Updated docs to include cafe documentation in sphinx format
* Fixes sphinx format issues in several docstrings * Adds cafe sphinx .rst source files * Converts docstrings in modules with sphinx errors from epydoc format to sphinx format. * Various pep8 fixes in touched files Change-Id: Ie2047c43285a29acfed2d014d1dc4858a20b1f9b
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,6 +14,6 @@
__title__ = 'cafe'
__author__ = 'Rackspace Cloud QE'
__license__ = 'Apache License Version 2.0'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2013 Rackspace Inc.'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2015 Rackspace Inc.'
@ -11,9 +11,6 @@
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
@summary: Generic Classes for test statistics
from datetime import datetime
import os
import csv
@ -23,15 +20,7 @@ import sys
class TestRunMetrics(object):
@summary: Generic Timer used to track any time span
@ivar start_time: Timestamp from the start of the timer
@type start_time: C{datetime}
@ivar stop_time: Timestamp of the end of the timer
@type stop_time: C{datetime}
@todo: This is a stop gap. It will be necessary to override large portions
of the runner and the default unittest.TestCase architecture to make
this auto-magically work with unittest properly.
This should be a child of unittest.TestResult
Contains test timing and results metrics for a test.
def __init__(self):
self.total_tests = 0
@ -44,7 +33,7 @@ class TestRunMetrics(object):
class TestResultTypes(object):
@summary: Types dictating an individual Test Case result
Types dictating an individual Test Case result
@cvar PASSED: Test has passed
@type PASSED: C{str}
@cvar FAILED: Test has failed
@ -10,90 +10,32 @@
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
@see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode#Architecture_and_terminology
.. seealso:: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode#Architecture_and_terminology
A UnicodeRange object contains a start, end, and name attribute
which normally corresponds to the start and end integer for a
range of Unicode codepoints.
Each UnicodeRange object includes generators for performing common
functions on the codepoints in that integer range, such as:
codepoints(): yeilds every integer in that Block's range.
codepoint_names(): yeilds the Unicode name of every codepoint
integer in the Block's range.
encoded_codepoints(): yeilds an encoded (UTF-8 by default)
string representation of the character
the codepoint represents.
A list-like object normally made up of UnicodeRange objects.
Meant as a container for containing large, and/or disjointed ranges
Includes definitions for the UnicodeRange object methods
codepoints(), codepoint_names(), and encoded_codepoints() so that
a user can still iterate through the codepoints in the entire list,
even if the ranges are disjointed. This allows for creating
custom ranges for specific testing.
A list-like object (UnicodeRangeList) made up of
UnicodeRange objects. Each UnicodeRange object in the list
corresponds to a named Unicode Block, and contains the start
and end integer for that Block.
A list-like object (UnicodeRangeList) made up of UnicodeRange
objects. It covers the same total range as UNICODE_BLOCKS, but is
instead organized by plane names instead of block names, which
results in fewer but larger ranges.
Integer denoting the first unicode codepoint
Integer denoting the last unicode codepoint
Namespace (class) containing enums of all Unicode Plane names as
Namespace (class) containing enums of all Unicode Block names as
Usage Exmaples:
Print all the characters in the "Thai" unicode block:
Usage Examples:
# Print all the characters in the "Thai" unicode block
for c in UNICODE_BLOCKS.get_range(BLOCK_NAMES.thai).encoded_codepoints():
print c
Iterate through all the integer codepoints in the "Thai" unicode block:
# Iterate through all the integer codepoints in the "Thai" unicode block
for i in UNICODE_BLOCKS.get_range(BLOCK_NAMES.thai).codepoints():
Get a list of the names of all the characters in the "Thai" unicode block:
[n for n in UNICODE_BLOCKS.get_range(BLOCK_NAMES.thai).codepoint_names()]
# Get a list of the names of all the characters in the "Thai" unicode block
[n for n in UNICODE_BLOCKS.get_range(
import six
import unicodedata
# Integer denoting the first unicode codepoint
#: Integer denoting the first unicode codepoint
# Integer denoting the last unicode codepoint
#: Integer denoting the last unicode codepoint
# list-like object that iterates through named ranges of unicode codepoints
@ -106,7 +48,14 @@ UNICODE_PLANES = None
class PLANE_NAMES(object):
"""Namespace that defines all standard Unicode Plane names"""
Namespace that defines all standard Unicode Plane names
A list-like object (UnicodeRangeList) made up of UnicodeRange
objects. It covers the same total range as UNICODE_BLOCKS, but is
instead organized by plane names instead of block names, which
results in fewer but larger ranges.
