Install's a mini monitoring environment based on vagrant. Intended for development and monitoring of the monitoring infrastructure. # Usage ## Get the Code ``` git clone ``` ## Setup Vagrant ### Install Vagrant Assumes you have home homebrew installed, if not download and install VirtualBox and Vagrant from their websites then continue with Setup Berkshelf. ``` brew tap phinze/cask brew install brew-cask brew cask install virtualbox brew cask install vagrant ``` ### Setup Berkshelf ``` vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf gem install berkshelf or gem install --http-proxy berkshelf ``` # Using mini-mon - Your home dir is synced to `/vagrant_home` on each vm - Vms created - `api` at `` - `kafka` at `` - mon-notification runs on this box also - `mysql` at `` - `persister` at `` - `thresh` at `` - `vertica` at `` - The management console is at - Run `vagrant help` for more info - Run `vagrant ssh ` to login to a particular vm - Can also run `ssh vagrant@` to login - password is `vagrant` ## Start mini-mon Berkshelf will download some cookbooks from the community so http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables must be set if applicable. From within the `mini-mon` directory, to start all the vms run: ``` bin/vup ``` The standard vagrant commands can also be used, the vup script just starts things up in a dependency order using parallel startup. ## Halt mini-mon In some cases halting mini-mon can result in certain vms being left in an odd state, to avoid this a script has been made to halt boxes in the correct order ``` bin/vhalt ``` ## Updating a VM When someone updates the config for a vm this process should allow you to bring up an updated vm. - `git pull` - `berks update` - `vagrant destroy vm` - Where vm is the name of the vm being updated, for example 'vertica' - `vagrant up vm` ## Improving Provisioning Speed The slowest part of the provisioning process is the downloading of deb packages. To speed this up a local apt-cacher-ng can be used. To install on a mac ``` brew install apt-cacher-ng ``` Run `apt-cacher-ng -c /usr/local/etc/apt-cacher-ng/` or optionally follow the instructions from brew to start up the cache automatically. That is all that is needed from now on the cache will be used. A report from the cache is found at http://localhost:3142/acng-report.html