Sergey Kraynev 98e7e0d260 Rename prefix for FQN of packages
It was discussed with Murano team and it's correct way to show, that
this application will be publically developed and available for
open-source contribution.
Also change namespace 'opaas' to 'ci_cd_pipeline_murano_app'.

Change-Id: I234aa2aa8c6a3680f9baa38669d60d90998042b7
2016-05-25 09:31:48 +03:00

141 lines
4.9 KiB

Version: 2
type: org.openstack.ci_cd_pipeline_murano_app.OpenLDAP
name: $
domain: $.appConfiguration.domain
ldapRootUser: $.appConfiguration.ldapRootUser
ldapRootPass: $.appConfiguration.ldapRootPass
ldapRootEmail: $.appConfiguration.ldapRootEmail
ldapUser: $.appConfiguration.ldapUser
ldapPass: $.appConfiguration.ldapPass
ldapEmail: $.appConfiguration.ldapEmail
type: org.openstack.ci_cd_pipeline_murano_app.puppet.PuppetInstance
name: generateHostname($.instanceConfiguration.unitNamingPattern, 1)
flavor: $.instanceConfiguration.flavor
image: $.instanceConfiguration.osImage
keyname: $.instanceConfiguration.keyPair
availabilityZone: $.instanceConfiguration.availabilityZone
assignFloatingIp: $.appConfiguration.assignFloatingIP
- appConfiguration:
- name: name
type: string
label: Application Name
initial: OpenLDAP
description: >-
Enter a desired name for the application. Just A-Z, a-z, 0-9, dash
and underline are allowed
- name: domain
type: string
label: Domain
initial: domain.tld
descriptionTitle: Domain
description: >-
Please, provide domain for the OpenLDAP instance
- name: ldapRootUser
type: string
label: Root Username
initial: admin
descriptionTitle: LDAP Root User
description: >-
Please, provide admin username
- name: ldapRootPass
type: password
label: Root Password
descriptionTitle: LDAP Root Password
description: >-
Please, provide admin password
- name: ldapRootEmail
type: string
regexpValidator: '^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$'
invalid: Please provide valid email address.
label: Root User Email
descriptionTitle: LDAP Root User Email
description: >-
Please, provide admin user email
- name: ldapUser
type: string
label: Username
required: false
descriptionTitle: LDAP regular user
description: >-
Please, provide name for regular user
- name: ldapPass
type: password
label: Password
required: false
descriptionTitle: LDAP password for regular user
description: >-
Please, provide password for regular user
- name: ldapEmail
type: string
regexpValidator: '^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$'
invalid: Please provide valid email address.
label: Email
required: false
descriptionTitle: LDAP Email
description: >-
Please, provide regular user email
- name: assignFloatingIP
type: boolean
label: Assign Floating IP
description: >-
Select to true to assign floating IP automatically
initial: true
required: false
- instanceConfiguration:
- name: title
type: string
required: false
hidden: true
description: Specify some instance parameters on which the application would be created
- name: flavor
type: flavor
label: Instance flavor
description: >-
Select registered in Openstack flavor. Consider that application performance
depends on this parameter.
initial: m1.tiny
required: false
- name: osImage
type: image
imageType: linux
label: Instance image
description: >-
Select a valid image for the application. Image should already be prepared and
registered in glance.
- name: keyPair
type: keypair
label: Key Pair
description: >-
Select a Key Pair to control access to instances. You can login to
instances using this KeyPair after the deployment of application.
required: false
- name: availabilityZone
type: azone
label: Availability zone
description: Select availability zone where the application would be installed.
required: false
- name: unitNamingPattern
type: string
label: Instance Naming Pattern
initial: openldap
required: false
maxLength: 200
regexpValidator: '^[-_\w]+$'
invalid: Just letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens are allowed.
helpText: Just letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens are allowed.
description: >-
Specify a string, that will be used in instance hostname.
Just A-Z, a-z, 0-9, dash and underline are allowed.