/** * @author zhixin wen * @version 1.0.5 * * http://wenzhixin.net.cn/p/multiple-select/ */ (function($) { 'use strict'; function MultipleSelect($el, options) { var that = this, elWidth = $el.width(); this.$el = $el.hide(); this.options = options; this.$parent = $('
'); this.$choice = $(''); this.$drop = $('
'); this.$el.after(this.$parent); this.$parent.append(this.$choice); this.$parent.append(this.$drop); if (this.$el.prop('disabled')) { this.$choice.addClass('disabled'); } this.$choice.css('width', elWidth + 'px'); this.$drop.css({ width: (options.width || elWidth) + 'px' }); $('body').click(function(e) { if ($(e.target)[0] === that.$choice[0] || $(e.target).parents('.ms-choice')[0] === that.$choice[0]) { return; } if (($(e.target)[0] === that.$drop[0] || $(e.target).parents('.ms-drop')[0] !== that.$drop[0]) && that.options.isopen) { that.close(); } }); if (this.options.isopen) { this.open(); } } MultipleSelect.prototype = { constructor : MultipleSelect, init: function() { var that = this, html = []; if (this.options.filter) { html.push( '' ); } html.push(''); this.$drop.html(html.join('')); this.$drop.find('ul').css('max-height', this.options.maxHeight + 'px'); this.$drop.find('.multiple').css('width', this.options.multipleWidth + 'px'); this.$searchInput = this.$drop.find('.ms-search input'); this.$selectAll = this.$drop.find('input[name="selectAll"]'); this.$selectGroups = this.$drop.find('input[name="selectGroup"]'); this.$selectItems = this.$drop.find('input[name="selectItem"]:enabled'); this.$disableItems = this.$drop.find('input[name="selectItem"]:disabled'); this.events(); this.update(); }, optionToHtml: function(i, elm, group, groupDisabled) { var that = this, $elm = $(elm), html = [], multiple = this.options.multiple, disabled; if ($elm.is('option')) { var value = $elm.val(), text = $elm.text(), selected = $elm.prop('selected'); disabled = groupDisabled || $elm.prop('disabled'); html.push( '', '', ' ', text, '', '' ); } else if (!group && $elm.is('optgroup')) { var _group = 'group_' + i, label = $elm.attr('label'); disabled = $elm.prop('disabled'); html.push( '
  • ', '', '
  • '); $.each($elm.children(), function(i, elm) { html.push(that.optionToHtml(i, elm, _group, disabled)); }); } return html.join(''); }, events: function() { var that = this; this.$choice.off('click').on('click', function() { that[that.options.isopen ? 'close' : 'open'](); }); this.$parent.off('keydown').on('keydown', function(e) { switch (e.which) { case 27: // esc key that.close(); that.$choice.focus(); break; } }); this.$searchInput.off('keyup').on('keyup', function() { that.filter(); }); this.$selectAll.off('click').on('click', function() { var checked = $(this).prop('checked'), $items = that.$selectItems.filter(':visible'); if ($items.length === that.$selectItems.length) { that[checked ? 'checkAll' : 'uncheckAll'](); } else { // when the filter option is true that.$selectGroups.prop('checked', checked); $items.prop('checked', checked); that.update(); } }); this.$selectGroups.off('click').on('click', function() { var group = $(this).parent().attr('data-group'), $items = that.$selectItems.filter(':visible'), $children = $items.filter('[data-group="' + group + '"]'), checked = $children.length !== $children.filter(':checked').length; $children.prop('checked', checked); that.updateSelectAll(); that.update(); that.options.onOptgroupClick({ label: $(this).parent().text(), checked: checked, children: $children.get() }); }); this.$selectItems.off('click').on('click', function() { that.updateSelectAll(); that.update(); that.updateOptGroupSelect(); that.options.onClick({ label: $(this).parent().text(), value: $(this).val(), checked: $(this).prop('checked') }); }); }, open: function() { if (this.$choice.hasClass('disabled')) { return; } this.options.isopen = true; this.$choice.find('>div').addClass('open'); this.$drop.show(); if (this.options.filter) { this.$searchInput.val(''); this.filter(); } this.options.onOpen(); }, close: function() { this.options.isopen = false; this.$choice.find('>div').removeClass('open'); this.$drop.hide(); this.options.onClose(); }, update: function() { var selects = this.getSelects('text'), $span = this.