=None):
+ global_options = global_options or []
+ if global_options and isinstance(global_options, six.string_types):
+ global_options = [global_options]
+ if '|' not in inc:
+ return (inc, global_options)
+ inc, opts = inc.split('|')
+ return (inc, parse_sync_options(opts) + global_options)
+def sync_helpers(include, src, dest, options=None):
+ if not os.path.isdir(dest):
+ os.makedirs(dest)
+ global_options = parse_sync_options(options)
+ for inc in include:
+ if isinstance(inc, str):
+ inc, opts = extract_options(inc, global_options)
+ sync(src, dest, inc, opts)
+ elif isinstance(inc, dict):
+ # could also do nested dicts here.
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(inc):
+ if isinstance(v, list):
+ for m in v:
+ inc, opts = extract_options(m, global_options)
+ sync(src, dest, '%s.%s' % (k, inc), opts)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+ parser.add_option('-c', '--config', action='store', dest='config',
+ default=None, help='helper config file')
+ parser.add_option('-D', '--debug', action='store_true', dest='debug',
+ default=False, help='debug')
+ parser.add_option('-b', '--branch', action='store', dest='branch',
+ help='charm-helpers bzr branch (overrides config)')
+ parser.add_option('-d', '--destination', action='store', dest='dest_dir',
+ help='sync destination dir (overrides config)')
+ (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ if opts.debug:
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+ else:
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+ if opts.config:
+ logging.info('Loading charm helper config from %s.' % opts.config)
+ config = parse_config(opts.config)
+ if not config:
+ logging.error('Could not parse config from %s.' % opts.config)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ config = {}
+ if 'branch' not in config:
+ config['branch'] = CHARM_HELPERS_BRANCH
+ if opts.branch:
+ config['branch'] = opts.branch
+ if opts.dest_dir:
+ config['destination'] = opts.dest_dir
+ if 'destination' not in config:
+ logging.error('No destination dir. specified as option or config.')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if 'include' not in config:
+ if not args:
+ logging.error('No modules to sync specified as option or config.')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ config['include'] = []
+ [config['include'].append(a) for a in args]
+ sync_options = None
+ if 'options' in config:
+ sync_options = config['options']
+ tmpd = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ try:
+ checkout = clone_helpers(tmpd, config['branch'])
+ sync_helpers(config['include'], checkout, config['destination'],
+ options=sync_options)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error("Could not sync: %s" % e)
+ raise e
+ finally:
+ logging.debug('Cleaning up %s' % tmpd)
+ shutil.rmtree(tmpd)
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/amulet/utils.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/amulet/utils.py
index 2591a9b..7e5c25a 100644
--- a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/amulet/utils.py
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/amulet/utils.py
@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ class AmuletUtils(object):
return ('Process name count mismatch. expected, actual: {}, '
'{}'.format(len(expected), len(actual)))
- for (e_proc_name, e_pids_length), (a_proc_name, a_pids) in \
+ for (e_proc_name, e_pids), (a_proc_name, a_pids) in \
zip(e_proc_names.items(), a_proc_names.items()):
if e_proc_name != a_proc_name:
return ('Process name mismatch. expected, actual: {}, '
@@ -610,25 +610,31 @@ class AmuletUtils(object):
a_pids_length = len(a_pids)
fail_msg = ('PID count mismatch. {} ({}) expected, actual: '
'{}, {} ({})'.format(e_sentry_name, e_proc_name,
- e_pids_length, a_pids_length,
+ e_pids, a_pids_length,
- # If expected is not bool, ensure PID quantities match
- if not isinstance(e_pids_length, bool) and \
- a_pids_length != e_pids_length:
+ # If expected is a list, ensure at least one PID quantity match
+ if isinstance(e_pids, list) and \
+ a_pids_length not in e_pids:
+ return fail_msg
+ # If expected is not bool and not list,
+ # ensure PID quantities match
+ elif not isinstance(e_pids, bool) and \
+ not isinstance(e_pids, list) and \
+ a_pids_length != e_pids:
return fail_msg
# If expected is bool True, ensure 1 or more PIDs exist
- elif isinstance(e_pids_length, bool) and \
- e_pids_length is True and a_pids_length < 1:
+ elif isinstance(e_pids, bool) and \
+ e_pids is True and a_pids_length < 1:
return fail_msg
# If expected is bool False, ensure 0 PIDs exist
- elif isinstance(e_pids_length, bool) and \
- e_pids_length is False and a_pids_length != 0:
+ elif isinstance(e_pids, bool) and \
+ e_pids is False and a_pids_length != 0:
return fail_msg
self.log.debug('PID check OK: {} {} {}: '
'{}'.format(e_sentry_name, e_proc_name,
- e_pids_length, a_pids))
+ e_pids, a_pids))
return None
def validate_list_of_identical_dicts(self, list_of_dicts):
@@ -782,15 +788,20 @@ class AmuletUtils(object):
# amulet juju action helpers:
def run_action(self, unit_sentry, action,
- _check_output=subprocess.check_output):
+ _check_output=subprocess.check_output,
+ params=None):
"""Run the named action on a given unit sentry.
+ params a dict of parameters to use
_check_output parameter is used for dependency injection.
@return action_id.
unit_id = unit_sentry.info["unit_name"]
command = ["juju", "action", "do", "--format=json", unit_id, action]
+ if params is not None:
+ for key, value in params.iteritems():
+ command.append("{}={}".format(key, value))
self.log.info("Running command: %s\n" % " ".join(command))
output = _check_output(command, universal_newlines=True)
data = json.loads(output)
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/__init__.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a133532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/apache/__init__.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/apache/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..277b8c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/apache/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+from os import path
+TEMPLATES_DIR = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/apache/checks/__init__.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/apache/checks/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d130479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/apache/checks/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
+ log,
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.apache.checks import config
+def run_apache_checks():
+ log("Starting Apache hardening checks.", level=DEBUG)
+ checks = config.get_audits()
+ for check in checks:
+ log("Running '%s' check" % (check.__class__.__name__), level=DEBUG)
+ check.ensure_compliance()
+ log("Apache hardening checks complete.", level=DEBUG)
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/apache/checks/config.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/apache/checks/config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8249ca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/apache/checks/config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
+ log,
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.audits.file import (
+ FilePermissionAudit,
+ DirectoryPermissionAudit,
+ NoReadWriteForOther,
+ TemplatedFile,
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.audits.apache import DisabledModuleAudit
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.apache import TEMPLATES_DIR
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening import utils
+def get_audits():
+ """Get Apache hardening config audits.
+ :returns: dictionary of audits
+ """
+ if subprocess.call(['which', 'apache2'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) != 0:
+ log("Apache server does not appear to be installed on this node - "
+ "skipping apache hardening", level=INFO)
+ return []
+ context = ApacheConfContext()
+ settings = utils.get_settings('apache')
+ audits = [
+ FilePermissionAudit(paths='/etc/apache2/apache2.conf', user='root',
+ group='root', mode=0o0640),
+ TemplatedFile(os.path.join(settings['common']['apache_dir'],
+ 'mods-available/alias.conf'),
+ context,
+ mode=0o0755,
+ user='root',
+ service_actions=[{'service': 'apache2',
+ 'actions': ['restart']}]),
+ TemplatedFile(os.path.join(settings['common']['apache_dir'],
+ 'conf-enabled/hardening.conf'),
+ context,
+ mode=0o0640,
+ user='root',
+ service_actions=[{'service': 'apache2',
+ 'actions': ['restart']}]),
+ DirectoryPermissionAudit(settings['common']['apache_dir'],
+ user='root',
+ group='root',
+ mode=0o640),
+ DisabledModuleAudit(settings['hardening']['modules_to_disable']),
+ NoReadWriteForOther(settings['common']['apache_dir']),
+ ]
+ return audits
+class ApacheConfContext(object):
+ """Defines the set of key/value pairs to set in a apache config file.
+ This context, when called, will return a dictionary containing the
+ key/value pairs of setting to specify in the
+ /etc/apache/conf-enabled/hardening.conf file.
+ """
+ def __call__(self):
+ settings = utils.get_settings('apache')
+ ctxt = settings['hardening']
+ out = subprocess.check_output(['apache2', '-v'])
+ ctxt['apache_version'] = re.search(r'.+version: Apache/(.+?)\s.+',
+ out).group(1)
+ ctxt['apache_icondir'] = '/usr/share/apache2/icons/'
+ ctxt['traceenable'] = settings['hardening']['traceenable']
+ return ctxt
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/audits/__init__.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/audits/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a7057b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/audits/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+class BaseAudit(object): # NO-QA
+ """Base class for hardening checks.
+ The lifecycle of a hardening check is to first check to see if the system
+ is in compliance for the specified check. If it is not in compliance, the
+ check method will return a value which will be supplied to the.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.unless = kwargs.get('unless', None)
+ super(BaseAudit, self).__init__()
+ def ensure_compliance(self):
+ """Checks to see if the current hardening check is in compliance or
+ not.
+ If the check that is performed is not in compliance, then an exception
+ should be raised.
+ """
+ pass
+ def _take_action(self):
+ """Determines whether to perform the action or not.
+ Checks whether or not an action should be taken. This is determined by
+ the truthy value for the unless parameter. If unless is a callback
+ method, it will be invoked with no parameters in order to determine
+ whether or not the action should be taken. Otherwise, the truthy value
+ of the unless attribute will determine if the action should be
+ performed.
+ """
+ # Do the action if there isn't an unless override.
+ if self.unless is None:
+ return True
+ # Invoke the callback if there is one.
+ if hasattr(self.unless, '__call__'):
+ results = self.unless()
+ if results:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ if self.unless:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/audits/apache.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/audits/apache.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf3c987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/audits/apache.py
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+import re
+import subprocess
+from six import string_types
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
+ log,
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.audits import BaseAudit
+class DisabledModuleAudit(BaseAudit):
+ """Audits Apache2 modules.
+ Determines if the apache2 modules are enabled. If the modules are enabled
+ then they are removed in the ensure_compliance.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, modules):
+ if modules is None:
+ self.modules = []
+ elif isinstance(modules, string_types):
+ self.modules = [modules]
+ else:
+ self.modules = modules
+ def ensure_compliance(self):
+ """Ensures that the modules are not loaded."""
+ if not self.modules:
+ return
+ try:
+ loaded_modules = self._get_loaded_modules()
+ non_compliant_modules = []
+ for module in self.modules:
+ if module in loaded_modules:
+ log("Module '%s' is enabled but should not be." %
+ (module), level=INFO)
+ non_compliant_modules.append(module)
+ if len(non_compliant_modules) == 0:
+ return
+ for module in non_compliant_modules:
+ self._disable_module(module)
+ self._restart_apache()
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ log('Error occurred auditing apache module compliance. '
+ 'This may have been already reported. '
+ 'Output is: %s' % e.output, level=ERROR)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_loaded_modules():
+ """Returns the modules which are enabled in Apache."""
+ output = subprocess.check_output(['apache2ctl', '-M'])
+ modules = []
+ for line in output.strip().split():
+ # Each line of the enabled module output looks like:
+ # module_name (static|shared)
+ # Plus a header line at the top of the output which is stripped
+ # out by the regex.
+ matcher = re.search(r'^ (\S*)', line)
+ if matcher:
+ modules.append(matcher.group(1))
+ return modules
+ @staticmethod
+ def _disable_module(module):
+ """Disables the specified module in Apache."""
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_call(['a2dismod', module])
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ # Note: catch error here to allow the attempt of disabling
+ # multiple modules in one go rather than failing after the
+ # first module fails.
+ log('Error occurred disabling module %s. '
+ 'Output is: %s' % (module, e.output), level=ERROR)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _restart_apache():
+ """Restarts the apache process"""
+ subprocess.check_output(['service', 'apache2', 'restart'])
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/audits/apt.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/audits/apt.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e94af03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/audits/apt.py
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+from __future__ import absolute_import # required for external apt import
+from apt import apt_pkg
+from six import string_types
+from charmhelpers.fetch import (
+ apt_cache,
+ apt_purge
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
+ log,
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.audits import BaseAudit
+class AptConfig(BaseAudit):
+ def __init__(self, config, **kwargs):
+ self.config = config
+ def verify_config(self):
+ apt_pkg.init()
+ for cfg in self.config:
+ value = apt_pkg.config.get(cfg['key'], cfg.get('default', ''))
+ if value and value != cfg['expected']:
+ log("APT config '%s' has unexpected value '%s' "
+ "(expected='%s')" %
+ (cfg['key'], value, cfg['expected']), level=WARNING)
+ def ensure_compliance(self):
+ self.verify_config()
+class RestrictedPackages(BaseAudit):
+ """Class used to audit restricted packages on the system."""
+ def __init__(self, pkgs, **kwargs):
+ super(RestrictedPackages, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+ if isinstance(pkgs, string_types) or not hasattr(pkgs, '__iter__'):
+ self.pkgs = [pkgs]
+ else:
+ self.pkgs = pkgs
+ def ensure_compliance(self):
+ cache = apt_cache()
+ for p in self.pkgs:
+ if p not in cache:
+ continue
+ pkg = cache[p]
+ if not self.is_virtual_package(pkg):
+ if not pkg.current_ver:
+ log("Package '%s' is not installed." % pkg.name,
+ level=DEBUG)
+ continue
+ else:
+ log("Restricted package '%s' is installed" % pkg.name,
+ level=WARNING)
+ self.delete_package(cache, pkg)
+ else:
+ log("Checking restricted virtual package '%s' provides" %
+ pkg.name, level=DEBUG)
+ self.delete_package(cache, pkg)
+ def delete_package(self, cache, pkg):
+ """Deletes the package from the system.
+ Deletes the package form the system, properly handling virtual
+ packages.
+ :param cache: the apt cache
+ :param pkg: the package to remove
+ """
+ if self.is_virtual_package(pkg):
+ log("Package '%s' appears to be virtual - purging provides" %
+ pkg.name, level=DEBUG)
+ for _p in pkg.provides_list:
+ self.delete_package(cache, _p[2].parent_pkg)
+ elif not pkg.current_ver:
+ log("Package '%s' not installed" % pkg.name, level=DEBUG)
+ return
+ else:
+ log("Purging package '%s'" % pkg.name, level=DEBUG)
+ apt_purge(pkg.name)
+ def is_virtual_package(self, pkg):
+ return pkg.has_provides and not pkg.has_versions
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/audits/file.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/audits/file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fb545a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/audits/file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+import grp
+import os
+import pwd
+import re
+from subprocess import (
+ CalledProcessError,
+ check_output,
+ check_call,
+from traceback import format_exc
+from six import string_types
+from stat import (
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
+ log,
+from charmhelpers.core import unitdata
+from charmhelpers.core.host import file_hash
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.audits import BaseAudit
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.templating import (
+ get_template_path,
+ render_and_write,
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening import utils
+class BaseFileAudit(BaseAudit):
+ """Base class for file audits.
+ Provides api stubs for compliance check flow that must be used by any class
+ that implemented this one.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, paths, always_comply=False, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ :param paths: string path of list of paths of files we want to apply
+ compliance checks are criteria to.
+ :param always_comply: if true compliance criteria is always applied
+ else compliance is skipped for non-existent
+ paths.