basic_multilingual_plane = 'Basic Multilingual Plane'
supplementary_multilingual_plane = 'Supplementary Multilingual Plane'
supplementary_ideographic_plane = 'Supplementary Ideographic Plane'
@ -116,7 +65,14 @@ class PLANE_NAMES(object):
class BLOCK_NAMES(object):
"""Namespace that defines all standard Unicode Block names"""
Namespace that defines all standard Unicode Block names
A list-like object (UnicodeRangeList) made up of
UnicodeRange objects. Each UnicodeRange object in the list
corresponds to a named Unicode Block, and contains the start
and end integer for that Block.
basic_latin = "Basic Latin"
c1_controls_and_latin_1_supplement = "C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement"
latin_extended_a = "Latin Extended-A"
@ -417,6 +373,13 @@ class UnicodeRange(object):
Iterable representation of a range of unicode codepoints.
This can represent a standard Unicode Block, a standard Unicode Plane, or
even a custom range.
A UnicodeRange object contains a start, end, and name attribute
which normally corresponds to the start and end integer for a
range of Unicode codepoints.
Each UnicodeRange object includes generators for performing common
functions on the codepoints in that integer range.
def __init__(self, start, end, name):
self.name = name
@ -429,24 +392,32 @@ class UnicodeRange(object):
def codepoints(self):
Generator that yields the the integer value of all codepoints in
Generator that yields each codepoint in range as an integer.
:rtype: generator, returns ints
for codepoint in range(self.start, self.end + 1):
yield codepoint
def codepoint_names(self):
Generator that yields the string name (if available) of all codepoints
in UnicodeRange
Generator that yields the name of each codepoint in range as a string.
If a name cannot be found, the codepoint's integer value is
returned in hexidecimal format as a string.
:rtype: generator, returns strings
for codepoint in self.codepoints():
yield codepoint_name(codepoint)
def encoded_codepoints(self, encoding='utf-8'):
Generator that yields an <encoding> encoded unicode string
representation of all codepoints in UnicodeRange
Generator that yields each codepoint name in range, encoded.
:param encoding: the encoding to use on the string
:type encoding: string
:rtype: generator, returns unicode strings
for codepoint in self.codepoints():
yield six.unichr(codepoint).encode(encoding)
@ -454,11 +425,11 @@ class UnicodeRange(object):
class UnicodeRangeList(list):
List-like collection of UnicodeRange objects.
Represents a set of Unicode codepoint ranges, such as a custom non-linear
set of ranges, or a Unicode Plane.
@TODO: Override constructor so that only UnicodeRange objects can be
appended or extended?
A list-like for containing collections of UnicodeRange objects.
Allows iteration through all codepoins in collected ranged, even if the
ranges are disjointed. Useful for for creating custom ranges for
specialized testing.
def __str__(self):
@ -469,55 +440,73 @@ class UnicodeRangeList(list):
def codepoints(self):
Generator that yields the the integer value of all codepoints in all
UnicodeRange objects in UnicodeRangeList
Generator that yields each codepoint in all ranges as an integer.
:rtype: generator, returns ints
for unicode_range in self:
for codepoint in unicode_range.codepoints():
yield codepoint
def codepoint_names(self):
Generator that yields the string name (if available) of all codepoints
in all ranges in UnicodeRangeList.
Generator that yields the name of each codepoint in range as a string.
If a name cannot be found, the codepoint's integer value is
returned in hexidecimal format as a string.
:rtype: generator, returns strings
for codepoint in self.codepoints():
yield codepoint_name(codepoint)
def encoded_codepoints(self, encoding='utf-8'):
Generator that yields an <encoding> encoded unicode string
representation of all codepoints in all UnicodeRange objects in
Generator that yields each codepoint name in range, encoded.
