Initial commit
This populates the repository with a standard layout which was adapted from nova-specs. Change-Id: I75d80f9a80cc7e7a013c9229bb5b2b2cf7cf5ed6
This commit is contained in:
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test_command=OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE=1 OS_STDERR_CAPTURE=1 OS_TEST_TIMEOUT=60 ${PYTHON:-python} -m discover -t ./ . $LISTOPT $IDOPTION
test_id_option=--load-list $IDFILE
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
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Specifications for Pacemaker Resource Agents for OpenStack
This git repository is used to hold approved design specifications for
additions to the Pacemaker Resource Agents for OpenStack project.
Reviews of the specs are done in gerrit, using a similar workflow to
how we review and merge changes to the code itself. For specific
policies around specification review, refer to the end of this
The layout of this repository is::
Where there are two sub-directories:
specs/<release>/approved: specifications approved but not yet implemented
specs/<release>/implemented: implemented specifications
The lifecycle of a specification
Developers proposing a specification should propose a new file in the
``approved`` directory. ``openstack-resource-agents-core`` will review
the change in the usual manner for the OpenStack project, and eventually it
will get merged if a consensus is reached. At this time the Launchpad blueprint
is also approved. The developer is then free to propose code reviews to
implement their specification. These reviews should be sure to reference the
Launchpad blueprint in their commit message for tracking purposes.
Once all code for the feature is merged, the Launchpad blueprint is
marked complete. As the developer of an approved specification it is your
responsibility to mark your blueprint complete when all of the required
patches have merged.
Periodically, someone from ``openstack-resource-agents-core`` will move
implemented specifications from the ``approved`` directory to the
``implemented`` directory. Whilst individual developers are welcome to propose
this move for their implemented specifications, we have generally just done
this in a batch at the end of the release cycle. It is important to create
redirects when this is done so that existing links to the approved
specification are not broken. Redirects aren't symbolic links, they are defined
in a file which sphinx consumes. An example is at ``specs/newton/redirects``.
This directory structure allows you to see what we thought about doing,
decided to do, and actually got done. Users interested in functionality in a
given release should only refer to the ``implemented`` directory.
Example specifications
You can find an example spec in ``specs/template.rst``.
Backlog specifications
Additionally, we allow the proposal of specifications that do not have a
developer assigned to them. These are proposed for review in the same manner as
above, but are added to::
Specifications in this directory indicate the original author has either
become unavailable, or has indicated that they are not going to implement the
specification. The specifications found here are available as opportunities for
people looking to get involved with the project. If you are interested in
claiming a spec, start by posting a review for the specification that moves it
from this directory to the next active release. Please set yourself as the new
`primary assignee` and maintain the original author in the `other contributors`
Working with gerrit and specification unit tests
For more information about working with gerrit, see
To validate that the specification is syntactically correct (i.e. get more
confidence in the Jenkins result), please execute the following command::
$ tox
After running ``tox``, the documentation will be available for viewing in HTML
format in the ``doc/build/`` directory.
Specification review policies
There are a number of review policies which ``openstack-resource-agents-core``
will apply when reviewing proposed specifications. They are:
Trivial specifications
Proposed changes which are trivial (very small amounts of code) and don't
change any of our public APIs are sometimes not required to provide a
specification. In these cases a Launchpad blueprint is considered sufficient.
These proposals are approved during the open discussion portion of the `weekly
HA IRC meeting`_. If you think your proposed feature is trivial and meets these
requirements, we recommend you bring it up for discussion there before writing
a full specification.
.. _weekly HA IRC meeting:
Previously approved specifications
`Specifications are only approved for a single release`. If your specification
was previously approved but not implemented (or not completely implemented),
then you must seek re-approval for the specification. You can re-propose your
specification by doing the following:
* Copy (not move) your specification to the right directory for the current release.
* Update the document to comply with the new template.
* If there are no functional changes to the specification (only template changes) then add the `Previously-approved: <release>` tag to your commit message.
* Send for review.
* ``openstack-resource-agents-core`` will merge specifications which meet
these requirements with a single +2.
Specifications which depend on merging code in other OpenStack projects
For specifications `that depend on code in other OpenStack projects merging` we
will not approve the openstack-resource-agents specification until the code in
that other project has merged. To indicate your specification is in this state,
please use the Depends-On git commit message tag. The correct format is
`Depends-On: <change id of other work>`. ``openstack-resource-agents-core`` can
approve the specification at any time, but it wont merge until the code we need
to land in the other project has merged as well.
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# (source start file, target name, title, author,
# dir menu entry, description, category)
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u'OpenStack Pacemaker Resource Agent Design Specs',
u'OpenStack Pacemaker Team',
'Design specifications for the OpenStack Pacemaker project.',
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.. openstack-resource-agents-specs documentation master file
OpenStack Pacemaker Resource Agents Project Plans
During each design summit, we agree what the whole community wants to focus
on for the upcoming release. This is the output of those discussions:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Here you can find the specs, and spec template, for each release:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
There are also some approved backlog specifications that are looking for owners:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Documentation for openstack-resource-agents-specs process:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
How to submit a spec <readme>
For more details, look at spec template for the specific release, and see the
wiki page on Blueprints:
Indices and tables
* :ref:`search`
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
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.. include:: ../../README.rst
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# A simple sphinx plugin which creates HTML redirections from old names
# to new names. It does this by looking for files named "redirect" in
# the documentation source and using the contents to create simple HTML
# redirection pages for changed filenames.
import os.path
from sphinx.application import ENV_PICKLE_FILENAME
from sphinx.util.console import bold
def setup(app):
from sphinx.application import Sphinx
if not isinstance(app, Sphinx):
app.connect('build-finished', emit_redirects)
def process_redirect_file(app, path, ent):
parent_path = path.replace(app.builder.srcdir, app.builder.outdir)
with open(os.path.join(path, ent)) as redirects:
for line in redirects.readlines():
from_path, to_path = line.rstrip().split(' ')
from_path = from_path.replace('.rst', '.html')
to_path = to_path.replace('.rst', '.html')
redirected_filename = os.path.join(parent_path, from_path)
redirected_directory = os.path.dirname(redirected_filename)
if not os.path.exists(redirected_directory):
with open(redirected_filename, 'w') as f:
f.write('<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; '
'url=%s" /></head></html>'
% to_path)
def emit_redirects(app, exc):
||||'scanning %s for redirects...') % app.builder.srcdir)
def process_directory(path):
for ent in os.listdir(path):
p = os.path.join(path, ent)
if os.path.isdir(p):
elif ent == 'redirects':
||||' found redirects at %s' % p)
process_redirect_file(app, path, ent)
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
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OpenStack Pacemaker Resource Agents Backlog Specifications
The spec backlog is a place for the team to record decisions about
technical problems and proposed solutions. A backlog spec should
contain at least a clear problem description, as well as a general
description of the proposed or desired solution. This serves as a
marker to record the team's acceptance of a problem as in-scope for
the project, as well as a reasonable direction for solving the
A spec that exists here is something that either needs a driver or
implementor, or something that can't be done currently. If you would
like to implement one of these specifications, fill out the missing
sections and follow the standard process of submitting it to a release
(See :doc:`../../readme`).
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Specification Template <template>
Approved (but not implemented) backlog specs:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
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Symbolic link
Symbolic link
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Symbolic link
Symbolic link
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Normal file
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Openstack Pacemaker Resource Agents Newton Specifications
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Specification Template (Newton release) <template>
Newton implemented specs:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Newton approved (but not implemented) specs:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
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Symbolic link
Symbolic link
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.. _newton-priorities:
Newton Project Priorities
List of themes (in the form of use cases) the OpenStack HA community
is prioritizing in Newton.
| Priority | Primary Contacts |
| `Highly Available VMs`_ | `Adam Spiers`_ |
Highly Available VMs
The OpenStack `Product Working Group`_ is maintaining a user story for
`High Availability for Virtual Machines`_. During and since the
Austin summit, there has been a lot of discussion within the OpenStack
HA community about how to converge on an upstream implementation which
fulfils this user story, which has been captured in the
`newton-instance-ha etherpad`_ and in the minutes of the `weekly HA
IRC meetings`_. The first step is to write a series of specs which
will describe the architectural design and corresponding deliverables
for each of the components which were agreed as necessary for a
flexible, modular solution.
