=============================== vmtp =============================== A data path performance tool for OpenStack clouds. * Free software: Apache license * Documentation: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/vmtp * Source: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/stackforge/vmtp * Bugs: http://bugs.launchpad.net/vmtp Features -------- VMTP is a python application that will automatically perform ping connectivity, ping round trip time measuerment (latency) and TCP/UDP throughput measurement for the following flows on any OpenStack deployment: * VM to VM same network (private fixed IP) * VM to VM different network same tenant (intra-tenant L3 fixed IP) * VM to VM different network and tenant (floating IP inter-tenant L3) Optionally, when an external Linux host is available: * external host/VM download and upload throughput/latency (L3/floating IP) Optionally, when ssh login to any Linux host (native or virtual) is available: * host to host throughput (intra-node and inter-node) Optionally, VMTP can extract automatically CPU usage from all native hosts in the cloud during the throughput tests, provided the Ganglia monitoring service (gmond) is installed and enabled on those hosts.