+ """
+ super(BaseFileAudit, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.always_comply = always_comply
+ if isinstance(paths, string_types) or not hasattr(paths, '__iter__'):
+ self.paths = [paths]
+ else:
+ self.paths = paths
+ def ensure_compliance(self):
+ """Ensure that the all registered files comply to registered criteria.
+ """
+ for p in self.paths:
+ if os.path.exists(p):
+ if self.is_compliant(p):
+ continue
+ log('File %s is not in compliance.' % p, level=INFO)
+ else:
+ if not self.always_comply:
+ log("Non-existent path '%s' - skipping compliance check"
+ % (p), level=INFO)
+ continue
+ if self._take_action():
+ log("Applying compliance criteria to '%s'" % (p), level=INFO)
+ self.comply(p)
+ def is_compliant(self, path):
+ """Audits the path to see if it is compliance.
+ :param path: the path to the file that should be checked.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def comply(self, path):
+ """Enforces the compliance of a path.
+ :param path: the path to the file that should be enforced.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @classmethod
+ def _get_stat(cls, path):
+ """Returns the Posix st_stat information for the specified file path.
+ :param path: the path to get the st_stat information for.
+ :returns: an st_stat object for the path or None if the path doesn't
+ exist.
+ """
+ return os.stat(path)
+class FilePermissionAudit(BaseFileAudit):
+ """Implements an audit for file permissions and ownership for a user.
+ This class implements functionality that ensures that a specific user/group
+ will own the file(s) specified and that the permissions specified are
+ applied properly to the file.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, paths, user, group=None, mode=0o600, **kwargs):
+ self.user = user
+ self.group = group
+ self.mode = mode
+ super(FilePermissionAudit, self).__init__(paths, user, group, mode,
+ **kwargs)
+ @property
+ def user(self):
+ return self._user
+ @user.setter
+ def user(self, name):
+ try:
+ user = pwd.getpwnam(name)
+ except KeyError:
+ log('Unknown user %s' % name, level=ERROR)
+ user = None
+ self._user = user
+ @property
+ def group(self):
+ return self._group
+ @group.setter
+ def group(self, name):
+ try:
+ group = None
+ if name:
+ group = grp.getgrnam(name)
+ else:
+ group = grp.getgrgid(self.user.pw_gid)
+ except KeyError:
+ log('Unknown group %s' % name, level=ERROR)
+ self._group = group
+ def is_compliant(self, path):
+ """Checks if the path is in compliance.
+ Used to determine if the path specified meets the necessary
+ requirements to be in compliance with the check itself.
+ :param path: the file path to check
+ :returns: True if the path is compliant, False otherwise.
+ """
+ stat = self._get_stat(path)
+ user = self.user
+ group = self.group
+ compliant = True
+ if stat.st_uid != user.pw_uid or stat.st_gid != group.gr_gid:
+ log('File %s is not owned by %s:%s.' % (path, user.pw_name,
+ group.gr_name),
+ level=INFO)
+ compliant = False
+ # POSIX refers to the st_mode bits as corresponding to both the
+ # file type and file permission bits, where the least significant 12
+ # bits (o7777) are the suid (11), sgid (10), sticky bits (9), and the
+ # file permission bits (8-0)
+ perms = stat.st_mode & 0o7777
+ if perms != self.mode:
+ log('File %s has incorrect permissions, currently set to %s' %
+ (path, oct(stat.st_mode & 0o7777)), level=INFO)
+ compliant = False
+ return compliant
+ def comply(self, path):
+ """Issues a chown and chmod to the file paths specified."""
+ utils.ensure_permissions(path, self.user.pw_name, self.group.gr_name,
+ self.mode)
+class DirectoryPermissionAudit(FilePermissionAudit):
+ """Performs a permission check for the specified directory path."""
+ def __init__(self, paths, user, group=None, mode=0o600,
+ recursive=True, **kwargs):
+ super(DirectoryPermissionAudit, self).__init__(paths, user, group,
+ mode, **kwargs)
+ self.recursive = recursive
+ def is_compliant(self, path):
+ """Checks if the directory is compliant.
+ Used to determine if the path specified and all of its children
+ directories are in compliance with the check itself.
+ :param path: the directory path to check
+ :returns: True if the directory tree is compliant, otherwise False.
+ """
+ if not os.path.isdir(path):
+ log('Path specified %s is not a directory.' % path, level=ERROR)
+ raise ValueError("%s is not a directory." % path)
+ if not self.recursive:
+ return super(DirectoryPermissionAudit, self).is_compliant(path)
+ compliant = True
+ for root, dirs, _ in os.walk(path):
+ if len(dirs) > 0:
+ continue
+ if not super(DirectoryPermissionAudit, self).is_compliant(root):
+ compliant = False
+ continue
+ return compliant
+ def comply(self, path):
+ for root, dirs, _ in os.walk(path):
+ if len(dirs) > 0:
+ super(DirectoryPermissionAudit, self).comply(root)
+class ReadOnly(BaseFileAudit):
+ """Audits that files and folders are read only."""
+ def __init__(self, paths, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(ReadOnly, self).__init__(paths=paths, *args, **kwargs)
+ def is_compliant(self, path):
+ try:
+ output = check_output(['find', path, '-perm', '-go+w',
+ '-type', 'f']).strip()
+ # The find above will find any files which have permission sets
+ # which allow too broad of write access. As such, the path is
+ # compliant if there is no output.
+ if output:
+ return False
+ return True
+ except CalledProcessError as e:
+ log('Error occurred checking finding writable files for %s. '
+ 'Error information is: command %s failed with returncode '
+ '%d and output %s.\n%s' % (path, e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output,
+ format_exc(e)), level=ERROR)
+ return False
+ def comply(self, path):
+ try:
+ check_output(['chmod', 'go-w', '-R', path])
+ except CalledProcessError as e:
+ log('Error occurred removing writeable permissions for %s. '
+ 'Error information is: command %s failed with returncode '
+ '%d and output %s.\n%s' % (path, e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output,
+ format_exc(e)), level=ERROR)
+class NoReadWriteForOther(BaseFileAudit):
+ """Ensures that the files found under the base path are readable or
+ writable by anyone other than the owner or the group.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, paths):
+ super(NoReadWriteForOther, self).__init__(paths)
+ def is_compliant(self, path):
+ try:
+ cmd = ['find', path, '-perm', '-o+r', '-type', 'f', '-o',
+ '-perm', '-o+w', '-type', 'f']
+ output = check_output(cmd).strip()
+ # The find above here will find any files which have read or
+ # write permissions for other, meaning there is too broad of access
+ # to read/write the file. As such, the path is compliant if there's
+ # no output.
+ if output:
+ return False
+ return True
+ except CalledProcessError as e:
+ log('Error occurred while finding files which are readable or '
+ 'writable to the world in %s. '
+ 'Command output is: %s.' % (path, e.output), level=ERROR)
+ def comply(self, path):
+ try:
+ check_output(['chmod', '-R', 'o-rw', path])
+ except CalledProcessError as e:
+ log('Error occurred attempting to change modes of files under '
+ 'path %s. Output of command is: %s' % (path, e.output))
+class NoSUIDSGIDAudit(BaseFileAudit):
+ """Audits that specified files do not have SUID/SGID bits set."""
+ def __init__(self, paths, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(NoSUIDSGIDAudit, self).__init__(paths=paths, *args, **kwargs)
+ def is_compliant(self, path):
+ stat = self._get_stat(path)
+ if (stat.st_mode & (S_ISGID | S_ISUID)) != 0:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def comply(self, path):
+ try:
+ log('Removing suid/sgid from %s.' % path, level=DEBUG)
+ check_output(['chmod', '-s', path])
+ except CalledProcessError as e:
+ log('Error occurred removing suid/sgid from %s.'
+ 'Error information is: command %s failed with returncode '
+ '%d and output %s.\n%s' % (path, e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output,
+ format_exc(e)), level=ERROR)
+class TemplatedFile(BaseFileAudit):
+ """The TemplatedFileAudit audits the contents of a templated file.
+ This audit renders a file from a template, sets the appropriate file
+ permissions, then generates a hashsum with which to check the content
+ changed.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, path, context, template_dir, mode, user='root',
+ group='root', service_actions=None, **kwargs):
+ self.context = context
+ self.user = user
+ self.group = group
+ self.mode = mode
+ self.template_dir = template_dir
+ self.service_actions = service_actions
+ super(TemplatedFile, self).__init__(paths=path, always_comply=True,
+ **kwargs)
+ def is_compliant(self, path):
+ """Determines if the templated file is compliant.
+ A templated file is only compliant if it has not changed (as
+ determined by its sha256 hashsum) AND its file permissions are set
+ appropriately.
+ :param path: the path to check compliance.
+ """
+ same_templates = self.templates_match(path)
+ same_content = self.contents_match(path)
+ same_permissions = self.permissions_match(path)
+ if same_content and same_permissions and same_templates:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def run_service_actions(self):
+ """Run any actions on services requested."""
+ if not self.service_actions:
+ return
+ for svc_action in self.service_actions:
+ name = svc_action['service']
+ actions = svc_action['actions']
+ log("Running service '%s' actions '%s'" % (name, actions),
+ level=DEBUG)
+ for action in actions:
+ cmd = ['service', name, action]
+ try:
+ check_call(cmd)
+ except CalledProcessError as exc:
+ log("Service name='%s' action='%s' failed - %s" %
+ (name, action, exc), level=WARNING)
+ def comply(self, path):
+ """Ensures the contents and the permissions of the file.
+ :param path: the path to correct
+ """
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
+ if not os.path.exists(dirname):
+ os.makedirs(dirname)
+ self.pre_write()
+ render_and_write(self.template_dir, path, self.context())
+ utils.ensure_permissions(path, self.user, self.group, self.mode)
+ self.run_service_actions()
+ self.save_checksum(path)
+ self.post_write()
+ def pre_write(self):
+ """Invoked prior to writing the template."""
+ pass
+ def post_write(self):
+ """Invoked after writing the template."""
+ pass
+ def templates_match(self, path):
+ """Determines if the template files are the same.
+ The template file equality is determined by the hashsum of the
+ template files themselves. If there is no hashsum, then the content
+ cannot be sure to be the same so treat it as if they changed.
+ Otherwise, return whether or not the hashsums are the same.
+ :param path: the path to check
+ :returns: boolean
+ """
+ template_path = get_template_path(self.template_dir, path)
+ key = 'hardening:template:%s' % template_path
+ template_checksum = file_hash(template_path)
+ kv = unitdata.kv()
+ stored_tmplt_checksum = kv.get(key)
+ if not stored_tmplt_checksum:
+ kv.set(key, template_checksum)
+ kv.flush()
+ log('Saved template checksum for %s.' % template_path,
+ level=DEBUG)
+ # Since we don't have a template checksum, then assume it doesn't
+ # match and return that the template is different.
+ return False
+ elif stored_tmplt_checksum != template_checksum:
+ kv.set(key, template_checksum)
+ kv.flush()
+ log('Updated template checksum for %s.' % template_path,
+ level=DEBUG)
+ return False
+ # Here the template hasn't changed based upon the calculated
+ # checksum of the template and what was previously stored.
+ return True
+ def contents_match(self, path):
+ """Determines if the file content is the same.
+ This is determined by comparing hashsum of the file contents and
+ the saved hashsum. If there is no hashsum, then the content cannot
+ be sure to be the same so treat them as if they are not the same.
+ Otherwise, return True if the hashsums are the same, False if they
+ are not the same.
+ :param path: the file to check.
+ """
+ checksum = file_hash(path)
+ kv = unitdata.kv()
+ stored_checksum = kv.get('hardening:%s' % path)
+ if not stored_checksum:
+ # If the checksum hasn't been generated, return False to ensure
+ # the file is written and the checksum stored.
+ log('Checksum for %s has not been calculated.' % path, level=DEBUG)
+ return False
+ elif stored_checksum != checksum:
+ log('Checksum mismatch for %s.' % path, level=DEBUG)
+ return False
+ return True
+ def permissions_match(self, path):
+ """Determines if the file owner and permissions match.
+ :param path: the path to check.
+ """
+ audit = FilePermissionAudit(path, self.user, self.group, self.mode)
+ return audit.is_compliant(path)
+ def save_checksum(self, path):
+ """Calculates and saves the checksum for the path specified.
+ :param path: the path of the file to save the checksum.
+ """
+ checksum = file_hash(path)
+ kv = unitdata.kv()
+ kv.set('hardening:%s' % path, checksum)
+ kv.flush()
+class DeletedFile(BaseFileAudit):
+ """Audit to ensure that a file is deleted."""
+ def __init__(self, paths):
+ super(DeletedFile, self).__init__(paths)
+ def is_compliant(self, path):
+ return not os.path.exists(path)
+ def comply(self, path):
+ os.remove(path)
+class FileContentAudit(BaseFileAudit):
+ """Audit the contents of a file."""
+ def __init__(self, paths, cases, **kwargs):
+ # Cases we expect to pass
+ self.pass_cases = cases.get('pass', [])
+ # Cases we expect to fail
+ self.fail_cases = cases.get('fail', [])
+ super(FileContentAudit, self).__init__(paths, **kwargs)
+ def is_compliant(self, path):
+ """
+ Given a set of content matching cases i.e. tuple(regex, bool) where
+ bool value denotes whether or not regex is expected to match, check that
+ all cases match as expected with the contents of the file. Cases can be
+ expected to pass of fail.
+ :param path: Path of file to check.
+ :returns: Boolean value representing whether or not all cases are
+ found to be compliant.
+ """
+ log("Auditing contents of file '%s'" % (path), level=DEBUG)
+ with open(path, 'r') as fd:
+ contents = fd.read()
+ matches = 0
+ for pattern in self.pass_cases:
+ key = re.compile(pattern, flags=re.MULTILINE)
+ results = re.search(key, contents)
+ if results:
+ matches += 1
+ else:
+ log("Pattern '%s' was expected to pass but instead it failed"
+ % (pattern), level=WARNING)
+ for pattern in self.fail_cases:
+ key = re.compile(pattern, flags=re.MULTILINE)
+ results = re.search(key, contents)
+ if not results:
+ matches += 1
+ else:
+ log("Pattern '%s' was expected to fail but instead it passed"
+ % (pattern), level=WARNING)
+ total = len(self.pass_cases) + len(self.fail_cases)
+ log("Checked %s cases and %s passed" % (total, matches), level=DEBUG)
+ return matches == total
+ def comply(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """NOOP since we just issue warnings. This is to avoid the
+ NotImplememtedError.
+ """
+ log("Not applying any compliance criteria, only checks.", level=INFO)
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/harden.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/harden.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac7568d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/harden.py
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+import six
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
+ config,
+ log,
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.host.checks import run_os_checks
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.ssh.checks import run_ssh_checks
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.mysql.checks import run_mysql_checks
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.apache.checks import run_apache_checks
+def harden(overrides=None):
+ """Hardening decorator.
+ This is the main entry point for running the hardening stack. In order to
+ run modules of the stack you must add this decorator to charm hook(s) and
+ ensure that your charm config.yaml contains the 'harden' option set to
+ one or more of the supported modules. Setting these will cause the
+ corresponding hardening code to be run when the hook fires.
