# Overview Once deployed this charm performs the configurations required for a PLUMgrid Director and starts the essential services on the node. # Usage Step by step instructions on using the charm: juju deploy neutron-api juju deploy neutron-plumgrid-plugin neutron-api juju deploy neutron-iovisor juju deploy plumgrid-director --to <Machince No of neutron-iovisor> juju add-relation neutron-api neutron-plumgrid-plugin juju add-relation neutron-plumgrid-plugin neutron-iovisor juju add-relation neutron-iovisor plumgrid-director For plumgrid-director to work make the configuration in the neutron-api, neutron-plumgrid-plugin and neutron-iovisor charms as specified in the configuration section below. # Known Limitations and Issues This is an early access version of the PLUMgrid Director charm and it is not meant for production deployments. The charm only works with JUNO for now. This charm needs to be deployed on a node where a unit of neutron-iovisor charm exists. Also plumgrid-edge and plumgrid-gateway charms should not be deployed on the same node. # Configuration Example Config plumgrid-director: plumgrid-virtual-ip: "" neutron-iovisor: install_sources: 'ppa:plumgrid-team/stable' install_keys: 'null' neutron-plumgrid-plugin: install_sources: 'ppa:plumgrid-team/stable' install_keys: 'null' enable-metadata: False neutron-api: neutron-plugin: "plumgrid" plumgrid-virtual-ip: "" The plumgrid-virtual-ip is the IP address of the PLUMgrid Director's Management interface and that the same IP is used to access PLUMgrid Console. Ensure that the same ip is specified in the neutron-api charm configuration. Using the example config provided above PLUMgrid Console can be accessed at # Contact Information Bilal Baqar <bbaqar@plumgrid.com> Bilal Ahmad <bilal@plumgrid.com>