Install's a mini monitoring environment based on vagrant. Intended for development and monitoring of the monitoring infrastructure.


Get the Code

git clone

Setup Vagrant

Install Vagrant

Assumes you have home homebrew installed, if not download and install VirtualBox and Vagrant from their websites then continue with Setup Berkshelf.

brew tap phinze/cask
brew install brew-cask
brew cask install virtualbox 
brew cask install vagrant

Setup Berkshelf

vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
gem install berkshelf  or gem install --http-proxy <> berkshelf

Using mini-mon

  • Your home dir is synced to /vagrant_home on each vm
  • Vms created
    • api at
    • kafka at - mon-notification runs on this box also
    • mysql at
    • persister at
    • thresh at
    • vertica at
  • Run vagrant help for more info
  • Run vagrant ssh <vm name> to login to a particular vm
  • Can also run ssh vagrant@<ip address> to login
    • password is vagrant

Start mini-mon

Berkshelf will download some cookbooks from the community so http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables must be set if applicable. From within the mini-mon directory, to start all the vms run:


The standard vagrant commands can also be used, the vup script just starts things up in a dependency order using parallel startup.

Halt mini-mon

In some cases halting mini-mon can result in certain vms being left in an odd state, to avoid this a script has been made to halt boxes in the correct order


Updating a VM

When someone updates the config for a vm this process should allow you to bring up an updated vm.

  • git pull
  • berks update
  • vagrant destroy vm - Where vm is the name of the vm being updated, for example 'vertica'
  • vagrant up vm

Improving Provisioning Speed

The slowest part of the provisioning process is the downloading of deb packages. To speed this up a local apt-cacher-ng can be used. To install on a mac

brew install apt-cacher-ng

Run apt-cacher-ng -c /usr/local/etc/apt-cacher-ng/ or optionally follow the instructions from brew to start up the cache automatically. That is all that is needed from now on the cache will be used.

A report from the cache is found at http://localhost:3142/acng-report.html

Running hLinux as the base OS

hLinux can be installed and run as the base OS for all the vms defined in mini-mon. To this comment/uncomment the appropriate lines in the Vagrantfile. Also switch to the proper base apt repos in recipes/default.rb. There are a couple of minor problem which would slow down development and are why at this point hLinux has not been turned on by default:

  • The vboxsf filesystem driver is not working correctly in hLinux, this prevents home directory syncing.
  • Slow network performance of the hLinux vbox image makes some tasks annoying.

Creating a new hLinux box

The hLinux box used in mini-mon is created via a veewee template in the templates directory.

  • Follow the instructions at the veewee site to install veewee.
    • Copy templates/Veeweefile to your VeeWee directory and edit the file, updating the path to your mini-mon.
    • At this point the template assumes you need an hp proxy setup, if not edit and comment out the .curlrc lines at the bottom
    • From your veewee directory run:
      • bundle exec veewee vbox define hlinux hlinux-amd64-netboot
      • bundle exec veewee vbox build hlinux
      • bundle exec veewee vbox validate hlinux Note: puppet is not installed.
      • bundle exec veewee vbox export hlinux
  • From the mini-mon directory run vagrant box add hlinux ../veewee/ or other appropriate path, also upload to a server for others to download.
    • If you have an existing hLinux box you man need to first remove it vagrant box remove hlinux
Vagrant test environment for Monasca
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Ruby 15.2%
Python 6.9%
Jinja 2.6%