Fix logging of debug, info and warning levels. Also configuration parameter VERBOSE is working again. fixes problems: * VERBOSE parameter can be changed at runtime * Initial log level was unset, then there was nothing logged lower than exception level. (for example configuration dump was not logged) * Initial VERBOSE was set to True, then it was too much verbose. And this flag was mean to be used for debugging problems. NOTE: real log level is driven by collectd configuration, not by plugin config. Change-Id: Ia7048ccb74f27a5d5885b9c0bda17d6fba603e9b Closes-Bug: #1664973
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2010-2011 OpenStack Foundation
# Copyright (c) 2015 Intel Corporation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Plugin tests."""
import abc
import logging
import mock
import requests
import six
import unittest
from collectd_ceilometer.aodh import plugin
from collectd_ceilometer.aodh import sender as aodh_sender
from collectd_ceilometer.common.keystone_light import KeystoneException
from collectd_ceilometer.common.meters import base
from collectd_ceilometer.common import sender as common_sender
from collectd_ceilometer.common import settings
Logger = logging.getLoggerClass()
def mock_collectd(**kwargs):
"""Return collecd module with collecd logging hooks."""
return mock.patch(
__name__ + '.' + MockedCollectd.__name__, specs=True,
get=mock.MagicMock(), **kwargs)
class MockedCollectd(object):
"""Mocked collectd module specifications."""
def debug(self, record):
"""Hook for debug messages."""
def info(self, record):
"""Hook for info messages."""
def warning(self, record):
"""Hook for warning messages."""
def error(self, record):
"""Hook for error messages."""
def register_init(self, hook):
"""Register an hook for init."""
def register_config(self, hook):
"""Register an hook for config."""
def register_notification(self, hook):
"""Register an hook for notification."""
def register_shutdown(self, hook):
"""Register an hook for shutdown."""
def get_dataset(self, s):
"""Get a dataset."""
def get(self):
"""Get notification severity."""
def mock_config(**kwargs):
"""Return collecd module with collecd logging hooks."""
return mock.patch(
__name__ + '.' + MockedConfig.__name__, specs=True,
def config_module(
values, severities=None,
children = [config_value(key, value)
for key, value in six.iteritems(values)]
if severities:
return config_node('MODULE', children=children, value=module_name)
def config_severities(severities):
children = [config_value('ALARM_SEVERITY', key, value)
for key, value in six.iteritems(severities)]
return config_node('ALARM_SEVERITIES', children)
def config_node(key, children, value=None):
"Create a mocked collectd config node having given children and value"
return mock.create_autospec(
spec=MockedConfig, spec_set=True, instance=True,
children=tuple(children), key=key, values=(value,))
def config_value(key, *values):
"Create a mocked collectd config node having given multiple values"
return mock.create_autospec(
spec=MockedConfig, spec_set=True, instance=True,
children=tuple(), key=key, values=values)
class MockedConfig(object):
"""Mocked config class."""
def children(self):
def key(self):
def values(self):
def mock_value(
host='localhost', plugin='cpu', plugin_instance='0',
_type='freq', type_instance=None, time=123456789,
values=(1234,), **kwargs):
"""Create a mock value."""
return mock.patch(
__name__ + '.' + MockedValue.__name__, specs=True,
host=host, plugin=plugin, plugin_instance=plugin_instance, type=_type,
type_instance=type_instance, time=time,
values=list(values), meta=None, **kwargs)
class MockedValue(object):
"""Value used for testing."""
host = 'localhost'
plugin = None
plugin_instance = None
type = None
type_instance = None
time = 123456789
values = []
meta = None
class TestPlugin(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test the collectd plugin."""
def default_values(self):
return dict(
@mock.patch.object(plugin, 'Plugin', autospec=True)
@mock.patch.object(plugin, 'Config', autospec=True)
@mock.patch.object(plugin, 'CollectdLogHandler', autospec=True)
@mock.patch.object(plugin, 'ROOT_LOGGER', autospec=True)
def test_callbacks(
self, collectd, ROOT_LOGGER, CollectdLogHandler, Config, Plugin):
"""Verify that the callbacks are registered properly."""
# When plugin function is called
# Logger handler is set up
# It creates a plugin
collectd=collectd, config=Config.instance.return_value)
# callbacks are registered to collectd
instance = Plugin.return_value
@mock.patch.object(aodh_sender.Sender, '_get_alarm_id', autospec=True)
@mock.patch.object(aodh_sender.Sender, '_get_alarm_state', autospec=True)
@mock.patch.object(requests, 'put', spec=callable)
@mock.patch.object(common_sender, 'ClientV3', autospec=True)
def test_update_alarm(self, data, config, collectd, ClientV3,
put, _get_alarm_state, _get_alarm_id):
"""Test the update alarm function.