:param encoding: the encoding to use on the string
:type encoding: string
:rtype: generator, returns unicode strings
for codepoint in self.codepoints():
yield six.unichr(codepoint).encode(encoding)
def get_range(self, range_name):
Expects a Unicode Block name as a string.
Get a range of unicode codepoints by block name.
Returns a single UnicodeRange object representing the codepoints in the
unicode block range named range_name, if such a range exists in the
UnicodeRangeList, or None otherwise.
Returns a single :class:`UnicodeRange` object representing the
codepoints in the unicode block range named by :attr:`range_name`,
if such a range exists in the instance of :class:`UnicodeRangeList`
that :attr:`get_range` is being called from.
:param range_name: name of the requested unicode block range.
:type range_name: string
:rtype: :class:`UnicodeRange` class instance, or None
for unicode_range in self:
if unicode_range.name == range_name:
return unicode_range
return None
def get_range_list(self, range_name_list):
Expects a list of Unicode Block names as strings.
Get a list of ranges of unicode codepoints by block names.
Returns a UnicodeRangeList of UnicodeRange objects representing the
codepoints in the unicode block ranges with names in range_name_list,
if any such unicode block ranges exist in the UnicodeRangeList, or an
empty UnicodeRangeList otherewise.
Returns a single :class:`UnicodeRangeList` object representing the
codepoints in the unicode block ranges named by
:attr:`range_name_list`, if such ranges exists in the instance of
:class:`UnicodeRangeList` that :attr:`get_range_list` is being called
:param range_name_list: name(s) of requested unicode block ranges.
:type range_name_list: list of strings
:rtype: :class:`UnicodeRangeList` class instance, or :const:`None`
range_list = UnicodeRangeList()
for unicode_range in self:
if unicode_range.name in range_name_list:
@ -11,11 +11,6 @@
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
@summary: Base Classes for Test Fixtures
@note: Corresponds DIRECTLY TO A unittest.TestCase
@see: http://docs.python.org/library/unittest.html#unittest.TestCase
import os
import re
import six
@ -27,17 +22,18 @@ from cafe.drivers.base import FixtureReporter
class BaseTestFixture(unittest.TestCase):
@summary: This should be used as the base class for any unittest tests,
meant to be used instead of unittest.TestCase.
@see: http://docs.python.org/library/unittest.html#unittest.TestCase
Base class that all cafe unittest test fixtures should inherit from
.. seealso:: http://docs.python.org/library/unittest.html#unittest.TestCase
__test__ = True
def shortDescription(self):
@summary: Returns a formatted description of the test
Returns a formatted description of the test
short_desc = None
if os.environ.get("VERBOSE", None) == "true" and self._testMethodDoc:
@ -55,8 +51,7 @@ class BaseTestFixture(unittest.TestCase):
def assertClassSetupFailure(cls, message):
@summary: Use this if you need to fail from a Test Fixture's
setUpClass() method
Use this if you need to fail from a Test Fixture's setUpClass()
cls.fixture_log.error("FATAL: %s:%s" % (cls.__name__, message))
raise AssertionError("FATAL: %s:%s" % (cls.__name__, message))
@ -64,9 +59,9 @@ class BaseTestFixture(unittest.TestCase):
def assertClassTeardownFailure(cls, message):
@summary: Use this if you need to fail from a Test Fixture's
tearUpClass() method
Use this if you need to fail from a Test Fixture's tearDownClass()
cls.fixture_log.error("FATAL: %s:%s" % (cls.__name__, message))
raise AssertionError("FATAL: %s:%s" % (cls.__name__, message))
@ -81,6 +76,7 @@ class BaseTestFixture(unittest.TestCase):
def tearDownClass(cls):
# Call super teardown after to avoid tearing down the class before we
# can run our own tear down stuff.
super(BaseTestFixture, cls).tearDownClass()
@ -98,6 +94,7 @@ class BaseTestFixture(unittest.TestCase):
better pattern or working with the result object directly.