.. _Adam Spiers:
.. _High Availability for Virtual Machines:
.. _Product Working Group:
.. _weekly HA IRC meetings:
.. _newton-instance-ha etherpad:
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# List of blueprints that are project priorities and are ready for code review
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pbr>=1.6 # Apache-2.0
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
name = openstack-resource-agents-specs
summary = OpenStack Resource Agents for Pacemaker Project Development Specs
description-file =
author = OpenStack
author-email =
home-page =
classifier =
Intended Audience :: Developers
License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License
Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux
all_files = 1
build-dir = doc/build
source-dir = doc/source
warnerrors = True
universal = 1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import setuptools
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Symbolic link
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
Example Spec - The title of your blueprint
Include the URL of your launchpad blueprint:
Introduction paragraph -- why are we doing anything? A single paragraph of
prose that operators can understand. The title and this first paragraph
should be used as the subject line and body of the commit message
Some notes about the openstack-resource-agents-spec and blueprint process:
* Not all blueprints need a spec. For more information see
* The aim of this document is first to define the problem we need to solve,
and second agree the overall approach to solve that problem.
* This is not intended to be extensive documentation for a new feature.
For example, there is no need to specify the exact configuration changes,
nor the exact details of any DB model changes. But you should still define
that such changes are required, and be clear on how that will affect
* You should aim to get your spec approved before writing your code.
While you are free to write prototypes and code before getting your spec
approved, its possible that the outcome of the spec review process leads
you towards a fundamentally different solution than you first envisaged.
* But, API changes are held to a much higher level of scrutiny.
As soon as an API change merges, we must assume it could be in production
somewhere, and as such, we then need to support that API change forever.
To avoid getting that wrong, we do want lots of details about API changes
Some notes about using this template:
* Your spec should be in ReSTructured text, like this template.
* Please wrap text at 79 columns.
* The filename in the git repository should match the launchpad URL, for
example a URL of:
should be named awesome-thing.rst
* Please do not delete any of the sections in this template. If you have
nothing to say for a whole section, just write: None
* For help with syntax, see
* To test out your formatting, build the docs using tox and see the generated
HTML file in doc/build/html/specs/<path_of_your_file>
* If you would like to provide a diagram with your spec, ascii diagrams are
required. is a very nice tool to assist with making
ascii diagrams. The reason for this is that the tool used to review specs is
based purely on plain text. Plain text will allow review to proceed without
having to look at additional files which can not be viewed in gerrit. It
will also allow inline feedback on the diagram itself.
* If your specification proposes any changes to an API such as changing
parameters which can be returned or accepted, or even the semantics of what
happens when a client calls into the API, then you should add the APIImpact
flag to the commit message. Specifications with the APIImpact flag can be
found with the following query:
Problem description
A detailed description of the problem. What problem is this blueprint
Use Cases
What use cases does this address? What impact on actors does this change have?
Ensure you are clear about the actors in each use case: Developer, End User,
Deployer etc.
Proposed change
Here is where you cover the change you propose to make in detail. How do you
propose to solve this problem?
If this is one part of a larger effort make it clear where this piece ends. In
other words, what's the scope of this effort?
At this point, if you would like to just get feedback on if the problem and
proposed change fit in ``openstack-resource-agents``, you can stop here and
post this for review to get preliminary feedback. If so please say: Posting to
get preliminary feedback on the scope of this spec.
What other ways could we do this thing? Why aren't we using those? This doesn't
have to be a full literature review, but it should demonstrate that thought has
been put into why the proposed solution is an appropriate one.
Data model impact
Changes which require modifications to the data model often have a wider impact
on the system. The community often has strong opinions on how the data model
should be evolved, from both a functional and performance perspective. It is
therefore important to capture and gain agreement as early as possible on any
proposed changes to the data model.
Questions which need to be addressed by this section include:
* What new data objects and/or database schema changes is this going to
* What database migrations will accompany this change.
* How will the initial set of new data objects be generated, for example if you
need to take into account existing instances, or modify other existing data
describe how that will work.
REST API impact
Each API method which is either added or changed should have the following
* Specification for the method
* A description of what the method does suitable for use in
user documentation
* Method type (POST/PUT/GET/DELETE)
* Normal http response code(s)
* Expected error http response code(s)
* A description for each possible error code should be included
describing semantic errors which can cause it such as
inconsistent parameters supplied to the method, or when an
instance is not in an appropriate state for the request to
succeed. Errors caused by syntactic problems covered by the JSON
schema definition do not need to be included.
* URL for the resource
* URL should not include underscores, and use hyphens instead.
* Parameters which can be passed via the url
* JSON schema definition for the request body data if allowed
* Field names should use snake_case style, not CamelCase or MixedCase
* JSON schema definition for the response body data if any
* Field names should use snake_case style, not CamelCase or MixedCase
* Example use case including typical API samples for both data supplied
by the caller and the response
* Discuss any policy changes, and discuss what things a deployer needs to
think about when defining their policy.
Note that the schema should be defined as restrictively as
possible. Parameters which are required should be marked as such and
only under exceptional circumstances should additional parameters
which are not defined in the schema be permitted (eg
additionaProperties should be False).
Reuse of existing predefined parameter types such as regexps for
passwords and user defined names is highly encouraged.
Security impact
Describe any potential security impact on the system. Some of the items to
consider include:
* Does this change touch sensitive data such as tokens, keys, or user data?
* Does this change alter the API in a way that may impact security, such as
a new way to access sensitive information or a new way to login?
* Does this change involve cryptography or hashing?
* Does this change require the use of sudo or any elevated privileges?
* Does this change involve using or parsing user-provided data? This could
be directly at the API level or indirectly such as changes to a cache layer.
* Can this change enable a resource exhaustion attack, such as allowing a
single API interaction to consume significant server resources? Some examples
of this include launching subprocesses for each connection, or entity
expansion attacks in XML.
For more detailed guidance, please see the OpenStack Security Guidelines as
a reference ( These
guidelines are a work in progress and are designed to help you identify
security best practices. For further information, feel free to reach out
to the OpenStack Security Group at
Other end user impact
Aside from the API, are there other ways a user will interact with this
* What does the operator interface look like?
Performance Impact
Describe any potential performance impact on the system, for example
how often will new code be called, and is there a major change to the calling
pattern of existing code.
Examples of things to consider here include:
* A periodic task might look like a small addition but if it calls conductor or
another service the load is multiplied by the number of nodes in the system.
* Scheduler filters get called once per host for every instance being created,
so any latency they introduce is linear with the size of the system.
* A small change in a utility function or a commonly used decorator can have a
large impacts on performance.
* Calls which result in a database queries (whether direct or via conductor)
can have a profound impact on performance when called in critical sections of
the code.
* Will the change include any locking, and if so what considerations are there
on holding the lock?
Other deployer impact
Discuss things that will affect how you deploy and configure OpenStack
that have not already been mentioned, such as:
* What config options are being added? Should they be more generic than
proposed (for example a flag that other hypervisor drivers might want to
implement as well)? Are the default values ones which will work well in
real deployments?
* Is this a change that takes immediate effect after its merged, or is it
something that has to be explicitly enabled?
* If this change is a new binary, how would it be deployed?
* Please state anything that those doing continuous deployment, or those
upgrading from the previous release, need to be aware of. Also describe
any plans to deprecate configuration values or features. For example, if we
change the directory name that instances are stored in, how do we handle
instance directories created before the change landed? Do we move them? Do
we have a special case in the code? Do we assume that the operator will
recreate all the instances in their cloud?