Set-up: get an alarm-id for some notification values to be sent
Test: perform an update request
Expected behaviour:
- If alarm-id is present a put request is performed
auth_client = ClientV3.return_value
auth_client.get_service_endpoint.return_value = \
# init instance
instance = plugin.Plugin(collectd=collectd, config=config)
# init values to send
_get_alarm_id.return_value = 'my-alarm-id'
_get_alarm_state.return_value = 'insufficient data'
# notify aodh of the update
# update the alarm with a put request
'https://test-aodh.tld' +
data='"insufficient data"',
headers={'Content-type': 'application/json',
'X-Auth-Token': auth_client.auth_token},
# reset method
@mock.patch.object(aodh_sender.Sender, '_create_alarm', autospec=True)
@mock.patch.object(aodh_sender.Sender, '_get_alarm_id', autospec=True)
@mock.patch.object(requests, 'put', spec=callable)
@mock.patch.object(common_sender, 'ClientV3', autospec=True)
def test_update_alarm_no_id(self, data, config, collectd, ClientV3,
put, _get_alarm_id, _create_alarm):
"""Test if the is no alarm id the alarm won't be updated.
Set-up: create a client and an instance to send an update to
throw a side-effect when looking for an id
Test: send a notification for a new alarm
Expected behaviour:
- if an alarm is create an update request is not performed
auth_client = ClientV3.return_value
auth_client.get_service_endpoint.return_value = \
instance = plugin.Plugin(collectd=collectd, config=config)
# init values to send
_get_alarm_id.return_value = None
_create_alarm.return_value = 'my-alarm-id'
# try and perform an update without an id
@mock.patch.object(requests, 'put', spec=callable)
@mock.patch.object(common_sender, 'ClientV3', autospec=True)
@mock.patch.object(common_sender, 'LOGGER', autospec=True)
def test_notify_auth_failed(
self, data, config, collectd, LOGGER, ClientV3, put):
"""Test authentication failure."""
# tell the auth client to raise an exception
ClientV3.side_effect = KeystoneException(
"Missing name 'xxx' in received services",
"services list")
# init instance
instance = plugin.Plugin(collectd=collectd, config=config)
# notify of another value the value
"Suspending error logs until successful auth")
logging.ERROR, "Authentication error: %s",
"Missing name 'xxx' in received services\nReason: exception",
# no requests method has been called
@mock.patch.object(base.Meter, 'collectd_severity', spec=callable)
def test_get_alarm_state_severity_low(self, severity):
"""Test _get_alarm_state if severity is 'low'.
Set-up: create a sender instance, set severity to low
Test: call _get_alarm_state method with severity=low
Expected-behaviour: returned state value should equal 'ok'
and won't equal 'alarm' or insufficient data'
instance = aodh_sender.Sender()
# run test for moderate severity
severity.return_value = 'low'
self.assertEqual(instance._get_alarm_state('low'), 'ok')
self.assertNotEqual(instance._get_alarm_state('low'), 'alarm')
'insufficient data')
@mock.patch.object(base.Meter, 'collectd_severity', spec=callable)
def test_get_alarm_state_severity_moderate(self, severity):
"""Test _get_alarm_state if severity is 'moderate'.
Set-up: create a sender instance, set severity to moderate
Test: call _get_alarm_state method with severity=moderate
Expected-behaviour: returned state value should equal 'alarm'
and won't equal 'ok' or insufficient data'
instance = aodh_sender.Sender()
# run test for moderate severity
severity.return_value = 'moderate'
self.assertEqual(instance._get_alarm_state('moderate'), 'alarm')
self.assertNotEqual(instance._get_alarm_state('moderate'), 'ok')
'insufficient data')
@mock.patch.object(base.Meter, 'collectd_severity', spec=callable)
def test_get_alarm_state_severity_critical(self, severity):
"""Test _get_alarm_state if severity is 'critical'.
Set-up: create a sender instance, set severity to critical
Test: call _get_alarm_state method with severity=critical
Expected-behaviour: returned state value should equal 'alarm'
and won't equal 'ok' or 'insufficient data'
instance = aodh_sender.Sender()
# run test for moderate severity
severity.return_value = 'critical'
self.assertEqual(instance._get_alarm_state('critical'), 'alarm')
self.assertNotEqual(instance._get_alarm_state('critical'), 'ok')
'insufficient data')
@mock.patch.object(common_sender.Sender, '_perform_request', spec=callable)
@mock.patch.object(common_sender, 'ClientV3', autospec=True)
def test_request_error(
self, data, config, collectd, ClientV3, perf_req):
"""Test error raised by underlying requests module."""
# tell POST request to raise an exception
perf_req.side_effect = requests.RequestException('Test POST exception')
# init instance
instance = plugin.Plugin(collectd=collectd, config=config)
# the value
self.assertRaises(requests.RequestException, instance.notify, data)
@mock.patch.object(aodh_sender.Sender, '_get_alarm_state', autospec=True)
@mock.patch.object(aodh_sender.Sender, '_get_alarm_id', autospec=True)
@mock.patch.object(requests, 'put', spec=callable)
@mock.patch.object(common_sender, 'ClientV3', autospec=True)
def test_reauthentication(self, data, config, collectd,
ClientV3, put, _get_alarm_id, _get_alarm_state):
"""Test re-authentication for update request."""