+ This decorator can and should be applied to more than one hook or function
+ such that hardening modules are called multiple times. This is because
+ subsequent calls will perform auditing checks that will report any changes
+ to resources hardened by the first run (and possibly perform compliance
+ actions as a result of any detected infractions).
+ :param overrides: Optional list of stack modules used to override those
+ provided with 'harden' config.
+ :returns: Returns value returned by decorated function once executed.
+ """
+ def _harden_inner1(f):
+ log("Hardening function '%s'" % (f.__name__), level=DEBUG)
+ def _harden_inner2(*args, **kwargs):
+ RUN_CATALOG = OrderedDict([('os', run_os_checks),
+ ('ssh', run_ssh_checks),
+ ('mysql', run_mysql_checks),
+ ('apache', run_apache_checks)])
+ enabled = overrides or (config("harden") or "").split()
+ if enabled:
+ modules_to_run = []
+ # modules will always be performed in the following order
+ for module, func in six.iteritems(RUN_CATALOG):
+ if module in enabled:
+ enabled.remove(module)
+ modules_to_run.append(func)
+ if enabled:
+ log("Unknown hardening modules '%s' - ignoring" %
+ (', '.join(enabled)), level=WARNING)
+ for hardener in modules_to_run:
+ log("Executing hardening module '%s'" %
+ (hardener.__name__), level=DEBUG)
+ hardener()
+ else:
+ log("No hardening applied to '%s'" % (f.__name__), level=DEBUG)
+ return f(*args, **kwargs)
+ return _harden_inner2
+ return _harden_inner1
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/__init__.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..277b8c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+from os import path
+TEMPLATES_DIR = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/__init__.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3bd598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
+ log,
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.host.checks import (
+ apt,
+ limits,
+ login,
+ minimize_access,
+ pam,
+ profile,
+ securetty,
+ suid_sgid,
+ sysctl
+def run_os_checks():
+ log("Starting OS hardening checks.", level=DEBUG)
+ checks = apt.get_audits()
+ checks.extend(limits.get_audits())
+ checks.extend(login.get_audits())
+ checks.extend(minimize_access.get_audits())
+ checks.extend(pam.get_audits())
+ checks.extend(profile.get_audits())
+ checks.extend(securetty.get_audits())
+ checks.extend(suid_sgid.get_audits())
+ checks.extend(sysctl.get_audits())
+ for check in checks:
+ log("Running '%s' check" % (check.__class__.__name__), level=DEBUG)
+ check.ensure_compliance()
+ log("OS hardening checks complete.", level=DEBUG)
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/apt.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/apt.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c221cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/apt.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.utils import get_settings
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.audits.apt import (
+ AptConfig,
+ RestrictedPackages,
+def get_audits():
+ """Get OS hardening apt audits.
+ :returns: dictionary of audits
+ """
+ audits = [AptConfig([{'key': 'APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated',
+ 'expected': 'false'}])]
+ settings = get_settings('os')
+ clean_packages = settings['security']['packages_clean']
+ if clean_packages:
+ security_packages = settings['security']['packages_list']
+ if security_packages:
+ audits.append(RestrictedPackages(security_packages))
+ return audits
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/limits.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/limits.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ce9dc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/limits.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.audits.file import (
+ DirectoryPermissionAudit,
+ TemplatedFile,
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.host import TEMPLATES_DIR
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening import utils
+def get_audits():
+ """Get OS hardening security limits audits.
+ :returns: dictionary of audits
+ """
+ audits = []
+ settings = utils.get_settings('os')
+ # Ensure that the /etc/security/limits.d directory is only writable
+ # by the root user, but others can execute and read.
+ audits.append(DirectoryPermissionAudit('/etc/security/limits.d',
+ user='root', group='root',
+ mode=0o755))
+ # If core dumps are not enabled, then don't allow core dumps to be
+ # created as they may contain sensitive information.
+ if not settings['security']['kernel_enable_core_dump']:
+ audits.append(TemplatedFile('/etc/security/limits.d/10.hardcore.conf',
+ SecurityLimitsContext(),
+ template_dir=TEMPLATES_DIR,
+ user='root', group='root', mode=0o0440))
+ return audits
+class SecurityLimitsContext(object):
+ def __call__(self):
+ settings = utils.get_settings('os')
+ ctxt = {'disable_core_dump':
+ not settings['security']['kernel_enable_core_dump']}
+ return ctxt
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/login.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/login.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d32c4f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/login.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+from six import string_types
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.audits.file import TemplatedFile
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.host import TEMPLATES_DIR
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening import utils
+def get_audits():
+ """Get OS hardening login.defs audits.
+ :returns: dictionary of audits
+ """
+ audits = [TemplatedFile('/etc/login.defs', LoginContext(),
+ template_dir=TEMPLATES_DIR,
+ user='root', group='root', mode=0o0444)]
+ return audits
+class LoginContext(object):
+ def __call__(self):
+ settings = utils.get_settings('os')
+ # Octal numbers in yaml end up being turned into decimal,
+ # so check if the umask is entered as a string (e.g. '027')
+ # or as an octal umask as we know it (e.g. 002). If its not
+ # a string assume it to be octal and turn it into an octal
+ # string.
+ umask = settings['environment']['umask']
+ if not isinstance(umask, string_types):
+ umask = '%s' % oct(umask)
+ ctxt = {
+ 'additional_user_paths':
+ settings['environment']['extra_user_paths'],
+ 'umask': umask,
+ 'pwd_max_age': settings['auth']['pw_max_age'],
+ 'pwd_min_age': settings['auth']['pw_min_age'],
+ 'uid_min': settings['auth']['uid_min'],
+ 'sys_uid_min': settings['auth']['sys_uid_min'],
+ 'sys_uid_max': settings['auth']['sys_uid_max'],
+ 'gid_min': settings['auth']['gid_min'],
+ 'sys_gid_min': settings['auth']['sys_gid_min'],
+ 'sys_gid_max': settings['auth']['sys_gid_max'],
+ 'login_retries': settings['auth']['retries'],
+ 'login_timeout': settings['auth']['timeout'],
+ 'chfn_restrict': settings['auth']['chfn_restrict'],
+ 'allow_login_without_home': settings['auth']['allow_homeless']
+ }
+ return ctxt
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/minimize_access.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/minimize_access.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c471064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/minimize_access.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.audits.file import (
+ FilePermissionAudit,
+ ReadOnly,
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening import utils
+def get_audits():
+ """Get OS hardening access audits.
+ :returns: dictionary of audits
+ """
+ audits = []
+ settings = utils.get_settings('os')
+ # Remove write permissions from $PATH folders for all regular users.
+ # This prevents changing system-wide commands from normal users.
+ path_folders = {'/usr/local/sbin',
+ '/usr/local/bin',
+ '/usr/sbin',
+ '/usr/bin',
+ '/bin'}
+ extra_user_paths = settings['environment']['extra_user_paths']
+ path_folders.update(extra_user_paths)
+ audits.append(ReadOnly(path_folders))
+ # Only allow the root user to have access to the shadow file.
+ audits.append(FilePermissionAudit('/etc/shadow', 'root', 'root', 0o0600))
+ if 'change_user' not in settings['security']['users_allow']:
+ # su should only be accessible to user and group root, unless it is
+ # expressly defined to allow users to change to root via the
+ # security_users_allow config option.
+ audits.append(FilePermissionAudit('/bin/su', 'root', 'root', 0o750))
+ return audits
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/pam.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/pam.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..383fe28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/pam.py
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+from subprocess import (
+ check_output,
+ CalledProcessError,
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
+ log,
+from charmhelpers.fetch import (
+ apt_install,
+ apt_purge,
+ apt_update,
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.audits.file import (
+ TemplatedFile,
+ DeletedFile,
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening import utils
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.host import TEMPLATES_DIR
+def get_audits():
+ """Get OS hardening PAM authentication audits.
+ :returns: dictionary of audits
+ """
+ audits = []
+ settings = utils.get_settings('os')
+ if settings['auth']['pam_passwdqc_enable']:
+ audits.append(PasswdqcPAM('/etc/passwdqc.conf'))
+ if settings['auth']['retries']:
+ audits.append(Tally2PAM('/usr/share/pam-configs/tally2'))
+ else:
+ audits.append(DeletedFile('/usr/share/pam-configs/tally2'))
+ return audits
+class PasswdqcPAMContext(object):
+ def __call__(self):
+ ctxt = {}
+ settings = utils.get_settings('os')
+ ctxt['auth_pam_passwdqc_options'] = \
+ settings['auth']['pam_passwdqc_options']
+ return ctxt
+class PasswdqcPAM(TemplatedFile):
+ """The PAM Audit verifies the linux PAM settings."""
+ def __init__(self, path):
+ super(PasswdqcPAM, self).__init__(path=path,
+ template_dir=TEMPLATES_DIR,
+ context=PasswdqcPAMContext(),
+ user='root',
+ group='root',
+ mode=0o0640)
+ def pre_write(self):
+ # Always remove?
+ for pkg in ['libpam-ccreds', 'libpam-cracklib']:
+ log("Purging package '%s'" % pkg, level=DEBUG),
+ apt_purge(pkg)
+ apt_update(fatal=True)
+ for pkg in ['libpam-passwdqc']:
+ log("Installing package '%s'" % pkg, level=DEBUG),
+ apt_install(pkg)
+ def post_write(self):
+ """Updates the PAM configuration after the file has been written"""
+ try:
+ check_output(['pam-auth-update', '--package'])
+ except CalledProcessError as e:
+ log('Error calling pam-auth-update: %s' % e, level=ERROR)
+class Tally2PAMContext(object):
+ def __call__(self):
+ ctxt = {}
+ settings = utils.get_settings('os')
+ ctxt['auth_lockout_time'] = settings['auth']['lockout_time']
+ ctxt['auth_retries'] = settings['auth']['retries']
+ return ctxt
+class Tally2PAM(TemplatedFile):
+ """The PAM Audit verifies the linux PAM settings."""
+ def __init__(self, path):
+ super(Tally2PAM, self).__init__(path=path,
+ template_dir=TEMPLATES_DIR,
+ context=Tally2PAMContext(),
+ user='root',
+ group='root',
+ mode=0o0640)
+ def pre_write(self):
+ # Always remove?
+ apt_purge('libpam-ccreds')
+ apt_update(fatal=True)
+ apt_install('libpam-modules')
+ def post_write(self):
+ """Updates the PAM configuration after the file has been written"""
+ try:
+ check_output(['pam-auth-update', '--package'])
+ except CalledProcessError as e:
+ log('Error calling pam-auth-update: %s' % e, level=ERROR)
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/profile.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/profile.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f744335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/profile.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.audits.file import TemplatedFile
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.host import TEMPLATES_DIR
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening import utils
+def get_audits():
+ """Get OS hardening profile audits.
+ :returns: dictionary of audits
+ """
+ audits = []
+ settings = utils.get_settings('os')
+ # If core dumps are not enabled, then don't allow core dumps to be
+ # created as they may contain sensitive information.
+ if not settings['security']['kernel_enable_core_dump']:
+ audits.append(TemplatedFile('/etc/profile.d/pinerolo_profile.sh',
+ ProfileContext(),
+ template_dir=TEMPLATES_DIR,
+ mode=0o0755, user='root', group='root'))
+ return audits
+class ProfileContext(object):
+ def __call__(self):
+ ctxt = {}
+ return ctxt
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/securetty.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/securetty.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e33c73c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/securetty.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.audits.file import TemplatedFile
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.host import TEMPLATES_DIR
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening import utils
+def get_audits():
+ """Get OS hardening Secure TTY audits.
+ :returns: dictionary of audits
+ """
+ audits = []
+ audits.append(TemplatedFile('/etc/securetty', SecureTTYContext(),
+ template_dir=TEMPLATES_DIR,
+ mode=0o0400, user='root', group='root'))
+ return audits
+class SecureTTYContext(object):
+ def __call__(self):
+ settings = utils.get_settings('os')
+ ctxt = {'ttys': settings['auth']['root_ttys']}
+ return ctxt
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/suid_sgid.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/suid_sgid.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0534689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/suid_sgid.py
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+import subprocess
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
+ log,
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.audits.file import NoSUIDSGIDAudit
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening import utils
+BLACKLIST = ['/usr/bin/rcp', '/usr/bin/rlogin', '/usr/bin/rsh',
+ '/usr/libexec/openssh/ssh-keysign',
+ '/usr/lib/openssh/ssh-keysign',
+ '/sbin/netreport',
+ '/usr/sbin/usernetctl',
+ '/usr/sbin/userisdnctl',
+ '/usr/sbin/pppd',
+ '/usr/bin/lockfile',
+ '/usr/bin/mail-lock',
+ '/usr/bin/mail-unlock',
+ '/usr/bin/mail-touchlock',
+ '/usr/bin/dotlockfile',
+ '/usr/bin/arping',
+ '/usr/sbin/uuidd',
+ '/usr/bin/mtr',
+ '/usr/lib/evolution/camel-lock-helper-1.2',
+ '/usr/lib/pt_chown',
+ '/usr/lib/eject/dmcrypt-get-device',
+ '/usr/lib/mc/cons.saver']
+WHITELIST = ['/bin/mount', '/bin/ping', '/bin/su', '/bin/umount',
+ '/sbin/pam_timestamp_check', '/sbin/unix_chkpwd', '/usr/bin/at',
+ '/usr/bin/gpasswd', '/usr/bin/locate', '/usr/bin/newgrp',
+ '/usr/bin/passwd', '/usr/bin/ssh-agent',
+ '/usr/libexec/utempter/utempter', '/usr/sbin/lockdev',
+ '/usr/sbin/sendmail.sendmail', '/usr/bin/expiry',
+ '/bin/ping6', '/usr/bin/traceroute6.iputils',
+ '/sbin/mount.nfs', '/sbin/umount.nfs',
+ '/sbin/mount.nfs4', '/sbin/umount.nfs4',
+ '/usr/bin/crontab',
+ '/usr/bin/wall', '/usr/bin/write',
+ '/usr/bin/screen',
+ '/usr/bin/mlocate',
+ '/usr/bin/chage', '/usr/bin/chfn', '/usr/bin/chsh',
+ '/bin/fusermount',
+ '/usr/bin/pkexec',
+ '/usr/bin/sudo', '/usr/bin/sudoedit',
+ '/usr/sbin/postdrop', '/usr/sbin/postqueue',
+ '/usr/sbin/suexec',
+ '/usr/lib/squid/ncsa_auth', '/usr/lib/squid/pam_auth',
+ '/usr/kerberos/bin/ksu',
+ '/usr/sbin/ccreds_validate',
+ '/usr/bin/Xorg',
+ '/usr/bin/X',
+ '/usr/lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper',
+ '/usr/lib/vte/gnome-pty-helper',
+ '/usr/lib/libvte9/gnome-pty-helper',
+ '/usr/lib/libvte-2.90-9/gnome-pty-helper']
+def get_audits():
+ """Get OS hardening suid/sgid audits.
