KloudBuster Web UI
KloudBuster integrates a Python based web server which is able to host both RestAPI server and KloudBuster front-end website. Normally, KloudBuster has the front-end website pre-built and integrated into the KloudBuster image, so you don't need to do anything to access the web UI.
Steps below are documented for development purposes, in the case if you want to enhance the web UI.
Setup Development Environment
The web UI is based on AngularJS, developped from Mac OS X (Yosemite), and verified on Ubuntu 14.04.
Simply to say, below packages need to be installed for dependencies: NodeJS, npm, grunt and bower.
NodeJS & npm
Ubuntu/Debian based:
$ sudo apt-get install npm nodejs nodejs-legacy
Some scripts expect a binary called node to be present whereas Ubuntu installs it as nodejs. The "nodejs-legacy" package contains a symlink for legacy Node.js code requiring binary to be /usr/bin/node (not /usr/bin/nodejs as provided in Debian).
Mac OS X:
Download the packages from nodejs.org, and install like a regular app.
Change to the project's root directory (/kb_web), install Grunt's command line interface (CLI) globally, and install the project dependencies specified in kb_web/package.json:
$ sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
$ sudo npm install
Install Bower, and install packages specified in bower.json:
$ sudo npm install -g bower
$ bower install --force
Build & Development
To preview the Web UI:
$ grunt serve
To compress all files to kb_web/dist:
$ grunt build
To integrate the Web UI into the KloudBuster server, copy all files from kb_web/dist to ../kb_server/public/ui, run the KloudBuster server, and the website will be accessible at: