Federico Ressi 2fd41f4c9c [Vagrant] Update Vagranfile and its playbooks
- add multinode support for devstack nodes
- write clouds.yaml and ssh_config file to devstack-tobiko-deploy source dir
- update tobiko.conf file
- create simple functional test cases to test vagrant configuration
- remove local projects synchronization

Change-Id: I9d2517d5fa6c72b98726af8aa3ba9fa8bcf0918f
2022-07-16 07:31:40 +00:00

38 lines
594 B

skipsdist = True
envlist = linters,docs
minversion = 3.8.0
skip_install = true
deps =
-r {toxinidir}/linters-requirements.txt
commands =
pre-commit --version
pre-commit autoupdate
pre-commit run --all-files
pre-commit install
deps =
changedir = doc/source
commands =
sphinx-build -W -b html . ../build/html
deps =
-r test-requirements.txt
setenv =
TESTS_DIR = {toxinidir}/tests/functional
commands =
pytest {posargs:{env:TESTS_DIR}}