+ :returns: dictionary of audits
+ """
+ checks = []
+ settings = utils.get_settings('os')
+ if not settings['security']['suid_sgid_enforce']:
+ log("Skipping suid/sgid hardening", level=INFO)
+ return checks
+ # Build the blacklist and whitelist of files for suid/sgid checks.
+ # There are a total of 4 lists:
+ # 1. the system blacklist
+ # 2. the system whitelist
+ # 3. the user blacklist
+ # 4. the user whitelist
+ #
+ # The blacklist is the set of paths which should NOT have the suid/sgid bit
+ # set and the whitelist is the set of paths which MAY have the suid/sgid
+ # bit setl. The user whitelist/blacklist effectively override the system
+ # whitelist/blacklist.
+ u_b = settings['security']['suid_sgid_blacklist']
+ u_w = settings['security']['suid_sgid_whitelist']
+ blacklist = set(BLACKLIST) - set(u_w + u_b)
+ whitelist = set(WHITELIST) - set(u_b + u_w)
+ checks.append(NoSUIDSGIDAudit(blacklist))
+ dry_run = settings['security']['suid_sgid_dry_run_on_unknown']
+ if settings['security']['suid_sgid_remove_from_unknown'] or dry_run:
+ # If the policy is a dry_run (e.g. complain only) or remove unknown
+ # suid/sgid bits then find all of the paths which have the suid/sgid
+ # bit set and then remove the whitelisted paths.
+ root_path = settings['environment']['root_path']
+ unknown_paths = find_paths_with_suid_sgid(root_path) - set(whitelist)
+ checks.append(NoSUIDSGIDAudit(unknown_paths, unless=dry_run))
+ return checks
+def find_paths_with_suid_sgid(root_path):
+ """Finds all paths/files which have an suid/sgid bit enabled.
+ Starting with the root_path, this will recursively find all paths which
+ have an suid or sgid bit set.
+ """
+ cmd = ['find', root_path, '-perm', '-4000', '-o', '-perm', '-2000',
+ '-type', 'f', '!', '-path', '/proc/*', '-print']
+ p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ out, _ = p.communicate()
+ return set(out.split('\n'))
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/sysctl.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/sysctl.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a76d74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/host/checks/sysctl.py
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+import os
+import platform
+import re
+import six
+import subprocess
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
+ log,
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening import utils
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.audits.file import (
+ FilePermissionAudit,
+ TemplatedFile,
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.host import TEMPLATES_DIR
+SYSCTL_DEFAULTS = """net.ipv4.ip_forward=%(net_ipv4_ip_forward)s
+def get_audits():
+ """Get OS hardening sysctl audits.
+ :returns: dictionary of audits
+ """
+ audits = []
+ settings = utils.get_settings('os')
+ # Apply the sysctl settings which are configured to be applied.
+ audits.append(SysctlConf())
+ # Make sure that only root has access to the sysctl.conf file, and
+ # that it is read-only.
+ audits.append(FilePermissionAudit('/etc/sysctl.conf',
+ user='root',
+ group='root', mode=0o0440))
+ # If module loading is not enabled, then ensure that the modules
+ # file has the appropriate permissions and rebuild the initramfs
+ if not settings['security']['kernel_enable_module_loading']:
+ audits.append(ModulesTemplate())
+ return audits
+class ModulesContext(object):
+ def __call__(self):
+ settings = utils.get_settings('os')
+ with open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r') as fd:
+ cpuinfo = fd.readlines()
+ for line in cpuinfo:
+ match = re.search(r"^vendor_id\s+:\s+(.+)", line)
+ if match:
+ vendor = match.group(1)
+ if vendor == "GenuineIntel":
+ vendor = "intel"
+ elif vendor == "AuthenticAMD":
+ vendor = "amd"
+ ctxt = {'arch': platform.processor(),
+ 'cpuVendor': vendor,
+ 'desktop_enable': settings['general']['desktop_enable']}
+ return ctxt
+class ModulesTemplate(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(ModulesTemplate, self).__init__('/etc/initramfs-tools/modules',
+ ModulesContext(),
+ templates_dir=TEMPLATES_DIR,
+ user='root', group='root',
+ mode=0o0440)
+ def post_write(self):
+ subprocess.check_call(['update-initramfs', '-u'])
+class SysCtlHardeningContext(object):
+ def __call__(self):
+ settings = utils.get_settings('os')
+ ctxt = {'sysctl': {}}
+ log("Applying sysctl settings", level=INFO)
+ extras = {'net_ipv4_ip_forward': 0,
+ 'net_ipv6_conf_all_forwarding': 0,
+ 'net_ipv6_conf_all_disable_ipv6': 1,
+ 'net_ipv4_tcp_timestamps': 0,
+ 'net_ipv4_conf_all_arp_ignore': 0,
+ 'net_ipv4_conf_all_arp_announce': 0,
+ 'kernel_sysrq': 0,
+ 'fs_suid_dumpable': 0,
+ 'kernel_modules_disabled': 1}
+ if settings['sysctl']['ipv6_enable']:
+ extras['net_ipv6_conf_all_disable_ipv6'] = 0
+ if settings['sysctl']['forwarding']:
+ extras['net_ipv4_ip_forward'] = 1
+ extras['net_ipv6_conf_all_forwarding'] = 1
+ if settings['sysctl']['arp_restricted']:
+ extras['net_ipv4_conf_all_arp_ignore'] = 1
+ extras['net_ipv4_conf_all_arp_announce'] = 2
+ if settings['security']['kernel_enable_module_loading']:
+ extras['kernel_modules_disabled'] = 0
+ if settings['sysctl']['kernel_enable_sysrq']:
+ sysrq_val = settings['sysctl']['kernel_secure_sysrq']
+ extras['kernel_sysrq'] = sysrq_val
+ if settings['security']['kernel_enable_core_dump']:
+ extras['fs_suid_dumpable'] = 1
+ settings.update(extras)
+ for d in (SYSCTL_DEFAULTS % settings).split():
+ d = d.strip().partition('=')
+ key = d[0].strip()
+ path = os.path.join('/proc/sys', key.replace('.', '/'))
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ log("Skipping '%s' since '%s' does not exist" % (key, path),
+ level=WARNING)
+ continue
+ ctxt['sysctl'][key] = d[2] or None
+ # Translate for python3
+ return {'sysctl_settings':
+ [(k, v) for k, v in six.iteritems(ctxt['sysctl'])]}
+class SysctlConf(TemplatedFile):
+ """An audit check for sysctl settings."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.conffile = '/etc/sysctl.d/99-juju-hardening.conf'
+ super(SysctlConf, self).__init__(self.conffile,
+ SysCtlHardeningContext(),
+ template_dir=TEMPLATES_DIR,
+ user='root', group='root',
+ mode=0o0440)
+ def post_write(self):
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_call(['sysctl', '-p', self.conffile])
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ # NOTE: on some systems if sysctl cannot apply all settings it
+ # will return non-zero as well.
+ log("sysctl command returned an error (maybe some "
+ "keys could not be set) - %s" % (e),
+ level=WARNING)
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/mysql/__init__.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/mysql/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..277b8c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/mysql/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+from os import path
+TEMPLATES_DIR = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/mysql/checks/__init__.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/mysql/checks/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4f0ec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/mysql/checks/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
+ log,
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.mysql.checks import config
+def run_mysql_checks():
+ log("Starting MySQL hardening checks.", level=DEBUG)
+ checks = config.get_audits()
+ for check in checks:
+ log("Running '%s' check" % (check.__class__.__name__), level=DEBUG)
+ check.ensure_compliance()
+ log("MySQL hardening checks complete.", level=DEBUG)
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/mysql/checks/config.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/mysql/checks/config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3af8b89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/mysql/checks/config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+import six
+import subprocess
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
+ log,
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.audits.file import (
+ FilePermissionAudit,
+ DirectoryPermissionAudit,
+ TemplatedFile,
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.mysql import TEMPLATES_DIR
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening import utils
+def get_audits():
+ """Get MySQL hardening config audits.
+ :returns: dictionary of audits
+ """
+ if subprocess.call(['which', 'mysql'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) != 0:
+ log("MySQL does not appear to be installed on this node - "
+ "skipping mysql hardening", level=WARNING)
+ return []
+ settings = utils.get_settings('mysql')
+ hardening_settings = settings['hardening']
+ my_cnf = hardening_settings['mysql-conf']
+ audits = [
+ FilePermissionAudit(paths=[my_cnf], user='root',
+ group='root', mode=0o0600),
+ TemplatedFile(hardening_settings['hardening-conf'],
+ MySQLConfContext(),
+ mode=0o0750,
+ user='mysql',
+ group='root',
+ service_actions=[{'service': 'mysql',
+ 'actions': ['restart']}]),
+ # MySQL and Percona charms do not allow configuration of the
+ # data directory, so use the default.
+ DirectoryPermissionAudit('/var/lib/mysql',
+ user='mysql',
+ group='mysql',
+ recursive=False,
+ mode=0o755),
+ DirectoryPermissionAudit('/etc/mysql',
+ user='root',
+ group='root',
+ recursive=False,
+ mode=0o700),
+ ]
+ return audits
+class MySQLConfContext(object):
+ """Defines the set of key/value pairs to set in a mysql config file.
+ This context, when called, will return a dictionary containing the
+ key/value pairs of setting to specify in the
+ /etc/mysql/conf.d/hardening.cnf file.
+ """
+ def __call__(self):
+ settings = utils.get_settings('mysql')
+ # Translate for python3
+ return {'mysql_settings':
+ [(k, v) for k, v in six.iteritems(settings['security'])]}
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/ssh/__init__.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/ssh/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..277b8c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/ssh/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+from os import path
+TEMPLATES_DIR = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/ssh/checks/__init__.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/ssh/checks/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b85150d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/ssh/checks/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
+ log,
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.ssh.checks import config
+def run_ssh_checks():
+ log("Starting SSH hardening checks.", level=DEBUG)
+ checks = config.get_audits()
+ for check in checks:
+ log("Running '%s' check" % (check.__class__.__name__), level=DEBUG)
+ check.ensure_compliance()
+ log("SSH hardening checks complete.", level=DEBUG)
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/ssh/checks/config.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/ssh/checks/config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fb6ae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/ssh/checks/config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+import os
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
+ log,
+from charmhelpers.fetch import (
+ apt_install,
+ apt_update,
+from charmhelpers.core.host import lsb_release
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.audits.file import (
+ TemplatedFile,
+ FileContentAudit,
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.ssh import TEMPLATES_DIR
+from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening import utils
+def get_audits():
+ """Get SSH hardening config audits.
+ :returns: dictionary of audits
+ """
+ audits = [SSHConfig(), SSHDConfig(), SSHConfigFileContentAudit(),
+ SSHDConfigFileContentAudit()]
+ return audits
+class SSHConfigContext(object):
+ type = 'client'
+ def get_macs(self, allow_weak_mac):
+ if allow_weak_mac:
+ weak_macs = 'weak'
+ else:
+ weak_macs = 'default'
+ default = 'hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-ripemd160'
+ macs = {'default': default,
+ 'weak': default + ',hmac-sha1'}
+ default = ('hmac-sha2-512-etm@openssh.com,'
+ 'hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com,'
+ 'hmac-ripemd160-etm@openssh.com,umac-128-etm@openssh.com,'
+ 'hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-ripemd160')
+ macs_66 = {'default': default,
+ 'weak': default + ',hmac-sha1'}
+ # Use newer ciphers on Ubuntu Trusty and above
+ if lsb_release()['DISTRIB_CODENAME'].lower() >= 'trusty':
+ log("Detected Ubuntu 14.04 or newer, using new macs", level=DEBUG)
+ macs = macs_66
+ return macs[weak_macs]
+ def get_kexs(self, allow_weak_kex):
+ if allow_weak_kex:
+ weak_kex = 'weak'
+ else:
+ weak_kex = 'default'
+ default = 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256'
+ weak = (default + ',diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,'
+ 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,'
+ 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1')
+ kex = {'default': default,
+ 'weak': weak}
+ default = ('curve25519-sha256@libssh.org,'
+ 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256')
+ weak = (default + ',diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,'
+ 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,'
+ 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1')
+ kex_66 = {'default': default,
+ 'weak': weak}
+ # Use newer kex on Ubuntu Trusty and above
+ if lsb_release()['DISTRIB_CODENAME'].lower() >= 'trusty':
+ log('Detected Ubuntu 14.04 or newer, using new key exchange '
+ 'algorithms', level=DEBUG)
+ kex = kex_66
+ return kex[weak_kex]
+ def get_ciphers(self, cbc_required):
+ if cbc_required:
+ weak_ciphers = 'weak'
+ else:
+ weak_ciphers = 'default'
+ default = 'aes256-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes128-ctr'
+ cipher = {'default': default,
+ 'weak': default + 'aes256-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes128-cbc'}
+ default = ('chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com,aes256-gcm@openssh.com,'
+ 'aes128-gcm@openssh.com,aes256-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes128-ctr')
+ ciphers_66 = {'default': default,
+ 'weak': default + ',aes256-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes128-cbc'}
+ # Use newer ciphers on ubuntu Trusty and above
+ if lsb_release()['DISTRIB_CODENAME'].lower() >= 'trusty':
+ log('Detected Ubuntu 14.04 or newer, using new ciphers',
+ level=DEBUG)
+ cipher = ciphers_66
+ return cipher[weak_ciphers]
+ def __call__(self):
+ settings = utils.get_settings('ssh')
+ if settings['common']['network_ipv6_enable']:
+ addr_family = 'any'
+ else:
+ addr_family = 'inet'
+ ctxt = {
+ 'addr_family': addr_family,
+ 'remote_hosts': settings['common']['remote_hosts'],
+ 'password_auth_allowed':
+ settings['client']['password_authentication'],
+ 'ports': settings['common']['ports'],
+ 'ciphers': self.get_ciphers(settings['client']['cbc_required']),
+ 'macs': self.get_macs(settings['client']['weak_hmac']),
+ 'kexs': self.get_kexs(settings['client']['weak_kex']),
+ 'roaming': settings['client']['roaming'],
+ }
+ return ctxt
+class SSHConfig(TemplatedFile):
+ def __init__(self):
+ path = '/etc/ssh/ssh_config'
+ super(SSHConfig, self).__init__(path=path,
+ template_dir=TEMPLATES_DIR,
+ context=SSHConfigContext(),
+ user='root',
+ group='root',
+ mode=0o0644)
+ def pre_write(self):
+ settings = utils.get_settings('ssh')
+ apt_update(fatal=True)
+ apt_install(settings['client']['package'])
+ if not os.path.exists('/etc/ssh'):
+ os.makedir('/etc/ssh')
+ # NOTE: don't recurse
+ utils.ensure_permissions('/etc/ssh', 'root', 'root', 0o0755,
+ maxdepth=0)
+ def post_write(self):
+ # NOTE: don't recurse
+ utils.ensure_permissions('/etc/ssh', 'root', 'root', 0o0755,
+ maxdepth=0)
+class SSHDConfigContext(SSHConfigContext):
+ type = 'server'
+ def __call__(self):
+ settings = utils.get_settings('ssh')
+ if settings['common']['network_ipv6_enable']:
+ addr_family = 'any'
+ else:
+ addr_family = 'inet'
+ ctxt = {
+ 'ssh_ip': settings['server']['listen_to'],
+ 'password_auth_allowed':
+ settings['server']['password_authentication'],
+ 'ports': settings['common']['ports'],
+ 'addr_family': addr_family,
+ 'ciphers': self.get_ciphers(settings['server']['cbc_required']),
+ 'macs': self.get_macs(settings['server']['weak_hmac']),
+ 'kexs': self.get_kexs(settings['server']['weak_kex']),
+ 'host_key_files': settings['server']['host_key_files'],
+ 'allow_root_with_key': settings['server']['allow_root_with_key'],
+ 'password_authentication':
+ settings['server']['password_authentication'],
+ 'use_priv_sep': settings['server']['use_privilege_separation'],
+ 'use_pam': settings['server']['use_pam'],
+ 'allow_x11_forwarding': settings['server']['allow_x11_forwarding'],
+ 'print_motd': settings['server']['print_motd'],
+ 'print_last_log': settings['server']['print_last_log'],
+ 'client_alive_interval':
+ settings['server']['alive_interval'],
+ 'client_alive_count': settings['server']['alive_count'],
+ 'allow_tcp_forwarding': settings['server']['allow_tcp_forwarding'],
+ 'allow_agent_forwarding':
+ settings['server']['allow_agent_forwarding'],
+ 'deny_users': settings['server']['deny_users'],
+ 'allow_users': settings['server']['allow_users'],
+ 'deny_groups': settings['server']['deny_groups'],
+ 'allow_groups': settings['server']['allow_groups'],
+ 'use_dns': settings['server']['use_dns'],
+ 'sftp_enable': settings['server']['sftp_enable'],
+ 'sftp_group': settings['server']['sftp_group'],
+ 'sftp_chroot': settings['server']['sftp_chroot'],
+ 'max_auth_tries': settings['server']['max_auth_tries'],
+ 'max_sessions': settings['server']['max_sessions'],
+ }
+ return ctxt
+class SSHDConfig(TemplatedFile):
+ def __init__(self):
+ path = '/etc/ssh/sshd_config'
+ super(SSHDConfig, self).__init__(path=path,
+ template_dir=TEMPLATES_DIR,
+ context=SSHDConfigContext(),
+ user='root',
+ group='root',
+ mode=0o0600,
+ service_actions=[{'service': 'ssh',
+ 'actions':
+ ['restart']}])
+ def pre_write(self):
+ settings = utils.get_settings('ssh')
+ apt_update(fatal=True)
+ apt_install(settings['server']['package'])
+ if not os.path.exists('/etc/ssh'):
+ os.makedir('/etc/ssh')
+ # NOTE: don't recurse
+ utils.ensure_permissions('/etc/ssh', 'root', 'root', 0o0755,
+ maxdepth=0)
+ def post_write(self):
+ # NOTE: don't recurse
+ utils.ensure_permissions('/etc/ssh', 'root', 'root', 0o0755,
+ maxdepth=0)
+class SSHConfigFileContentAudit(FileContentAudit):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.path = '/etc/ssh/ssh_config'
+ super(SSHConfigFileContentAudit, self).__init__(self.path, {})
+ def is_compliant(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.pass_cases = []
+ self.fail_cases = []
+ settings = utils.get_settings('ssh')
+ if lsb_release()['DISTRIB_CODENAME'].lower() >= 'trusty':
+ if not settings['server']['weak_hmac']:
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^MACs.+,hmac-ripemd160$')
+ else:
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^MACs.+,hmac-sha1$')
+ if settings['server']['weak_kex']:
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256[,\s]?') # noqa
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group14-sha1[,\s]?') # noqa
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1[,\s]?') # noqa
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group1-sha1[,\s]?') # noqa
+ else:
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms.+,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256$') # noqa
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms.*diffie-hellman-group14-sha1[,\s]?') # noqa
+ if settings['server']['cbc_required']:
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*-cbc[,\s]?')
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes128-ctr[,\s]?')
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes192-ctr[,\s]?')
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes256-ctr[,\s]?')
+ else:
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*-cbc[,\s]?')
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\schacha20-poly1305@openssh.com,.+') # noqa
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes128-ctr$')
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes192-ctr[,\s]?')
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes256-ctr[,\s]?')
+ else:
+ if not settings['client']['weak_hmac']:
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^MACs.+,hmac-sha1$')
+ else:
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^MACs.+,hmac-sha1$')
+ if settings['client']['weak_kex']:
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256[,\s]?') # noqa
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group14-sha1[,\s]?') # noqa
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1[,\s]?') # noqa
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group1-sha1[,\s]?') # noqa
+ else:
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256$') # noqa
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group14-sha1[,\s]?') # noqa
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1[,\s]?') # noqa
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group1-sha1[,\s]?') # noqa
+ if settings['client']['cbc_required']:
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*-cbc[,\s]?')
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes128-ctr[,\s]?')
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes192-ctr[,\s]?')
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes256-ctr[,\s]?')
+ else:
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*-cbc[,\s]?')
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes128-ctr[,\s]?')
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes192-ctr[,\s]?')
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes256-ctr[,\s]?')
+ if settings['client']['roaming']:
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^UseRoaming yes$')
+ else:
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^UseRoaming yes$')
+ return super(SSHConfigFileContentAudit, self).is_compliant(*args,
+ **kwargs)
+class SSHDConfigFileContentAudit(FileContentAudit):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.path = '/etc/ssh/sshd_config'
+ super(SSHDConfigFileContentAudit, self).__init__(self.path, {})
+ def is_compliant(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.pass_cases = []
+ self.fail_cases = []
+ settings = utils.get_settings('ssh')
+ if lsb_release()['DISTRIB_CODENAME'].lower() >= 'trusty':
+ if not settings['server']['weak_hmac']:
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^MACs.+,hmac-ripemd160$')
+ else:
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^MACs.+,hmac-sha1$')
+ if settings['server']['weak_kex']:
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256[,\s]?') # noqa
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group14-sha1[,\s]?') # noqa
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1[,\s]?') # noqa
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group1-sha1[,\s]?') # noqa
+ else:
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms.+,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256$') # noqa
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms.*diffie-hellman-group14-sha1[,\s]?') # noqa
+ if settings['server']['cbc_required']:
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*-cbc[,\s]?')
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes128-ctr[,\s]?')
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes192-ctr[,\s]?')
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes256-ctr[,\s]?')
+ else:
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*-cbc[,\s]?')
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\schacha20-poly1305@openssh.com,.+') # noqa
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes128-ctr$')
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes192-ctr[,\s]?')
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes256-ctr[,\s]?')
+ else:
+ if not settings['server']['weak_hmac']:
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^MACs.+,hmac-ripemd160$')
+ else:
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^MACs.+,hmac-sha1$')
+ if settings['server']['weak_kex']:
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256[,\s]?') # noqa
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group14-sha1[,\s]?') # noqa
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1[,\s]?') # noqa
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group1-sha1[,\s]?') # noqa
+ else:
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256$') # noqa
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group14-sha1[,\s]?') # noqa
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1[,\s]?') # noqa
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^KexAlgorithms\sdiffie-hellman-group1-sha1[,\s]?') # noqa
+ if settings['server']['cbc_required']:
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*-cbc[,\s]?')
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes128-ctr[,\s]?')
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes192-ctr[,\s]?')
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes256-ctr[,\s]?')
+ else:
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*-cbc[,\s]?')
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes128-ctr[,\s]?')
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes192-ctr[,\s]?')
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^Ciphers\s.*aes256-ctr[,\s]?')
+ if settings['server']['sftp_enable']:
+ self.pass_cases.append(r'^Subsystem\ssftp')
+ else:
+ self.fail_cases.append(r'^Subsystem\ssftp')
+ return super(SSHDConfigFileContentAudit, self).is_compliant(*args,
+ **kwargs)
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/templating.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/templating.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2ab7dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/templating.py
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+import os
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
+ log,
+ from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, Environment
+except ImportError:
+ from charmhelpers.fetch import apt_install
+ from charmhelpers.fetch import apt_update
+ apt_update(fatal=True)
+ apt_install('python-jinja2', fatal=True)
+ from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, Environment
+# NOTE: function separated from main rendering code to facilitate easier
+# mocking in unit tests.
+def write(path, data):
+ with open(path, 'wb') as out:
+ out.write(data)
+def get_template_path(template_dir, path):
+ """Returns the template file which would be used to render the path.
+ The path to the template file is returned.
+ :param template_dir: the directory the templates are located in
+ :param path: the file path to be written to.
+ :returns: path to the template file
+ """
+ return os.path.join(template_dir, os.path.basename(path))
+def render_and_write(template_dir, path, context):
+ """Renders the specified template into the file.
+ :param template_dir: the directory to load the template from
+ :param path: the path to write the templated contents to
+ :param context: the parameters to pass to the rendering engine
+ """
+ env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(template_dir))
+ template_file = os.path.basename(path)
+ template = env.get_template(template_file)
+ log('Rendering from template: %s' % template.name, level=DEBUG)
+ rendered_content = template.render(context)
+ if not rendered_content:
+ log("Render returned None - skipping '%s'" % path,
+ level=WARNING)
+ return
+ write(path, rendered_content.encode('utf-8').strip())
+ log('Wrote template %s' % path, level=DEBUG)
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/utils.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6743a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
+import glob
+import grp
+import os
+import pwd
+import six
+import yaml
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
+ log,
+# Global settings cache. Since each hook fire entails a fresh module import it
+# is safe to hold this in memory and not risk missing config changes (since
+# they will result in a new hook fire and thus re-import).
+__SETTINGS__ = {}
+def _get_defaults(modules):
+ """Load the default config for the provided modules.
+ :param modules: stack modules config defaults to lookup.
+ :returns: modules default config dictionary.
+ """
+ default = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'defaults/%s.yaml' % (modules))
+ return yaml.safe_load(open(default))
+def _get_schema(modules):
+ """Load the config schema for the provided modules.
+ NOTE: this schema is intended to have 1-1 relationship with they keys in
+ the default config and is used a means to verify valid overrides provided
+ by the user.
+ :param modules: stack modules config schema to lookup.
+ :returns: modules default schema dictionary.
+ """
+ schema = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'defaults/%s.yaml.schema' % (modules))
+ return yaml.safe_load(open(schema))
+def _get_user_provided_overrides(modules):
+ """Load user-provided config overrides.
+ :param modules: stack modules to lookup in user overrides yaml file.
+ :returns: overrides dictionary.
+ """
+ overrides = os.path.join(os.environ['JUJU_CHARM_DIR'],
+ 'hardening.yaml')
+ if os.path.exists(overrides):
+ log("Found user-provided config overrides file '%s'" %
+ (overrides), level=DEBUG)
+ settings = yaml.safe_load(open(overrides))
+ if settings and settings.get(modules):
+ log("Applying '%s' overrides" % (modules), level=DEBUG)
+ return settings.get(modules)
+ log("No overrides found for '%s'" % (modules), level=DEBUG)
+ else:
+ log("No hardening config overrides file '%s' found in charm "
+ "root dir" % (overrides), level=DEBUG)
+ return {}
+def _apply_overrides(settings, overrides, schema):
+ """Get overrides config overlayed onto modules defaults.
+ :param modules: require stack modules config.
+ :returns: dictionary of modules config with user overrides applied.
+ """
+ if overrides:
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(overrides):
+ if k in schema:
+ if schema[k] is None:
+ settings[k] = v
+ elif type(schema[k]) is dict:
+ settings[k] = _apply_overrides(settings[k], overrides[k],
+ schema[k])
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Unexpected type found in schema '%s'" %
+ type(schema[k]), level=ERROR)
+ else:
+ log("Unknown override key '%s' - ignoring" % (k), level=INFO)
+ return settings
+def get_settings(modules):
+ global __SETTINGS__
+ if modules in __SETTINGS__:
+ return __SETTINGS__[modules]
+ schema = _get_schema(modules)
+ settings = _get_defaults(modules)
+ overrides = _get_user_provided_overrides(modules)
+ __SETTINGS__[modules] = _apply_overrides(settings, overrides, schema)
+ return __SETTINGS__[modules]
+def ensure_permissions(path, user, group, permissions, maxdepth=-1):
+ """Ensure permissions for path.
+ If path is a file, apply to file and return. If path is a directory,
+ apply recursively (if required) to directory contents and return.
+ :param user: user name
+ :param group: group name
+ :param permissions: octal permissions
+ :param maxdepth: maximum recursion depth. A negative maxdepth allows
+ infinite recursion and maxdepth=0 means no recursion.
+ :returns: None
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ log("File '%s' does not exist - cannot set permissions" % (path),
+ level=WARNING)
+ return
+ _user = pwd.getpwnam(user)
+ os.chown(path, _user.pw_uid, grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid)
+ os.chmod(path, permissions)
+ if maxdepth == 0:
+ log("Max recursion depth reached - skipping further recursion",
+ level=DEBUG)
+ return
+ elif maxdepth > 0:
+ maxdepth -= 1
+ if os.path.isdir(path):
+ contents = glob.glob("%s/*" % (path))
+ for c in contents:
+ ensure_permissions(c, user=user, group=group,
+ permissions=permissions, maxdepth=maxdepth)
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/network/ip.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/network/ip.py
index 4efe799..b9c7900 100644
--- a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/network/ip.py
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/network/ip.py
@@ -191,6 +191,15 @@ get_iface_for_address = partial(_get_for_address, key='iface')
get_netmask_for_address = partial(_get_for_address, key='netmask')
+def resolve_network_cidr(ip_address):
+ '''
+ Resolves the full address cidr of an ip_address based on
+ configured network interfaces
+ '''
+ netmask = get_netmask_for_address(ip_address)
+ return str(netaddr.IPNetwork("%s/%s" % (ip_address, netmask)).cidr)
def format_ipv6_addr(address):
"""If address is IPv6, wrap it in '[]' otherwise return None.
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/network/ovs/__init__.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/network/ovs/__init__.py
index 77e2db7..83d1813 100644
--- a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/network/ovs/__init__.py
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/network/ovs/__init__.py
@@ -25,10 +25,14 @@ from charmhelpers.core.host import (
-def add_bridge(name):
+def add_bridge(name, datapath_type=None):
''' Add the named bridge to openvswitch '''
log('Creating bridge {}'.format(name))
- subprocess.check_call(["ovs-vsctl", "--", "--may-exist", "add-br", name])
+ cmd = ["ovs-vsctl", "--", "--may-exist", "add-br", name]
+ if datapath_type is not None:
+ cmd += ['--', 'set', 'bridge', name,
+ 'datapath_type={}'.format(datapath_type)]
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
def del_bridge(name):
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/amulet/deployment.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/amulet/deployment.py
index d2ede32..d21c9c7 100644
--- a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/amulet/deployment.py
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/amulet/deployment.py
@@ -126,7 +126,9 @@ class OpenStackAmuletDeployment(AmuletDeployment):
# Charms which can not use openstack-origin, ie. many subordinates
no_origin = ['cinder-ceph', 'hacluster', 'neutron-openvswitch', 'nrpe',
'openvswitch-odl', 'neutron-api-odl', 'odl-controller',
- 'cinder-backup']
+ 'cinder-backup', 'nexentaedge-data',
+ 'nexentaedge-iscsi-gw', 'nexentaedge-swift-gw',
+ 'cinder-nexentaedge', 'nexentaedge-mgmt']
if self.openstack:
for svc in services:
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/amulet/utils.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/amulet/utils.py
index 388b60e..ef3bdcc 100644
--- a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/amulet/utils.py
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/amulet/utils.py
@@ -27,7 +27,11 @@ import cinderclient.v1.client as cinder_client
import glanceclient.v1.client as glance_client
import heatclient.v1.client as heat_client
import keystoneclient.v2_0 as keystone_client
-import novaclient.v1_1.client as nova_client
+from keystoneclient.auth.identity import v3 as keystone_id_v3
+from keystoneclient import session as keystone_session
+from keystoneclient.v3 import client as keystone_client_v3
+import novaclient.client as nova_client
import pika
import swiftclient
@@ -38,6 +42,8 @@ from charmhelpers.contrib.amulet.utils import (
DEBUG = logging.DEBUG
ERROR = logging.ERROR
class OpenStackAmuletUtils(AmuletUtils):
"""OpenStack amulet utilities.