# response returned on success
response_ok = requests.Response()
response_ok.status_code = requests.codes["OK"]
# response returned on failure
response_unauthorized = requests.Response()
response_unauthorized.status_code = requests.codes["UNAUTHORIZED"]
# set-up client
client = ClientV3.return_value
client.auth_token = 'Test auth token'
client.get_service_endpoint.return_value = \
# init instance attempt to update/create alarm
instance = plugin.Plugin(collectd=collectd, config=config)
put.return_value = response_ok
_get_alarm_id.return_value = 'my-alarm-id'
_get_alarm_state.return_value = 'insufficient data'
# send notification to aodh
# put/update is called
'https://test-aodh.tld' +
data='"insufficient data"',
headers={u'Content-type': 'application/json',
u'X-Auth-Token': 'Test auth token'},
@mock.patch.object(common_sender, 'ClientV3', autospec=True)
@mock.patch.object(plugin, 'Notifier', autospec=True)
@mock.patch.object(plugin, 'LOGGER', autospec=True)
def test_exception_value_error(self, data, config, collectd,
LOGGER, Notifier, ClientV3):
"""Test exception raised during notify and shutdown."""
notifier = Notifier.return_value
notifier.notify.side_effect = ValueError('Test notify error')
# init instance
instance = plugin.Plugin(collectd=collectd, config=config)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, instance.notify, data)
@mock.patch.object(common_sender, 'ClientV3', autospec=True)
@mock.patch.object(plugin, 'LOGGER', autospec=True)
def test_exception_runtime_error(self, config, collectd,
LOGGER, ClientV3):
"""Test exception raised during shutdown."""
# init instance
instance = plugin.Plugin(collectd=collectd, config=config)
@mock.patch.object(settings, 'LOGGER', autospec=True)
def test_user_severities(self, LOGGER):
"""Test if a user enters a severity for a specific meter
Set-up: Create a node with some user defined severities
Configure the node
Test: Read the configured node and compare the results
of the method to the severities configured in the node
Expected-behaviour: Valid mapping metric names are mapped correctly
to severities, and invalid values return None.
node = config_module(
severities={'age': 'low',
'star.distance': 'moderate',
'star.temperature': 'critical'})
config = settings.Config._decorated()
self.assertEqual(config.alarm_severity('age'), 'low')
self.assertEqual(config.alarm_severity('star.distance'), 'moderate')
self.assertEqual(config.alarm_severity('star.temperature'), 'critical')
self.assertEqual(config.alarm_severity('monty'), 'moderate')
self.assertEqual(config.alarm_severity('python'), 'moderate')
@mock.patch.object(settings, 'LOGGER', autospec=True)
def test_user_severities_invalid(self, LOGGER):
"""Test invalid user defined severities
Set-up: Configure the node with one defined severity
Set a configuration to have 3 entries instead of the 2
which are expected
Test: Try to read the configuration node with incorrect configurations
Compare the configuration to the response on the method
Expected-behaviour: alarm_severity will return None
Log will be written that severities were
incorrectly configured
node = config_module(values=self.default_values,
# make some alarm severity entry invalid
for child in node.children:
if child.key == 'ALARM_SEVERITIES':
child.children[0].values = (1, 2, 3)
config = settings.Config._decorated()
self.assertEqual(config.alarm_severity('age'), 'moderate')
'Invalid alarm severity configuration: \
severity "1" "2" "3"')
@mock.patch.object(settings, 'LOGGER', autospec=True)
def test_user_severities_invalid_node(self, LOGGER):
"""Test invalid node with severities configuration
Set-up: Set up a configuration node with a severity defined
Configure the node with an incorrect module title
Test: Read the incorrect configuration node
Expected-behaviour: Error will be recorded in the log
Severity configuration will return None
node = config_module(values=self.default_values,
# make some alarm severity entry invalid
for child in node.children:
if child.key == 'ALARM_SEVERITIES':
child.children[0].key = 'NOT_SEVERITIES'
config = settings.Config._decorated()
'Invalid alarm severity configuration: %s', "NOT_SEVERITIES")
self.assertEqual(config.alarm_severity('age'), 'moderate')
def test_read_alarm_severities(self):
"""Test reading in user defined alarm severities method
Set-up: Set up a node configured with a severities dictionary defined
Test: Read the node for the ALARM_SEVERITY configuration
Expected-behaviour: Info log will be recorded
Severities are correctly configured
node = config_module(values=self.default_values,
for n in node.children:
if n.key.upper() == 'ALARM_SEVERITY':
if len(n.values) == 2:
key, val = n.values
config = settings.Config._decorated()
self.assertEqual('low', config.alarm_severity('age'))