Add checking of Alarm History

This commit is contained in:
vagrant 2014-05-05 19:36:19 +00:00
parent 6651c2f5d3
commit 988e449cc4

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@ -35,6 +35,34 @@ def get_alarm_state(alarm_id):
response_json = json.loads(stdout)
return response_json['state']
def check_alarm_history(alarm_id):
print('Checking Alarm History')
# Make take a little bit of time for Alarm history to flow all the way through
for x in range(0, 10):
stdout = run_mon_cli(["mon", "--json", "alarm-history", alarm_id])
response_json = json.loads(stdout)
if len(response_json) > 0:
result = True
if not check_expected(1, len(response_json), 'number of history entries'):
return False
alarm_json = response_json[0]
if not check_expected('UNDETERMINED', alarm_json['old_state'], 'old_state'):
result = False
if not check_expected('ALARM', alarm_json['new_state'], 'new_state'):
result = False
if not check_expected(alarm_id, alarm_json['alarm_id'], 'alarm_id'):
result = False
return result
def check_expected(expected, actual, what):
if (expected == actual):
return True
print("Incorrect value for alarm history " + what + " expected '" + str(expected) + "' but was '" + str(actual) + "'", file=sys.stderr)
return False
def create_alarm(name, expression, notification_method_id, description=None):
args = ["mon", "alarm-create"]
if (description):
@ -57,7 +85,7 @@ def create_alarm(name, expression, notification_method_id, description=None):
return alarm_id
def get_metrics(name, dimensions):
print("Getting metrics for " + name)
print("Getting metrics for " + name + str(dimensions))
dimensions_arg = ""
for key, value in dimensions.iteritems():
if dimensions_arg != "":
@ -112,6 +140,10 @@ def main():
# Query how many metrics there are for the Alarm
metric_json = get_metrics(metric_name, metric_dimensions)
if len(metric_json) == 0:
print("No measurements received for metric " + metric_name + str(metric_dimensions), file=sys.stderr)
initial_num_metrics = len(metric_json[0]['measurements'])
# Create Notification through CLI
@ -149,6 +181,9 @@ def main():
print("No new metrics received", file=sys.stderr)
print("Received " + str(final_num_metrics - initial_num_metrics) + " metrics in " + str(change_time) + " seconds")
if not check_alarm_history(alarm_id):
return 0