An experimental hLinux based mini-mon is available for testing.
Running hLinux as the base OS
hLinux can be installed and run as the base OS for all the vm(s) defined in mini-mon. The vagrantfile in this sub-dir is setup for this purpose. Before running this you must create a hLinux box as describe below.
As of the last testing there are a couple of minor problems:
- The HP proxy can cause trouble if not using an externally accessible hLinux apt repo.
- The vboxsf filesystem driver is not working correctly in hLinux, this prevents home directory syncing.
- Slow network performance of the hLinux vbox image makes some tasks annoying.
Creating a new hLinux box
The hLinux box used in mini-mon is created via packer, config is in the templates sub-directory.
- Install packer
brew tap homebrew/binary
brew install packer
- Run packer
cd templates
packer build hlinux.json
- From the mini-mon directory run
vagrant box add hlinux templates/
- If you have an existing hLinux box you man need to first remove it
vagrant box remove hlinux
- Also upload to a server for others to download.
- If you have an existing hLinux box you man need to first remove it