@@ -139,7 +145,7 @@ class OpenStackAmuletUtils(AmuletUtils):
return "role {} does not exist".format(e['name'])
return ret
- def validate_user_data(self, expected, actual):
+ def validate_user_data(self, expected, actual, api_version=None):
"""Validate user data.
Validate a list of actual user data vs a list of expected user
@@ -150,10 +156,15 @@ class OpenStackAmuletUtils(AmuletUtils):
for e in expected:
found = False
for act in actual:
- a = {'enabled': act.enabled, 'name': act.name,
- 'email': act.email, 'tenantId': act.tenantId,
- 'id': act.id}
- if e['name'] == a['name']:
+ if e['name'] == act.name:
+ a = {'enabled': act.enabled, 'name': act.name,
+ 'email': act.email, 'id': act.id}
+ if api_version == 3:
+ a['default_project_id'] = getattr(act,
+ 'default_project_id',
+ 'none')
+ else:
+ a['tenantId'] = act.tenantId
found = True
ret = self._validate_dict_data(e, a)
if ret:
@@ -188,15 +199,30 @@ class OpenStackAmuletUtils(AmuletUtils):
return cinder_client.Client(username, password, tenant, ept)
def authenticate_keystone_admin(self, keystone_sentry, user, password,
- tenant):
+ tenant=None, api_version=None,
+ keystone_ip=None):
"""Authenticates admin user with the keystone admin endpoint."""
self.log.debug('Authenticating keystone admin...')
unit = keystone_sentry
- service_ip = unit.relation('shared-db',
- 'mysql:shared-db')['private-address']
- ep = "http://{}:35357/v2.0".format(service_ip.strip().decode('utf-8'))
- return keystone_client.Client(username=user, password=password,
- tenant_name=tenant, auth_url=ep)
+ if not keystone_ip:
+ keystone_ip = unit.relation('shared-db',
+ 'mysql:shared-db')['private-address']
+ base_ep = "http://{}:35357".format(keystone_ip.strip().decode('utf-8'))
+ if not api_version or api_version == 2:
+ ep = base_ep + "/v2.0"
+ return keystone_client.Client(username=user, password=password,
+ tenant_name=tenant, auth_url=ep)
+ else:
+ ep = base_ep + "/v3"
+ auth = keystone_id_v3.Password(
+ user_domain_name='admin_domain',
+ username=user,
+ password=password,
+ domain_name='admin_domain',
+ auth_url=ep,
+ )
+ sess = keystone_session.Session(auth=auth)
+ return keystone_client_v3.Client(session=sess)
def authenticate_keystone_user(self, keystone, user, password, tenant):
"""Authenticates a regular user with the keystone public endpoint."""
@@ -225,7 +251,8 @@ class OpenStackAmuletUtils(AmuletUtils):
self.log.debug('Authenticating nova user ({})...'.format(user))
ep = keystone.service_catalog.url_for(service_type='identity',
- return nova_client.Client(username=user, api_key=password,
+ return nova_client.Client(NOVA_CLIENT_VERSION,
+ username=user, api_key=password,
project_id=tenant, auth_url=ep)
def authenticate_swift_user(self, keystone, user, password, tenant):
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/context.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/context.py
index a8c6ab0..c07b33d 100644
--- a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/context.py
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/context.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import os
import re
import time
from base64 import b64decode
-from subprocess import check_call
+from subprocess import check_call, CalledProcessError
import six
import yaml
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
+ status_set,
from charmhelpers.core.sysctl import create as sysctl_create
@@ -1479,3 +1480,104 @@ class NetworkServiceContext(OSContextGenerator):
if self.context_complete(ctxt):
return ctxt
return {}
+class InternalEndpointContext(OSContextGenerator):
+ """Internal endpoint context.
+ This context provides the endpoint type used for communication between
+ services e.g. between Nova and Cinder internally. Openstack uses Public
+ endpoints by default so this allows admins to optionally use internal
+ endpoints.
+ """
+ def __call__(self):
+ return {'use_internal_endpoints': config('use-internal-endpoints')}
+class AppArmorContext(OSContextGenerator):
+ """Base class for apparmor contexts."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._ctxt = None
+ self.aa_profile = None
+ self.aa_utils_packages = ['apparmor-utils']
+ @property
+ def ctxt(self):
+ if self._ctxt is not None:
+ return self._ctxt
+ self._ctxt = self._determine_ctxt()
+ return self._ctxt
+ def _determine_ctxt(self):
+ """
+ Validate aa-profile-mode settings is disable, enforce, or complain.
+ :return ctxt: Dictionary of the apparmor profile or None
+ """
+ if config('aa-profile-mode') in ['disable', 'enforce', 'complain']:
+ ctxt = {'aa-profile-mode': config('aa-profile-mode')}
+ else:
+ ctxt = None
+ return ctxt
+ def __call__(self):
+ return self.ctxt
+ def install_aa_utils(self):
+ """
+ Install packages required for apparmor configuration.
+ """
+ log("Installing apparmor utils.")
+ ensure_packages(self.aa_utils_packages)
+ def manually_disable_aa_profile(self):
+ """
+ Manually disable an apparmor profile.
+ If aa-profile-mode is set to disabled (default) this is required as the
+ template has been written but apparmor is yet unaware of the profile
+ and aa-disable aa-profile fails. Without this the profile would kick
+ into enforce mode on the next service restart.
+ """
+ profile_path = '/etc/apparmor.d'
+ disable_path = '/etc/apparmor.d/disable'
+ if not os.path.lexists(os.path.join(disable_path, self.aa_profile)):
+ os.symlink(os.path.join(profile_path, self.aa_profile),
+ os.path.join(disable_path, self.aa_profile))
+ def setup_aa_profile(self):
+ """
+ Setup an apparmor profile.
+ The ctxt dictionary will contain the apparmor profile mode and
+ the apparmor profile name.
+ Makes calls out to aa-disable, aa-complain, or aa-enforce to setup
+ the apparmor profile.
+ """
+ self()
+ if not self.ctxt:
+ log("Not enabling apparmor Profile")
+ return
+ self.install_aa_utils()
+ cmd = ['aa-{}'.format(self.ctxt['aa-profile-mode'])]
+ cmd.append(self.ctxt['aa-profile'])
+ log("Setting up the apparmor profile for {} in {} mode."
+ "".format(self.ctxt['aa-profile'], self.ctxt['aa-profile-mode']))
+ try:
+ check_call(cmd)
+ except CalledProcessError as e:
+ # If aa-profile-mode is set to disabled (default) manual
+ # disabling is required as the template has been written but
+ # apparmor is yet unaware of the profile and aa-disable aa-profile
+ # fails. If aa-disable learns to read profile files first this can
+ # be removed.
+ if self.ctxt['aa-profile-mode'] == 'disable':
+ log("Manually disabling the apparmor profile for {}."
+ "".format(self.ctxt['aa-profile']))
+ self.manually_disable_aa_profile()
+ return
+ status_set('blocked', "Apparmor profile {} failed to be set to {}."
+ "".format(self.ctxt['aa-profile'],
+ self.ctxt['aa-profile-mode']))
+ raise e
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/ip.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/ip.py
index 3dca6dc..532a1dc 100644
--- a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/ip.py
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/ip.py
@@ -14,16 +14,19 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with charm-helpers. If not, see .
from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
+ network_get_primary_address,
from charmhelpers.contrib.network.ip import (
+ resolve_network_cidr,
from charmhelpers.contrib.hahelpers.cluster import is_clustered
@@ -33,16 +36,19 @@ ADMIN = 'admin'
+ 'binding': 'public',
'config': 'os-public-network',
'fallback': 'public-address',
'override': 'os-public-hostname',
+ 'binding': 'internal',
'config': 'os-internal-network',
'fallback': 'private-address',
'override': 'os-internal-hostname',
+ 'binding': 'admin',
'config': 'os-admin-network',
'fallback': 'private-address',
'override': 'os-admin-hostname',
@@ -110,7 +116,7 @@ def resolve_address(endpoint_type=PUBLIC):
correct network. If clustered with no nets defined, return primary vip.
If not clustered, return unit address ensuring address is on configured net
- split if one is configured.
+ split if one is configured, or a Juju 2.0 extra-binding has been used.
:param endpoint_type: Network endpoing type
@@ -125,23 +131,45 @@ def resolve_address(endpoint_type=PUBLIC):
net_type = ADDRESS_MAP[endpoint_type]['config']
net_addr = config(net_type)
net_fallback = ADDRESS_MAP[endpoint_type]['fallback']
+ binding = ADDRESS_MAP[endpoint_type]['binding']
clustered = is_clustered()
- if clustered:
- if not net_addr:
- # If no net-splits defined, we expect a single vip
- resolved_address = vips[0]
- else:
+ if clustered and vips:
+ if net_addr:
for vip in vips:
if is_address_in_network(net_addr, vip):
resolved_address = vip
+ else:
+ # NOTE: endeavour to check vips against network space
+ # bindings
+ try:
+ bound_cidr = resolve_network_cidr(
+ network_get_primary_address(binding)
+ )
+ for vip in vips:
+ if is_address_in_network(bound_cidr, vip):
+ resolved_address = vip
+ break
+ except NotImplementedError:
+ # If no net-splits configured and no support for extra
+ # bindings/network spaces so we expect a single vip
+ resolved_address = vips[0]
if config('prefer-ipv6'):
fallback_addr = get_ipv6_addr(exc_list=vips)[0]
fallback_addr = unit_get(net_fallback)
- resolved_address = get_address_in_network(net_addr, fallback_addr)
+ if net_addr:
+ resolved_address = get_address_in_network(net_addr, fallback_addr)
+ else:
+ # NOTE: only try to use extra bindings if legacy network
+ # configuration is not in use
+ try:
+ resolved_address = network_get_primary_address(binding)
+ except NotImplementedError:
+ resolved_address = fallback_addr
if resolved_address is None:
raise ValueError("Unable to resolve a suitable IP address based on "
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py
index 80dd2e0..61d5879 100644
--- a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import os
import sys
import re
import itertools
+import functools
import six
import tempfile
@@ -69,7 +70,15 @@ from charmhelpers.contrib.python.packages import (
-from charmhelpers.core.host import lsb_release, mounts, umount, service_running
+from charmhelpers.core.host import (
+ lsb_release,
+ mounts,
+ umount,
+ service_running,
+ service_pause,
+ service_resume,
+ restart_on_change_helper,
from charmhelpers.fetch import apt_install, apt_cache, install_remote
from charmhelpers.contrib.storage.linux.utils import is_block_device, zap_disk
from charmhelpers.contrib.storage.linux.loopback import ensure_loopback_device
@@ -128,7 +137,7 @@ SWIFT_CODENAMES = OrderedDict([
['2.3.0', '2.4.0', '2.5.0']),
- ['2.5.0']),
+ ['2.5.0', '2.6.0', '2.7.0']),
# >= Liberty version->codename mapping
@@ -147,6 +156,7 @@ PACKAGE_CODENAMES = {
'keystone': OrderedDict([
('8.0', 'liberty'),
+ ('8.1', 'liberty'),
('9.0', 'mitaka'),
'horizon-common': OrderedDict([
@@ -763,7 +773,8 @@ def _git_clone_and_install_single(repo, branch, depth, parent_dir, http_proxy,
juju_log('Cloning git repo: {}, branch: {}'.format(repo, branch))
- repo_dir = install_remote(repo, dest=parent_dir, branch=branch, depth=depth)
+ repo_dir = install_remote(
+ repo, dest=parent_dir, branch=branch, depth=depth)
venv = os.path.join(parent_dir, 'venv')
@@ -862,66 +873,155 @@ def os_workload_status(configs, required_interfaces, charm_func=None):
return wrap
-def set_os_workload_status(configs, required_interfaces, charm_func=None, services=None, ports=None):
- """
- Set workload status based on complete contexts.
- status-set missing or incomplete contexts
- and juju-log details of missing required data.
- charm_func is a charm specific function to run checking
- for charm specific requirements such as a VIP setting.
+def set_os_workload_status(configs, required_interfaces, charm_func=None,
+ services=None, ports=None):
+ """Set the state of the workload status for the charm.
- This function also checks for whether the services defined are ACTUALLY
- running and that the ports they advertise are open and being listened to.
+ This calls _determine_os_workload_status() to get the new state, message
+ and sets the status using status_set()
- @param services - OPTIONAL: a [{'service': , 'ports': []]
- The ports are optional.
- If services is a [] then ports are ignored.
- @param ports - OPTIONAL: an [] representing ports that shoudl be
- open.
- @returns None
+ @param configs: a templating.OSConfigRenderer() object
+ @param required_interfaces: {generic: [specific, specific2, ...]}
+ @param charm_func: a callable function that returns state, message. The
+ signature is charm_func(configs) -> (state, message)
+ @param services: list of strings OR dictionary specifying services/ports
+ @param ports: OPTIONAL list of port numbers.
+ @returns state, message: the new workload status, user message
- incomplete_rel_data = incomplete_relation_data(configs, required_interfaces)
- state = 'active'
- missing_relations = []
- incomplete_relations = []
+ state, message = _determine_os_workload_status(
+ configs, required_interfaces, charm_func, services, ports)
+ status_set(state, message)
+def _determine_os_workload_status(
+ configs, required_interfaces, charm_func=None,
+ services=None, ports=None):
+ """Determine the state of the workload status for the charm.
+ This function returns the new workload status for the charm based
+ on the state of the interfaces, the paused state and whether the
+ services are actually running and any specified ports are open.
+ This checks:
+ 1. if the unit should be paused, that it is actually paused. If so the
+ state is 'maintenance' + message, else 'broken'.
+ 2. that the interfaces/relations are complete. If they are not then
+ it sets the state to either 'broken' or 'waiting' and an appropriate
+ message.
+ 3. If all the relation data is set, then it checks that the actual
+ services really are running. If not it sets the state to 'broken'.
+ If everything is okay then the state returns 'active'.
+ @param configs: a templating.OSConfigRenderer() object
+ @param required_interfaces: {generic: [specific, specific2, ...]}
+ @param charm_func: a callable function that returns state, message. The
+ signature is charm_func(configs) -> (state, message)
+ @param services: list of strings OR dictionary specifying services/ports
+ @param ports: OPTIONAL list of port numbers.
+ @returns state, message: the new workload status, user message
+ """
+ state, message = _ows_check_if_paused(services, ports)
+ if state is None:
+ state, message = _ows_check_generic_interfaces(
+ configs, required_interfaces)
+ if state != 'maintenance' and charm_func:
+ # _ows_check_charm_func() may modify the state, message
+ state, message = _ows_check_charm_func(
+ state, message, lambda: charm_func(configs))
+ if state is None:
+ state, message = _ows_check_services_running(services, ports)
+ if state is None:
+ state = 'active'
+ message = "Unit is ready"
+ juju_log(message, 'INFO')
+ return state, message
+def _ows_check_if_paused(services=None, ports=None):
+ """Check if the unit is supposed to be paused, and if so check that the
+ services/ports (if passed) are actually stopped/not being listened to.
+ if the unit isn't supposed to be paused, just return None, None
+ @param services: OPTIONAL services spec or list of service names.
+ @param ports: OPTIONAL list of port numbers.
+ @returns state, message or None, None
+ """
+ if is_unit_paused_set():
+ state, message = check_actually_paused(services=services,
+ ports=ports)
+ if state is None:
+ # we're paused okay, so set maintenance and return
+ state = "maintenance"
+ message = "Paused. Use 'resume' action to resume normal service."
+ return state, message
+ return None, None
+def _ows_check_generic_interfaces(configs, required_interfaces):
+ """Check the complete contexts to determine the workload status.
+ - Checks for missing or incomplete contexts
+ - juju log details of missing required data.
+ - determines the correct workload status
+ - creates an appropriate message for status_set(...)
+ if there are no problems then the function returns None, None
+ @param configs: a templating.OSConfigRenderer() object
+ @params required_interfaces: {generic_interface: [specific_interface], }
+ @returns state, message or None, None
+ """
+ incomplete_rel_data = incomplete_relation_data(configs,
+ required_interfaces)
+ state = None
message = None
- charm_state = None
- charm_message = None
+ missing_relations = set()
+ incomplete_relations = set()
- for generic_interface in incomplete_rel_data.keys():
+ for generic_interface, relations_states in incomplete_rel_data.items():
related_interface = None
missing_data = {}
# Related or not?
- for interface in incomplete_rel_data[generic_interface]:
- if incomplete_rel_data[generic_interface][interface].get('related'):
+ for interface, relation_state in relations_states.items():
+ if relation_state.get('related'):
related_interface = interface
- missing_data = incomplete_rel_data[generic_interface][interface].get('missing_data')
- # No relation ID for the generic_interface
+ missing_data = relation_state.get('missing_data')
+ break
+ # No relation ID for the generic_interface?
if not related_interface:
juju_log("{} relation is missing and must be related for "
"functionality. ".format(generic_interface), 'WARN')
state = 'blocked'
- if generic_interface not in missing_relations:
- missing_relations.append(generic_interface)
+ missing_relations.add(generic_interface)
- # Relation ID exists but no related unit
+ # Relation ID eists but no related unit
if not missing_data:
- # Edge case relation ID exists but departing
- if ('departed' in hook_name() or 'broken' in hook_name()) \
- and related_interface in hook_name():
+ # Edge case - relation ID exists but departings
+ _hook_name = hook_name()
+ if (('departed' in _hook_name or 'broken' in _hook_name) and
+ related_interface in _hook_name):
state = 'blocked'
- if generic_interface not in missing_relations:
- missing_relations.append(generic_interface)
+ missing_relations.add(generic_interface)
juju_log("{} relation's interface, {}, "
"relationship is departed or broken "
"and is required for functionality."
- "".format(generic_interface, related_interface), "WARN")
+ "".format(generic_interface, related_interface),
+ "WARN")
# Normal case relation ID exists but no related unit
# (joining)
- juju_log("{} relations's interface, {}, is related but has "
- "no units in the relation."
- "".format(generic_interface, related_interface), "INFO")
+ juju_log("{} relations's interface, {}, is related but has"
+ " no units in the relation."
+ "".format(generic_interface, related_interface),
+ "INFO")
# Related unit exists and data missing on the relation
juju_log("{} relation's interface, {}, is related awaiting "
@@ -930,9 +1030,8 @@ def set_os_workload_status(configs, required_interfaces, charm_func=None, servic
", ".join(missing_data)), "INFO")
if state != 'blocked':
state = 'waiting'
- if generic_interface not in incomplete_relations \
- and generic_interface not in missing_relations:
- incomplete_relations.append(generic_interface)
+ if generic_interface not in missing_relations:
+ incomplete_relations.add(generic_interface)
if missing_relations:
message = "Missing relations: {}".format(", ".join(missing_relations))
@@ -945,9 +1044,22 @@ def set_os_workload_status(configs, required_interfaces, charm_func=None, servic
"".format(", ".join(incomplete_relations))
state = 'waiting'
- # Run charm specific checks
- if charm_func:
- charm_state, charm_message = charm_func(configs)
+ return state, message
+def _ows_check_charm_func(state, message, charm_func_with_configs):
+ """Run a custom check function for the charm to see if it wants to
+ change the state. This is only run if not in 'maintenance' and
+ tests to see if the new state is more important that the previous
+ one determined by the interfaces/relations check.
+ @param state: the previously determined state so far.
+ @param message: the user orientated message so far.
+ @param charm_func: a callable function that returns state, message
+ @returns state, message strings.
+ """
+ if charm_func_with_configs:
+ charm_state, charm_message = charm_func_with_configs()
if charm_state != 'active' and charm_state != 'unknown':
state = workload_state_compare(state, charm_state)
if message:
@@ -956,72 +1068,151 @@ def set_os_workload_status(configs, required_interfaces, charm_func=None, servic
message = "{}, {}".format(message, charm_message)
message = charm_message
+ return state, message
- # If the charm thinks the unit is active, check that the actual services
- # really are active.
- if services is not None and state == 'active':
- # if we're passed the dict() then just grab the values as a list.
- if isinstance(services, dict):
- services = services.values()
- # either extract the list of services from the dictionary, or if
- # it is a simple string, use that. i.e. works with mixed lists.
- _s = []
- for s in services:
- if isinstance(s, dict) and 'service' in s:
- _s.append(s['service'])
- if isinstance(s, str):
- _s.append(s)
- services_running = [service_running(s) for s in _s]
- if not all(services_running):
- not_running = [s for s, running in zip(_s, services_running)
- if not running]
- message = ("Services not running that should be: {}"
- .format(", ".join(not_running)))
+def _ows_check_services_running(services, ports):
+ """Check that the services that should be running are actually running
+ and that any ports specified are being listened to.
+ @param services: list of strings OR dictionary specifying services/ports
+ @param ports: list of ports
+ @returns state, message: strings or None, None
+ """
+ messages = []
+ state = None
+ if services is not None:
+ services = _extract_services_list_helper(services)
+ services_running, running = _check_running_services(services)
+ if not all(running):
+ messages.append(
+ "Services not running that should be: {}"
+ .format(", ".join(_filter_tuples(services_running, False))))
state = 'blocked'
# also verify that the ports that should be open are open
# NB, that ServiceManager objects only OPTIONALLY have ports
- port_map = OrderedDict([(s['service'], s['ports'])
- for s in services if 'ports' in s])
- if state == 'active' and port_map:
- all_ports = list(itertools.chain(*port_map.values()))
- ports_open = [port_has_listener('', p)
- for p in all_ports]
- if not all(ports_open):
- not_opened = [p for p, opened in zip(all_ports, ports_open)
- if not opened]
- map_not_open = OrderedDict()
- for service, ports in port_map.items():
- closed_ports = set(ports).intersection(not_opened)
- if closed_ports:
- map_not_open[service] = closed_ports
- # find which service has missing ports. They are in service
- # order which makes it a bit easier.
- message = (
- "Services with ports not open that should be: {}"
- .format(
- ", ".join([
- "{}: [{}]".format(
- service,
- ", ".join([str(v) for v in ports]))
- for service, ports in map_not_open.items()])))
- state = 'blocked'
- if ports is not None and state == 'active':
- # and we can also check ports which we don't know the service for
- ports_open = [port_has_listener('', p) for p in ports]
+ map_not_open, ports_open = (
+ _check_listening_on_services_ports(services))
if not all(ports_open):
- message = (
+ # find which service has missing ports. They are in service
+ # order which makes it a bit easier.
+ message_parts = {service: ", ".join([str(v) for v in open_ports])
+ for service, open_ports in map_not_open.items()}
+ message = ", ".join(
+ ["{}: [{}]".format(s, sp) for s, sp in message_parts.items()])
+ messages.append(
+ "Services with ports not open that should be: {}"
+ .format(message))
+ state = 'blocked'
+ if ports is not None:
+ # and we can also check ports which we don't know the service for
+ ports_open, ports_open_bools = _check_listening_on_ports_list(ports)
+ if not all(ports_open_bools):
+ messages.append(
"Ports which should be open, but are not: {}"
- .format(", ".join([str(p) for p, v in zip(ports, ports_open)
+ .format(", ".join([str(p) for p, v in ports_open
if not v])))
state = 'blocked'
- # Set to active if all requirements have been met
- if state == 'active':
- message = "Unit is ready"
- juju_log(message, "INFO")
+ if state is not None:
+ message = "; ".join(messages)
+ return state, message
- status_set(state, message)
+ return None, None
+def _extract_services_list_helper(services):
+ """Extract a OrderedDict of {service: [ports]} of the supplied services
+ for use by the other functions.
+ The services object can either be:
+ - None : no services were passed (an empty dict is returned)
+ - a list of strings
+ - A dictionary (optionally OrderedDict) {service_name: {'service': ..}}
+ - An array of [{'service': service_name, ...}, ...]
+ @param services: see above
+ @returns OrderedDict(service: [ports], ...)
+ """
+ if services is None:
+ return {}
+ if isinstance(services, dict):
+ services = services.values()
+ # either extract the list of services from the dictionary, or if
+ # it is a simple string, use that. i.e. works with mixed lists.
+ _s = OrderedDict()
+ for s in services:
+ if isinstance(s, dict) and 'service' in s:
+ _s[s['service']] = s.get('ports', [])
+ if isinstance(s, str):
+ _s[s] = []
+ return _s
+def _check_running_services(services):
+ """Check that the services dict provided is actually running and provide
+ a list of (service, boolean) tuples for each service.
+ Returns both a zipped list of (service, boolean) and a list of booleans
+ in the same order as the services.
+ @param services: OrderedDict of strings: [ports], one for each service to
+ check.
+ @returns [(service, boolean), ...], : results for checks
+ [boolean] : just the result of the service checks
+ """
+ services_running = [service_running(s) for s in services]
+ return list(zip(services, services_running)), services_running
+def _check_listening_on_services_ports(services, test=False):
+ """Check that the unit is actually listening (has the port open) on the
+ ports that the service specifies are open. If test is True then the
+ function returns the services with ports that are open rather than
+ closed.
+ Returns an OrderedDict of service: ports and a list of booleans
+ @param services: OrderedDict(service: [port, ...], ...)
+ @param test: default=False, if False, test for closed, otherwise open.
+ @returns OrderedDict(service: [port-not-open, ...]...), [boolean]
+ """
+ test = not(not(test)) # ensure test is True or False
+ all_ports = list(itertools.chain(*services.values()))
+ ports_states = [port_has_listener('', p) for p in all_ports]
+ map_ports = OrderedDict()
+ matched_ports = [p for p, opened in zip(all_ports, ports_states)
+ if opened == test] # essentially opened xor test
+ for service, ports in services.items():
+ set_ports = set(ports).intersection(matched_ports)
+ if set_ports:
+ map_ports[service] = set_ports
+ return map_ports, ports_states
+def _check_listening_on_ports_list(ports):
+ """Check that the ports list given are being listened to
+ Returns a list of ports being listened to and a list of the
+ booleans.
+ @param ports: LIST or port numbers.
+ @returns [(port_num, boolean), ...], [boolean]
+ """
+ ports_open = [port_has_listener('', p) for p in ports]
+ return zip(ports, ports_open), ports_open
+def _filter_tuples(services_states, state):
+ """Return a simple list from a list of tuples according to the condition
+ @param services_states: LIST of (string, boolean): service and running
+ state.
+ @param state: Boolean to match the tuple against.
+ @returns [LIST of strings] that matched the tuple RHS.
+ """
+ return [s for s, b in services_states if b == state]
def workload_state_compare(current_workload_state, workload_state):
@@ -1046,8 +1237,7 @@ def workload_state_compare(current_workload_state, workload_state):
def incomplete_relation_data(configs, required_interfaces):
- """
- Check complete contexts against required_interfaces
+ """Check complete contexts against required_interfaces
Return dictionary of incomplete relation data.
configs is an OSConfigRenderer object with configs registered
@@ -1072,19 +1262,13 @@ def incomplete_relation_data(configs, required_interfaces):
'shared-db': {'related': True}}}
complete_ctxts = configs.complete_contexts()
- incomplete_relations = []
- for svc_type in required_interfaces.keys():
- # Avoid duplicates
- found_ctxt = False
- for interface in required_interfaces[svc_type]:
- if interface in complete_ctxts:
- found_ctxt = True
- if not found_ctxt:
- incomplete_relations.append(svc_type)
- incomplete_context_data = {}
- for i in incomplete_relations:
- incomplete_context_data[i] = configs.get_incomplete_context_data(required_interfaces[i])
- return incomplete_context_data
+ incomplete_relations = [
+ svc_type
+ for svc_type, interfaces in required_interfaces.items()
+ if not set(interfaces).intersection(complete_ctxts)]
+ return {
+ i: configs.get_incomplete_context_data(required_interfaces[i])
+ for i in incomplete_relations}
def do_action_openstack_upgrade(package, upgrade_callback, configs):
@@ -1145,3 +1329,247 @@ def remote_restart(rel_name, remote_service=None):
+def check_actually_paused(services=None, ports=None):
+ """Check that services listed in the services object and and ports
+ are actually closed (not listened to), to verify that the unit is
+ properly paused.
+ @param services: See _extract_services_list_helper
+ @returns status, : string for status (None if okay)
+ message : string for problem for status_set
+ """
+ state = None
+ message = None
+ messages = []
+ if services is not None:
+ services = _extract_services_list_helper(services)
+ services_running, services_states = _check_running_services(services)
+ if any(services_states):
+ # there shouldn't be any running so this is a problem
+ messages.append("these services running: {}"
+ .format(", ".join(
+ _filter_tuples(services_running, True))))
+ state = "blocked"
+ ports_open, ports_open_bools = (
+ _check_listening_on_services_ports(services, True))
+ if any(ports_open_bools):
+ message_parts = {service: ", ".join([str(v) for v in open_ports])
+ for service, open_ports in ports_open.items()}
+ message = ", ".join(
+ ["{}: [{}]".format(s, sp) for s, sp in message_parts.items()])
+ messages.append(
+ "these service:ports are open: {}".format(message))
+ state = 'blocked'
+ if ports is not None:
+ ports_open, bools = _check_listening_on_ports_list(ports)
+ if any(bools):
+ messages.append(
+ "these ports which should be closed, but are open: {}"
+ .format(", ".join([str(p) for p, v in ports_open if v])))
+ state = 'blocked'
+ if messages:
+ message = ("Services should be paused but {}"
+ .format(", ".join(messages)))
+ return state, message
+def set_unit_paused():
+ """Set the unit to a paused state in the local kv() store.
