39 lines
1.7 KiB
39 lines
1.7 KiB
- hosts: mini-mon
sudo: yes
host_ip: "{{mini_mon}}"
test_base: /opt/monasca/
test_url: https://api.github.com/repos/hpcloud-mon/monasca-ci/tarball/master
- name: Fetch the monasca-ci tests
get_url: dest="{{test_base}}/monasca-ci.tar.gz" url="{{test_url}}"
register: download
- name: UI - Uncompress the monasca-ci tar
unarchive: copy=no dest="{{test_base}}" src="{{test_base}}/monasca-ci.tar.gz"
when: download | changed
# In Ansible 1.8 this was in the unarchive output, in 2.0 there is list_files option you can add to unarchive but in 1.9 we must use this
# command to discover the tar dir. This method will work for the other versions also.
- name: Discover the tar path
command: tar -tzf "{{test_base}}/monasca-ci.tar.gz"
register: tarpath
- name: Install the influxdb python library
pip: name=influxdb virtualenv="{{monasca_virtualenv_dir}}"
when: database_type == 'influxdb'
- name: Copy the template locally
fetch: src="{{test_base}}/{{tarpath.stdout_lines[0]}}/tests/smoke/smoke2_configs.py.j2" dest=tests/ flat=yes
- name: Populate config vars
template: src="tests/smoke2_configs.py.j2" dest="{{test_base}}/{{tarpath.stdout_lines[0]}}/tests/smoke/smoke2_configs.py"
- name: Run the smoke2 test
command: "{{monasca_virtualenv_dir}}/bin/python {{test_base}}/{{tarpath.stdout_lines[0]}}/tests/smoke/smoke2.py"
register: smoke2
- debug: var=smoke2.stdout_lines
- name: Run the smoke test
command: "{{monasca_virtualenv_dir}}/bin/python {{test_base}}/{{tarpath.stdout_lines[0]}}/tests/smoke/smoke.py"
register: smoke
- debug: var=smoke.stdout_lines