439 lines
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439 lines
12 KiB
import unittest
from artifice import interface
from artifice.interface import Artifice
import mock
import random
import json
# import copy
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from artifice.models import Session
from artifice.models import usage, tenants
from artifice.models.resources import Resource, VM
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
This module tests interacting with the Ceilometer web service.
This will require an active Ceilometer with data in it, or,
# @mock.patch("artifice.models.Session")
# @mock.patch("keystoneclient.v2_0.client.Client")
# @mock.patch("sqlalchemy.create_engine")
# def test_instance_artifice(self, sqlmock, keystone, session):
# """Tests that artifice correctly instances."""
# from artifice.interface import Artifice
# # from artifice.models import usage
config = {
"main": {
"host_mapper": None
"database": {
"username": "aurynn",
"password": "aurynn",
"host": "localhost",
"port": "5433",
"database": "artifice"
"openstack": {
"username": "foo",
"password": "bar",
"authentication_url": "http://foo"
"ceilometer": {
"host": 'http://whee'
"invoices": {
"plugin": "json"
# Enter in a whoooooole bunch of mock data.
{u'enabled': True,
u'description': None,
u'name': u'demo',
u'id': u'931dc699f9934021bb4a2b1088ba4d3b'}
DATACENTRE = "testcenter"
import os
fn = os.path.abspath(__file__)
path, f = os.path.split(fn)
except NameError:
path = os.getcwd()
fh = open( os.path.join( path, "data/resources.json") )
resources = json.loads(fh.read () )
i = 0
mappings = {}
hosts = set([resource["metadata"]["host"] for resource in resources if resource["metadata"].get("host")])
while True:
fh = open( os.path.join( path, "data/map_fixture_%s.json" % i ) )
d = json.loads(fh.read())
i += 1
except IOError:
# Mappings should now be a set of resources.
storages = []
vms = []
networks = []
# res = {"vms": [], "net": [], 'storage': [], "ports":[], "ips": []}
# res = {"vms": [], "network": [], 'storage': [], "ports":[]}
res = {"vms": [], "volumes": [], 'objects': [], "network": []}
class InternalResource(object):
def __init__(self, resource):
self.resource = resource
# def __getitem__(self, item):
# return self.resource[item]
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return self.resource[attr]
def __str__(self):
return str(self.resource)
def links(self):
return [MiniMeter(i) for i in self.resource['links']]
class MiniMeter(object):
def __init__(self, meter):
self._ = meter
def link(self):
return self._["href"]
def rel(self):
return self._["rel"]
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self._[item]
resources = [InternalResource(r) for r in resources]
for resource in resources:
rels = [link.rel for link in resource.links if link.rel != 'self' ]
if "image" in rels:
elif "storage.objects" in rels:
# Unknown how this data layout happens yet.
# resource["_type"] = "storage"
elif "volume" in rels:
elif "network" in rels:
elif "instance" in rels:
# elif "port" in rels:
# res["ports"].append(resource)
# elif "ip.floating" in rels:
# res["ips"].append(resource)
def resources_replacement(tester):
def repl(self, start, end):
tester.called_replacement_resources = True
return resources
class TestInterface(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
engine = create_engine(os.environ["DATABASE_URL"])
self.session = Session()
self.objects = []
self.called_replacement_resources = False
num = random.randrange(len(res["vms"]))
# Only one vm for this
self.resources = [ res["vms"][ num ] ]
self.start = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=30)
self.end = datetime.now()
def tearDown(self):
self.contents = None
self.resources = []
self.artifice = None
self.usage = None
# @mock.patch("artifice.interface.get_meter") # I don't think this will work
def test_get_usage(self, sqlmock, keystone, session):
# At this point, we prime the ceilometer/requests response
# system, so that what we return to usage is what we expect
# to get in the usage system.
keystone.auth_token = AUTH_TOKEN
# keystone.
self.assertTrue(TENANTS is not None)
def get_meter(self, start, end, auth):
# Returns meter data from our data up above
global mappings
# print self.link
data = mappings[self.link.link]
return data
interface.get_meter = get_meter
artifice = Artifice(config)
self.artifice = artifice
# Needed because this
artifice.auth.tenants.list.return_value = TENANTS
# this_config = copy.deepcopy(config["openstack"])
# this_config["tenant_name"] = this_config["default_tenant"]
# del this_config["default_tenant"]
username= config["openstack"]["username"],
password= config["openstack"]["password"],
tenant_name= config["openstack"]["default_tenant"],
auth_url= config["openstack"]["authentication_url"]
tenants = None
# try:
tenants = artifice.tenants
# except Exception as e:
# self.fail(e)
# self.assertEqual ( len(tenants.vms), 1 )
self.assertEqual( len(tenants), 1 )
k = tenants.keys()[0]
t = tenants[k] # First tenant
self.assertTrue( isinstance( t, interface.Tenant ) )
contents = None
# t.resources = resources_replacement(self)
# t.resources = mock.Mock(spec=interface.Resource)
t.resources = mock.create_autospec(interface.Resource, spec_set=True)
t.resources.return_value = self.resources
hdc = getattr(artifice, "host_to_dc")
self.assertTrue( callable(hdc) )
except AttributeError:
self.fail("Artifice object lacks host_to_dc method ")