$choice.find('>span'); if (selects.length) { $span.removeClass('placeholder').html(selects.join(', ')); } else { $span.addClass('placeholder').html(this.options.placeholder); } // set selects to select this.$el.val(this.getSelects()); }, updateSelectAll: function() { var $items = this.$selectItems.filter(':visible'); this.$selectAll.prop('checked', $items.length && $items.length === $items.filter(':checked').length); }, updateOptGroupSelect: function() { var $items = this.$selectItems.filter(':visible'); $.each(this.$selectGroups, function(i, val) { var group = $(val).parent().attr('data-group'), $children = $items.filter('[data-group="' + group + '"]'); $(val).prop('checked', $children.length && $children.length === $children.filter(':checked').length); }); }, //value or text, default: 'value' getSelects: function(type) { var that = this, texts = [], values = []; this.$drop.find('input[name="selectItem"]:checked').each(function() { texts.push($(this).parent().text()); values.push($(this).val()); }); if (type === 'text' && this.$selectGroups.length) { texts = []; this.$selectGroups.each(function() { var html = [], text = $.trim($(this).parent().text()), group = $(this).parent().data('group'), $children = that.$drop.find('[name="selectItem"][data-group="' + group + '"]'), $selected = $children.filter(':checked'); if ($selected.length === 0) { return; } html.push('['); html.push(text); if ($children.length > $selected.length) { var list = []; $selected.each(function() { list.push($(this).parent().text()); }); html.push(': ' + list.join(', ')); } html.push(']'); texts.push(html.join('')); }); } return type === 'text' ? texts : values; }, setSelects: function(values) { var that = this; this.$selectItems.prop('checked', false); $.each(values, function(i, value) { that.$selectItems.filter('[value="' + value + '"]').prop('checked', true); }); this.$selectAll.prop('checked', this.$selectItems.length === this.$selectItems.filter(':checked').length); this.update(); }, enable: function() { this.$choice.removeClass('disabled'); }, disable: function() { this.$choice.addClass('disabled'); }, checkAll: function() { this.$selectItems.prop('checked', true); this.$selectGroups.prop('checked', true); this.$selectAll.prop('checked', true); this.update(); this.options.onCheckAll(); }, uncheckAll: function() { this.$selectItems.prop('checked', false); this.$selectGroups.prop('checked', false); this.$selectAll.prop('checked', false); this.update(); this.options.onUncheckAll(); }, refresh: function() { this.init(); }, filter: function() { var that = this, text = $.trim(this.$searchInput.val()).toLowerCase(); if (text.length === 0) { this.$selectItems.parent().show(); this.$disableItems.parent().show(); this.$selectGroups.parent().show(); } else { this.$selectItems.each(function() { var $parent = $(this).parent(); $parent[$parent.text().toLowerCase().indexOf(text) < 0 ? 'hide' : 'show'](); }); this.$disableItems.parent().hide(); this.$selectGroups.each(function() { var $parent = $(this).parent(); var group = $parent.attr('data-group'), $items = that.$selectItems.filter(':visible'); $parent[$items.filter('[data-group="' + group + '"]').length === 0 ? 'hide' : 'show'](); }); } this.updateOptGroupSelect(); this.updateSelectAll(); } }; $.fn.multipleSelect = function() { var option = arguments[0], args = arguments, value, allowedMethods = ['getSelects', 'setSelects', 'enable', 'disable', 'checkAll', 'uncheckAll', 'refresh']; this.each(function() { var $this = $(this), data = $this.data('multipleSelect'), options = $.extend({}, $.fn.multipleSelect.defaults, typeof option === 'object' && option); if (!data) { data = new MultipleSelect($this, options); $this.data('multipleSelect', data); } if (typeof option === 'string') { if ($.inArray(option, allowedMethods) < 0) { throw "Unknown method: " + option; } value = data[option](args[1]); } else { data.init(); } }); return value ? value : this; }; $.fn.multipleSelect.defaults = { isopen: false, placeholder: '', selectAll: true, selectAllText: 'Select all', multiple: false, multipleWidth: 80, filter: false, width: undefined, maxHeight: 250, onOpen: function() {return false;}, onClose: function() {return false;}, onCheckAll: function() {return false;}, onUncheckAll: function() {return false;}, onOptgroupClick: function() {return false;}, onClick: function() {return false;} }; })(jQuery);