adriant 67aaf5f5ab Basic fixes to get artifice working. Most just hacky workarounds to get it running for demo purposes.
Some few useful bug fixes such as replacement of password without "\n", and issues with "flavor.name" vs "instance_type".
2014-01-06 14:25:33 +13:00

140 lines
5.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, os
from artifice import interface
except ImportError:
loc, fn = os.path.split(__file__)
print loc
here = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(loc +"/../"))
sys.path.insert(0, here)
# # Are we potentially in a virtualenv? Add that in.
# if os.path.exists( os.path.join(here, "lib/python2.7" ) ):
# sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(here, "lib/python2.7"))
from artifice import interface
import datetime
import yaml
date_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
other_date_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"
date_fmt_fnc = lambda x: datetime.datetime.strptime(date_format)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Takes names to display.
# none means display them all.
parser.add_argument("-t", "--tenant", dest="tenants", help='Tenant to display', action="append", default=[])
# Add some sections to show data from.
# Empty is display all
parser.add_argument("-s", "--section", dest="sections", help="Sections to display", action="append")
# Ranging
# We want to get stuff from, to.
help="When to start our range, date format %s",
default=datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=31)
parser.add_argument("--to", dest="end", help="When to end our date range. Defaults to yesterday.",
type=date_fmt_fnc, default=datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=1) )
parser.add_argument("--config", dest="config", help="Config file", default="/opt/stack/artifice/etc/artifice/conf.yaml")
args = parser.parse_args()
conf = yaml.load(open(args.config).read())
except IOError:
# Whoops
print "couldn't load %s " % args.config
# Make ourselves a nice interaction object
# Password needs to be loaded from /etc/artifice/database
fh = open(conf["database"]["password_path"])
password = fh.read()
# Make ourselves a nice interaction object
conf["database"]["password"] = password
n = interface.Artifice(conf)
tenants = args.tenants
if not args.tenants:
# only parse this list of tenants
tenants = n.tenants
print "\n # ----------------- bill summary for: ----------------- # "
print "Range: %s -> %s" % (args.start, args.end)
for tenant_name in tenants:
# artifact = n.tenant(tenant_name).section(section).usage(args.start, args.end)
# data should now be an artifact-like construct.
# Data also knows about Samples, where as an Artifact doesn't.
# An artifact knows its section
tenant = n.tenant(tenant_name)
# Makes a new invoice up for this tenant.
invoice = tenant.invoice(args.start, args.end)
print "\n# ------------------------ Tenant: %s ------------------------ #" % tenant.name
# usage = tenant.usage(start, end)
usage = tenant.usage(args.start, args.end)
# A Usage set is the entirety of time for this Tenant.
# It's not time-limited at all.
# But the
# invoice.bill(usage.objects)
print invoice.total()
print "# --------------------- End of Tenant: %s --------------------- #" % tenant.name
# for datacenter, sections in usage.iteritems():
# # DC is the name of the DC/region. Or the internal code. W/E.
# print datacenter
# for section_name in args.sections:
# assert section in sections
# # section = sections[ section ]
# print sections[section_name]
# for resources in sections[section_name]:
# for resource in resources:
# print resource
# for meter in resource.meters:
# usage = meter.usage(start, end)
# if usage.has_been_saved():
# continue
# print usage.volume()
# print usage.cost()
# usage.save()
# # Finally, bill it.
# # All of these things need to be converted to the
# # publicly-viewable version now.
# invoice.bill(datacenter, resource, meter, usage)
# # Section is going to be in the set of vm, network, storage, image
# # # or just all of them.
# # # It's not going to be an individual meter name.
# # artifacts = section.usage(args.start, args.end)
# # for artifact in artifacts:
# # if artifact.has_been_saved:
# # # Does this artifact exist in the DB?
# # continue
# # artifact.save() # Save to the Artifact storage
# # # Saves to the invoice.
# # invoice.bill ( artifact )
# # # artifact.bill( invoice.id )
# # print "%s: %s" % (section.name, artifact.volume)