+ This does NOT actually pause the unit
+ """
+ with unitdata.HookData()() as t:
+ kv = t[0]
+ kv.set('unit-paused', True)
+def clear_unit_paused():
+ """Clear the unit from a paused state in the local kv() store
+ This does NOT actually restart any services - it only clears the
+ local state.
+ """
+ with unitdata.HookData()() as t:
+ kv = t[0]
+ kv.set('unit-paused', False)
+def is_unit_paused_set():
+ """Return the state of the kv().get('unit-paused').
+ This does NOT verify that the unit really is paused.
+ To help with units that don't have HookData() (testing)
+ if it excepts, return False
+ """
+ try:
+ with unitdata.HookData()() as t:
+ kv = t[0]
+ # transform something truth-y into a Boolean.
+ return not(not(kv.get('unit-paused')))
+ except:
+ return False
+def pause_unit(assess_status_func, services=None, ports=None,
+ charm_func=None):
+ """Pause a unit by stopping the services and setting 'unit-paused'
+ in the local kv() store.
+ Also checks that the services have stopped and ports are no longer
+ being listened to.
+ An optional charm_func() can be called that can either raise an
+ Exception or return non None, None to indicate that the unit
+ didn't pause cleanly.
+ The signature for charm_func is:
+ charm_func() -> message: string
+ charm_func() is executed after any services are stopped, if supplied.
+ The services object can either be:
+ - None : no services were passed (an empty dict is returned)
+ - a list of strings
+ - A dictionary (optionally OrderedDict) {service_name: {'service': ..}}
+ - An array of [{'service': service_name, ...}, ...]
+ @param assess_status_func: (f() -> message: string | None) or None
+ @param services: OPTIONAL see above
+ @param ports: OPTIONAL list of port
+ @param charm_func: function to run for custom charm pausing.
+ @returns None
+ @raises Exception(message) on an error for action_fail().
+ """
+ services = _extract_services_list_helper(services)
+ messages = []
+ if services:
+ for service in services.keys():
+ stopped = service_pause(service)
+ if not stopped:
+ messages.append("{} didn't stop cleanly.".format(service))
+ if charm_func:
+ try:
+ message = charm_func()
+ if message:
+ messages.append(message)
+ except Exception as e:
+ message.append(str(e))
+ set_unit_paused()
+ if assess_status_func:
+ message = assess_status_func()
+ if message:
+ messages.append(message)
+ if messages:
+ raise Exception("Couldn't pause: {}".format("; ".join(messages)))
+def resume_unit(assess_status_func, services=None, ports=None,
+ charm_func=None):
+ """Resume a unit by starting the services and clearning 'unit-paused'
+ in the local kv() store.
+ Also checks that the services have started and ports are being listened to.
+ An optional charm_func() can be called that can either raise an
+ Exception or return non None to indicate that the unit
+ didn't resume cleanly.
+ The signature for charm_func is:
+ charm_func() -> message: string
+ charm_func() is executed after any services are started, if supplied.
+ The services object can either be:
+ - None : no services were passed (an empty dict is returned)
+ - a list of strings
+ - A dictionary (optionally OrderedDict) {service_name: {'service': ..}}
+ - An array of [{'service': service_name, ...}, ...]
+ @param assess_status_func: (f() -> message: string | None) or None
+ @param services: OPTIONAL see above
+ @param ports: OPTIONAL list of port
+ @param charm_func: function to run for custom charm resuming.
+ @returns None
+ @raises Exception(message) on an error for action_fail().
+ """
+ services = _extract_services_list_helper(services)
+ messages = []
+ if services:
+ for service in services.keys():
+ started = service_resume(service)
+ if not started:
+ messages.append("{} didn't start cleanly.".format(service))
+ if charm_func:
+ try:
+ message = charm_func()
+ if message:
+ messages.append(message)
+ except Exception as e:
+ message.append(str(e))
+ clear_unit_paused()
+ if assess_status_func:
+ message = assess_status_func()
+ if message:
+ messages.append(message)
+ if messages:
+ raise Exception("Couldn't resume: {}".format("; ".join(messages)))
+def make_assess_status_func(*args, **kwargs):
+ """Creates an assess_status_func() suitable for handing to pause_unit()
+ and resume_unit().
+ This uses the _determine_os_workload_status(...) function to determine
+ what the workload_status should be for the unit. If the unit is
+ not in maintenance or active states, then the message is returned to
+ the caller. This is so an action that doesn't result in either a
+ complete pause or complete resume can signal failure with an action_fail()
+ """
+ def _assess_status_func():
+ state, message = _determine_os_workload_status(*args, **kwargs)
+ status_set(state, message)
+ if state not in ['maintenance', 'active']:
+ return message
+ return None
+ return _assess_status_func
+def pausable_restart_on_change(restart_map, stopstart=False,
+ restart_functions=None):
+ """A restart_on_change decorator that checks to see if the unit is
+ paused. If it is paused then the decorated function doesn't fire.
+ This is provided as a helper, as the @restart_on_change(...) decorator
+ is in core.host, yet the openstack specific helpers are in this file
+ (contrib.openstack.utils). Thus, this needs to be an optional feature
+ for openstack charms (or charms that wish to use the openstack
+ pause/resume type features).
+ It is used as follows:
+ from contrib.openstack.utils import (
+ pausable_restart_on_change as restart_on_change)
+ @restart_on_change(restart_map, stopstart=)
+ def some_hook(...):
+ pass
+ see core.utils.restart_on_change() for more details.
+ @param f: the function to decorate
+ @param restart_map: the restart map {conf_file: [services]}
+ @param stopstart: DEFAULT false; whether to stop, start or just restart
+ @returns decorator to use a restart_on_change with pausability
+ """
+ def wrap(f):
+ @functools.wraps(f)
+ def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs):
+ if is_unit_paused_set():
+ return f(*args, **kwargs)
+ # otherwise, normal restart_on_change functionality
+ return restart_on_change_helper(
+ (lambda: f(*args, **kwargs)), restart_map, stopstart,
+ restart_functions)
+ return wrapped_f
+ return wrap
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/storage/linux/ceph.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/storage/linux/ceph.py
index 1974e1e..d008081 100644
--- a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/storage/linux/ceph.py
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/storage/linux/ceph.py
@@ -166,14 +166,21 @@ class Pool(object):
# read-only is easy, writeback is much harder
mode = get_cache_mode(self.service, cache_pool)
+ version = ceph_version()
if mode == 'readonly':
check_call(['ceph', '--id', self.service, 'osd', 'tier', 'cache-mode', cache_pool, 'none'])
check_call(['ceph', '--id', self.service, 'osd', 'tier', 'remove', self.name, cache_pool])
elif mode == 'writeback':
- check_call(['ceph', '--id', self.service, 'osd', 'tier', 'cache-mode', cache_pool, 'forward'])
+ pool_forward_cmd = ['ceph', '--id', self.service, 'osd', 'tier',
+ 'cache-mode', cache_pool, 'forward']
+ if version >= '10.1':
+ # Jewel added a mandatory flag
+ pool_forward_cmd.append('--yes-i-really-mean-it')
+ check_call(pool_forward_cmd)
# Flush the cache and wait for it to return
- check_call(['ceph', '--id', self.service, '-p', cache_pool, 'cache-flush-evict-all'])
+ check_call(['rados', '--id', self.service, '-p', cache_pool, 'cache-flush-evict-all'])
check_call(['ceph', '--id', self.service, 'osd', 'tier', 'remove-overlay', self.name])
check_call(['ceph', '--id', self.service, 'osd', 'tier', 'remove', self.name, cache_pool])
@@ -221,6 +228,10 @@ class ReplicatedPool(Pool):
self.name, str(self.pg_num)]
+ # Set the pool replica size
+ update_pool(client=self.service,
+ pool=self.name,
+ settings={'size': str(self.replicas)})
except CalledProcessError:
@@ -271,7 +282,7 @@ def get_mon_map(service):
mon_status = check_output(
['ceph', '--id', service,
- 'ceph', 'mon_status', '--format=json'])
+ 'mon_status', '--format=json'])
return json.loads(mon_status)
except ValueError as v:
@@ -321,7 +332,7 @@ def monitor_key_delete(service, key):
['ceph', '--id', service,
- 'ceph', 'config-key', 'del', str(key)])
+ 'config-key', 'del', str(key)])
except CalledProcessError as e:
log("Monitor config-key put failed with message: {}".format(
@@ -339,7 +350,7 @@ def monitor_key_set(service, key, value):
['ceph', '--id', service,
- 'ceph', 'config-key', 'put', str(key), str(value)])
+ 'config-key', 'put', str(key), str(value)])
except CalledProcessError as e:
log("Monitor config-key put failed with message: {}".format(
@@ -356,7 +367,7 @@ def monitor_key_get(service, key):
output = check_output(
['ceph', '--id', service,
- 'ceph', 'config-key', 'get', str(key)])
+ 'config-key', 'get', str(key)])
return output
except CalledProcessError as e:
log("Monitor config-key get failed with message: {}".format(
@@ -604,7 +615,7 @@ def pool_exists(service, name):
except CalledProcessError:
return False
- return name in out
+ return name in out.split()
def get_osds(service):
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/storage/linux/utils.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/storage/linux/utils.py
index 1e57941..4e35c29 100644
--- a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/storage/linux/utils.py
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/storage/linux/utils.py
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ def is_device_mounted(device):
:returns: boolean: True if the path represents a mounted device, False if
it doesn't.
- is_partition = bool(re.search(r".*[0-9]+\b", device))
- out = check_output(['mount']).decode('UTF-8')
- if is_partition:
- return bool(re.search(device + r"\b", out))
- return bool(re.search(device + r"[0-9]*\b", out))
+ try:
+ out = check_output(['lsblk', '-P', device]).decode('UTF-8')
+ except:
+ return False
+ return bool(re.search(r'MOUNTPOINT=".+"', out))
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py
index 2dd70bc..0132129 100644
--- a/hooks/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py
@@ -912,6 +912,24 @@ def payload_status_set(klass, pid, status):
+@translate_exc(from_exc=OSError, to_exc=NotImplementedError)
+def resource_get(name):
+ """used to fetch the resource path of the given name.
+ must match a name of defined resource in metadata.yaml
+ returns either a path or False if resource not available
+ """
+ if not name:
+ return False
+ cmd = ['resource-get', name]
+ try:
+ return subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('UTF-8')
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ return False
def juju_version():
"""Full version string (eg. '')"""
@@ -976,3 +994,16 @@ def _run_atexit():
for callback, args, kwargs in reversed(_atexit):
callback(*args, **kwargs)
del _atexit[:]
+@translate_exc(from_exc=OSError, to_exc=NotImplementedError)
+def network_get_primary_address(binding):
+ '''
+ Retrieve the primary network address for a named binding
+ :param binding: string. The name of a relation of extra-binding
+ :return: string. The primary IP address for the named binding
+ :raise: NotImplementedError if run on Juju < 2.0
+ '''
+ cmd = ['network-get', '--primary-address', binding]
+ return subprocess.check_output(cmd).strip()
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/core/host.py b/hooks/charmhelpers/core/host.py
index a772090..bfea6a1 100644
--- a/hooks/charmhelpers/core/host.py
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/core/host.py
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ import random
import string
import subprocess
import hashlib
+import functools
+import itertools
from contextlib import contextmanager
from collections import OrderedDict
@@ -126,6 +128,13 @@ def service(action, service_name):
return subprocess.call(cmd) == 0
+def systemv_services_running():
+ output = subprocess.check_output(
+ ['service', '--status-all'],
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode('UTF-8')
+ return [row.split()[-1] for row in output.split('\n') if '[ + ]' in row]
def service_running(service_name):
"""Determine whether a system service is running"""
if init_is_systemd():
@@ -138,11 +147,15 @@ def service_running(service_name):
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return False
+ # This works for upstart scripts where the 'service' command
+ # returns a consistent string to represent running 'start/running'
if ("start/running" in output or "is running" in output or
"up and running" in output):
return True
- else:
- return False
+ # Check System V scripts init script return codes
+ if service_name in systemv_services_running():
+ return True
+ return False
def service_available(service_name):
@@ -410,7 +423,7 @@ class ChecksumError(ValueError):
-def restart_on_change(restart_map, stopstart=False):
+def restart_on_change(restart_map, stopstart=False, restart_functions=None):
"""Restart services based on configuration files changing
This function is used a decorator, for example::
@@ -428,27 +441,58 @@ def restart_on_change(restart_map, stopstart=False):
restarted if any file matching the pattern got changed, created
or removed. Standard wildcards are supported, see documentation
for the 'glob' module for more information.
+ @param restart_map: {path_file_name: [service_name, ...]
+ @param stopstart: DEFAULT false; whether to stop, start OR restart
+ @param restart_functions: nonstandard functions to use to restart services
+ {svc: func, ...}
+ @returns result from decorated function
def wrap(f):
+ @functools.wraps(f)
def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs):
- checksums = {path: path_hash(path) for path in restart_map}
- f(*args, **kwargs)
- restarts = []
- for path in restart_map:
- if path_hash(path) != checksums[path]:
- restarts += restart_map[path]
- services_list = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(restarts))
- if not stopstart:
- for service_name in services_list:
- service('restart', service_name)
- else:
- for action in ['stop', 'start']:
- for service_name in services_list:
- service(action, service_name)
+ return restart_on_change_helper(
+ (lambda: f(*args, **kwargs)), restart_map, stopstart,
+ restart_functions)
return wrapped_f
return wrap
+def restart_on_change_helper(lambda_f, restart_map, stopstart=False,
+ restart_functions=None):
+ """Helper function to perform the restart_on_change function.
+ This is provided for decorators to restart services if files described
+ in the restart_map have changed after an invocation of lambda_f().
+ @param lambda_f: function to call.
+ @param restart_map: {file: [service, ...]}
+ @param stopstart: whether to stop, start or restart a service
+ @param restart_functions: nonstandard functions to use to restart services
+ {svc: func, ...}
+ @returns result of lambda_f()
+ """
+ if restart_functions is None:
+ restart_functions = {}
+ checksums = {path: path_hash(path) for path in restart_map}
+ r = lambda_f()
+ # create a list of lists of the services to restart
+ restarts = [restart_map[path]
+ for path in restart_map
+ if path_hash(path) != checksums[path]]
+ # create a flat list of ordered services without duplicates from lists
+ services_list = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(itertools.chain(*restarts)))
+ if services_list:
+ actions = ('stop', 'start') if stopstart else ('restart',)
+ for service_name in services_list:
+ if service_name in restart_functions:
+ restart_functions[service_name](service_name)
+ else:
+ for action in actions:
+ service(action, service_name)
+ return r
def lsb_release():
"""Return /etc/lsb-release in a dict"""
d = {}