# Replace the host_to_dc method with a mock that does what we need
# it to do, for the purposes of testing.
artifice.host_to_dc = mock.Mock()
artifice.host_to_dc.return_value = DATACENTRE
usage = t.usage(self.start, self.end)
# try:
# except Exception as e:
# self.fail(e)
# self.assertTrue( self.called_replacement_resources )
t.resources.assert_called_with(self.start, self.end)
# So, we should be able to assert a couple of things here
# What got called, when, and how.
for call in artifice.host_to_dc.call_args_list:
self.assertTrue ( len(call[0]) == 1 )
self.assertTrue ( call[0][0] in hosts )
self.assertTrue ( isinstance(usage, interface.Usage) )
# self.assertEqual( len(usage.vms), 1 )
# self.assertEqual( len(usage.objects), 0)
# self.assertEqual( len(usage.volumes), 0)
# This is a fully qualified Usage object.
self.usage = usage
# @mock.patch("artifice.models.Session")
# @mock.patch("artifice.interface.get_meter") # I don't think this will work
# @mock.patch("artifice.interface.keystone")
# @mock.patch("sqlalchemy.create_engine")
# def test_save_smaller_range_no_overlap(self, sqlmock, keystone, meters, session):
# self.test_get_usage()
# first_contents = self.usage
# # self.resources = [
# # res["vms"][random.randrange(len[res["vms"]])],
# # ]
def add_element(self, from_):
self.resources.append( res[from_][random.randrange(len(res[from_]))] )
print len(self.resources)
usage = self.usage
# key = contents.keys()[0] # Key is the datacenter
print from_
self.assertTrue( isinstance(usage, interface.Usage) )
getattr(usage, from_)
# self.assertTrue( hasattr(usage, from_) )
except AttributeError:
self.fail("No property %s" % from_)
getattr(usage, "vms")
except AttributeError:
self.fail ("No property vms")
lens = { "vms": 1 }
if from_ == "vms":
lens["vms"] = 2
lens[from_] = 1
self.assertEqual(len(usage.vms), lens["vms"])
self.assertEqual(len( getattr(usage, from_) ), lens[from_])
self.assertEqual( usage.vms[0].location, DATACENTRE )
def test_add_instance(self):
Adds a new instance, tests that the returned data has both
Tests that if we create a new instance in the data,
we should get another instance in the returned contents.
self.usage._vms = []
self.assertTrue(len(self.usage.vms) == 2)
def test_add_storage(self):
def test_save_contents(self):
usage = self.usage
# try:
# except Exception as e:
# Now examine the database
def test_correct_usage_values(self):
"""Usage data matches expected results:
tests that we get the usage data we expect from the processing
system as developed.
usage = self.usage
for vm in usage.vms:
volume = vm.usage()
# print "vm is %s" % vm
# print vm.size
# print "Volume is: %s" % volume
# VM here is a resource object, not an underlying meter object.
id_ = vm["project_id"]
for rvm in self.resources:
if not getattr(rvm, "project_id") == id_:
for meter in getattr(rvm, "links"):
if not meter["rel"] in volume:
data = mappings[ meter["href"] ]
vol = volume[ meter["rel"] ]
type_ = data[0]["counter_type"]
if type_ == "cumulative":
v = interface.Cumulative(rvm, data, self.start, self.end)
elif type_ == "gauge":
v = interface.Gauge(rvm, data, self.start, self.end)
elif type_ == "delta":
v = interface.Delta(rvm, data, self.start, self.end)
# Same type of data
self.assertEqual( v.__class__, vol.__class__ )
self.assertEqual( v.volume(), vol.volume() )
def test_use_a_bunch_of_data(self):
def test_usage_vms(self):
Tests the usage.vms by using a non-mock resource object
u = self.usage
u.contents = {"vms":[]}
r = interface.Resource(self.resources[0], self.artifice)
# Wipe it
# self.assertTrue( bool(getattr(u, '_vms')) )
self.assertEqual( u._vms, [] )
u._vms = []
self.assertEqual( len(u.vms), 1 )