This is related to the todo in L{TestRunMetrics}
if sys.version_info < (3, 4):
if six.PY2:
report = self._resultForDoCleanups
@ -125,12 +122,14 @@ class BaseTestFixture(unittest.TestCase):
# Let the base handle whatever hoodoo it needs
# Continue inherited tearDown()
super(BaseTestFixture, self).tearDown()
def _test_name_matches_result(self, name, test_result):
"""Checks if a test result matches a specific test name."""
Checks if a test result matches a specific test name.
if sys.version_info < (3, 4):
# Try to get the result portion of the tuple
@ -148,6 +147,10 @@ class BaseTestFixture(unittest.TestCase):
def _do_class_cleanup_tasks(cls):
Runs the tasks designated by the use of addClassCleanup
for func, args, kwargs in reversed(cls._class_cleanup_tasks):
"Running class cleanup task: {0}({1}, {2})".format(
@ -171,7 +174,9 @@ class BaseTestFixture(unittest.TestCase):
def addClassCleanup(cls, function, *args, **kwargs):
"""Named to match unittest's addCleanup.
Provides an addCleanup-like method that can be used in classmethods
ClassCleanup tasks run if setUpClass fails, or after tearDownClass.
(They don't depend on tearDownClass running)
@ -181,8 +186,9 @@ class BaseTestFixture(unittest.TestCase):
class BaseBurnInTestFixture(BaseTestFixture):
@summary: Base test fixture that allows for Burn-In tests
Base test fixture that allows for Burn-In tests
def setUpClass(cls):
super(BaseBurnInTestFixture, cls).setUpClass()
@ -11,10 +11,6 @@
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Provides low level connectivity to the commandline via popen()
@note: Primarily intended to serve as base classes for a specific
command line client Class
import os
import sys
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, CalledProcessError
@ -26,18 +22,19 @@ from cafe.engine.models.commandline_response import CommandLineResponse
class BaseCommandLineClient(BaseClient):
"""Wrapper for driving/parsing a command line program
@ivar base_command: This processes base command string. (I.E. 'ls', 'pwd')
@type base_command: C{str}
@note: This class is dependent on a local installation of the wrapped
client process. The thing you run has to be there!
Provides low level connectivity to the commandline via popen()
Primarily intended to serve as base classes for a specific command line
client Class. This class is dependent on a local installation of the
wrapped client process. The thing you run has to be there!
def __init__(self, base_command=None, env_var_dict=None):
@param base_command: This processes base command string.
(I.E. 'ls', 'pwd')
@type base_command: C{str}
:param base_command: This shell command to execute, e.g. 'ls' or 'pwd'
:param dict env_var_dict: Environment variables to inject into env
before execution.
super(BaseCommandLineClient, self).__init__()
@ -21,12 +21,13 @@ class SQLClientException(Exception):
class BaseSQLClient(BaseClient):
This is meant to be a base support client for DBAPI 2.0 clients. This
client is not meant to be used directly. New clients will extend this
Base support client for DBAPI 2.0 clients.
This client is not meant to be used directly. New clients will extend this
client and live inside of the individual CAFE.
For more information on the DBAPI 2.0 standard please visit:
.. seealso:: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0249
_log = cclogging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -38,16 +39,16 @@ class BaseSQLClient(BaseClient):
Connects to self._driver with passed parameters
@param data_source_name: The data source name
@type data_source_name: String
@param user: Username
@type user: String
@param password: Password
@type password: String
@param host: Hostname
@type host: String
@param database: Database Name
@type database: String
:param data_source_name: The data source name
:type data_source_name: string
:param user: Username
:type user: string
:param password: Password
:type password: string
:param host: Hostname
:type host: string
:param database: Database Name
:type database: string
if self._driver is None:
message = 'Driver not set.'
@ -71,13 +72,13 @@ class BaseSQLClient(BaseClient):
For more information on the execute command see:
@param operation: The operation being executed
@type operation: String
@param parameters: Sequence or map that wil be bound to variables in
:param operation: The operation being executed
:type operation: string
:param parameters: Sequence or map that wil be bound to variables in
the operation
@type parameters: String or dictionary
@param cursor: A pre-existing cursor
@type cursor: object
:type parameters: string or dictionary
:param cursor: A pre-existing cursor
:type cursor: cursor object
if self._connection is None:
message = 'Connection not set.'
@ -99,13 +100,13 @@ class BaseSQLClient(BaseClient):
For more information on the execute command see:
@param operation: The operation being executed
@type operation: String
@param seq_of_parameters: The sequence or mappings that will be run
:param operation: The operation being executed
:type operation: string
:param seq_of_parameters: The sequence or mappings that will be run
against the operation
@type seq_of_parameters: String or object
@param cursor: A pre-existing cursor
@type cursor: object
:type seq_of_parameters: string or object
:param cursor: A pre-existing cursor
:type cursor: cursor object
if self._connection is None:
message = 'Connection not set.'
@ -11,27 +11,27 @@ Design
* Clients should be simple and focused on providing native access to foreign
functionality in a clean and easy to understand way.
functionality in a clean and easy to understand way.
* A client should not make assumptions about how it will be used, beyond
those mandated by the foreign functionality.
those mandated by the foreign functionality.
* A client should be able to stand on it's own, without requiring any
configuration or information beyond what is required for instantiation.
configuration or information beyond what is required for instantiation.
* The HTTP client itself doesn't require any information to instantiate,
but an API client built using the HTTP client might require a URL and an auth
token, since it's purpose is to interact solely with the API located at that
but an API client built using the HTTP client might require a URL and an auth
token, since it's purpose is to interact solely with the API located at that
* The commandline client offers logging, a uniform request/response model, and
both synchronous and asynchronous requests on top of python's Popen method,
but doesn't seek to expose functionality beyond running cli commands. The
client deals with Popen and provides a simple way to get stdout, stderr, and
stdin from a single command send to the local commandline. The client itself
can be instantiated with a base command and used as an ad hoc interface for a
specific commandline program, or left without a base command and used as an
interface for the underlying shell.
both synchronous and asynchronous requests on top of python's Popen method,
but doesn't seek to expose functionality beyond running cli commands. The
client deals with Popen and provides a simple way to get stdout, stderr, and
stdin from a single command send to the local commandline. The client itself
can be instantiated with a base command and used as an ad hoc interface for a
specific commandline program, or left without a base command and used as an
interface for the underlying shell.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
cafe.common.reporting package
cafe.common.reporting.base_report module
.. automodule:: cafe.common.reporting.base_report
cafe.common.reporting.cclogging module
.. automodule:: cafe.common.reporting.cclogging
cafe.common.reporting.json_report module
.. automodule:: cafe.common.reporting.json_report
cafe.common.reporting.metrics module
.. automodule:: cafe.common.reporting.metrics
cafe.common.reporting.reporter module
.. automodule:: cafe.common.reporting.reporter
cafe.common.reporting.xml_report module
.. automodule:: cafe.common.reporting.xml_report
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
cafe.common package
.. toctree::
.. autodata:: cafe.common.unicode.PLANE_NAMES
.. autodata:: cafe.common.unicode.BLOCK_NAMES
.. data:: cafe.common.unicode.UNICODE_BLOCKS(cafe.common.unicode.UnicodeRangeList)
list-like object that iterates through named ranges of unicode codepoints
Instantiated at runtime (when imported) near the bottom of this file
.. data:: cafe.common.unicode.UNICODE_PLANES(cafe.common.unicode.UnicodeRangeList)
list-like object that iterates through ranges of ranges of unicode codepoints
Instantiated at runtime (when imported) near the bottom of this file
.. automodule:: cafe.common.unicode
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
cafe.configurator package
cafe.configurator.cli module
.. automodule:: cafe.configurator.cli
cafe.configurator.managers module
.. automodule:: cafe.configurator.managers
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
cafe.drivers.behave package
cafe.drivers.behave.runner module
.. automodule:: cafe.drivers.behave.runner
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
cafe.drivers.lettuce package
Module contents
.. automodule:: cafe.drivers.lettuce
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
cafe.drivers.pyvows package
cafe.drivers.pyvows.runner module
.. automodule:: cafe.drivers.pyvows.runner
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
cafe.drivers package
.. toctree::
cafe.drivers.base module
.. automodule:: cafe.drivers.base
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
cafe.drivers.specter package
cafe.drivers.specter.runner module
.. automodule:: cafe.drivers.specter.runner
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
cafe.drivers.unittest package
cafe.drivers.unittest.datasets module
.. automodule:: cafe.drivers.unittest.datasets
cafe.drivers.unittest.decorators module
.. automodule:: cafe.drivers.unittest.decorators
cafe.drivers.unittest.fixtures module
.. automodule:: cafe.drivers.unittest.fixtures
cafe.drivers.unittest.parsers module
.. automodule:: cafe.drivers.unittest.parsers
cafe.drivers.unittest.runner module
.. automodule:: cafe.drivers.unittest.runner
cafe.drivers.unittest.suite module
.. automodule:: cafe.drivers.unittest.suite
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
cafe.engine.clients package
cafe.engine.clients.base module
.. automodule:: cafe.engine.clients.base
cafe.engine.clients.commandline module
.. automodule:: cafe.engine.clients.commandline
cafe.engine.clients.ping module
.. automodule:: cafe.engine.clients.ping
cafe.engine.clients.sql module
.. automodule:: cafe.engine.clients.sql
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
cafe.engine.models package
cafe.engine.models.base module
.. automodule:: cafe.engine.models.base
cafe.engine.models.behavior_response module
.. automodule:: cafe.engine.models.behavior_response
cafe.engine.models.commandline_response module
.. automodule:: cafe.engine.models.commandline_response
cafe.engine.models.data_interfaces module
.. automodule:: cafe.engine.models.data_interfaces
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
cafe.engine package
.. toctree::
cafe.engine.behaviors module
.. automodule:: cafe.engine.behaviors
cafe.engine.config module
.. automodule:: cafe.engine.config
cafe.engine.provider module
.. automodule:: cafe.engine.provider
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
.. toctree::
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
OpenCAFE Documentation
.. toctree::
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 4
* :ref:`genindex`
@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
import sphinx_rtd_theme
import sys
import os
import shlex
package_path = os.path.abspath("../../../opencafe")
extensions = [
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
@ -15,19 +23,19 @@ master_doc = 'index'
# General information about the project.
project = u'OpenCAFE'
copyright = u'2013, Rackspace'
copyright = u'2015, RackspaceQE'
# The short X.Y version.
version = '0.1.0'
version = '0.2.0'
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
release = '0.1.0'
release = '0.2.0'
# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
exclude_patterns = ['_build']
# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
pygments_style = 'friendly'
pygments_style = 'monokai'
# -- Options for HTML output ----------------------------------------------
@ -69,6 +77,11 @@ man_pages = [
# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author,
# dir menu entry, description, category)
texinfo_documents = [('index', 'OpenCAFE', u'OpenCAFE Documentation',
u'Rackspace', 'OpenCAFE',
'One line description of project.', 'Miscellaneous')]
texinfo_documents = [
u'OpenCAFE Documentation',
'One line description of project.',
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Rules of Law
Development Standards
- It is **HIGHLY** encouraged that if you have not already read (and even if
it's been a while since you have) the Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs)
PEP-8 and PEP 20 that you do so.
@ -50,10 +50,12 @@ Development Standards
on the open parenthesis of a function call.
- Long strings should be handled by wrapping the string in parenthesis
and having quote delimited strings per line within.
long_string = ('I cannot fit this whole phrase on one '
'line, but I can properly format this string '
'by using this type of structure.')
- Do not write "except:", use "except Exception:" at the very least
- Use try/except where logical. Avoid wrapping large blocks of code in
in huge try/except blocks.
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Contents
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
@ -12,9 +12,6 @@
# under the License.
from warnings import warn, simplefilter
simplefilter("default", DeprecationWarning)
warn("cafe.engine.clients.rest has been moved to cafe.engine.http.client",
from cafe.engine.http.client import (
BaseClient, requests, time, _inject_exception, _log_transaction, cclogging)
@ -25,3 +22,7 @@ from cafe.engine.http.client import \
AutoMarshallingHTTPClient as AutoMarshallingRestClient
from cafe.engine.http.client import HTTPClient as RestClient
simplefilter("default", DeprecationWarning)
warn("cafe.engine.clients.rest has been moved to cafe.engine.http.client",
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