Developer impact
Discuss things that will affect other developers working on OpenStack,
such as:
* If the blueprint proposes a change to the driver API, discussion of how
other hypervisors would implement the feature is required.
Who is leading the writing of the code? Or is this a blueprint where you're
throwing it out there to see who picks it up?
If more than one person is working on the implementation, please designate the
primary author and contact.
Primary assignee:
<launchpad-id or None>
Other contributors:
<launchpad-id or None>
Work Items
Work items or tasks -- break the feature up into the things that need to be
done to implement it. Those parts might end up being done by different people,
but we're mostly trying to understand the timeline for implementation.
* Include specific references to specs and/or blueprints, that this
one either depends on or is related to.
* If this introduces functionality of another project that is not
currently used, document that fact.
* Does this feature require any new library dependencies or code otherwise not
included in OpenStack? Or does it depend on a specific version of library?
Please discuss the important scenarios needed to test here, as well as
specific edge cases we should be ensuring work correctly. For each
scenario please specify if this requires specialized hardware, a full
openstack environment, or can be simulated inside the tree.
Please discuss how the change will be tested. We especially want to know what
tempest tests will be added. It is assumed that unit test coverage will be
added so that doesn't need to be mentioned explicitly, but discussion of why
you think unit tests are sufficient and we don't need to add more tempest
tests would need to be included.
Is this untestable in gate given current limitations (specific hardware /
software configurations available)? If so, are there mitigation plans (3rd
party testing, gate enhancements, etc).
Documentation Impact
Which audiences are affected most by this change, and which documentation
titles on should be updated because of this change? Don't
repeat details discussed above, but reference them here in the context of
documentation for multiple audiences. For example, the Operations Guide targets
cloud operators, and the End User Guide would need to be updated if the change
offers a new feature available through the CLI or dashboard. If a config option
changes or is deprecated, note here that the documentation needs to be updated
to reflect this specification's change.
Please add any useful references here. You are not required to have any
reference. Moreover, this specification should still make sense when your
references are unavailable. Examples of what you could include are:
* Links to mailing list or IRC discussions
* Links to notes from a summit session
* Links to relevant research, if appropriate
* Related specifications as appropriate (e.g. if it's an EC2 thing, link the
EC2 docs)
* Anything else you feel it is worthwhile to refer to
Optional section intended to be used each time the spec is updated to
describe new design, API or any database schema updated. Useful to let
reader understand what's happened along the time.
.. list-table:: Revisions
:header-rows: 1
* - Release Name
- Description
* - Newton
- Introduced
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# The order of packages is significant, because pip processes them in the order
# of appearance. Changing the order has an impact on the overall integration
# process, which may cause wedges in the gate later.
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import glob
import os
import testtools
class TestDirectories(testtools.TestCase):
def test_directories(self):
releases = [x.split('/')[1] for x in glob.glob('specs/*/')]
for release in releases:
files = os.listdir("specs/%s/" % release)
valid = ['redirects', 'implemented', 'approved']
for name in files:
if name.startswith('.'):
self.assertIn(name, valid,
"Found unexpected file in "
"'specs/%s', specs should be submitted to "
"'specs/%s/approved'" % (release, release))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import glob
import re
import docutils.core
import testtools
# Used for new sections introduced during a release.
# - "History" introduced in Liberty should be
# mandatory for M.
class TestTitles(testtools.TestCase):
def _get_title(self, section_tree):
section = {
'subtitles': [],
for node in section_tree:
if node.tagname == 'title':
section['name'] = node.rawsource
elif node.tagname == 'section':
subsection = self._get_title(node)
return section
def _get_titles(self, spec):
titles = {}
for node in spec:
if node.tagname == 'section':
# Note subsection subtitles are thrown away
section = self._get_title(node)
titles[section['name']] = section['subtitles']
return titles
def _check_titles(self, filename, expect, actual):
missing_sections = [x for x in expect.keys() if (
x not in actual.keys()) and (x not in OPTIONAL_SECTIONS)]
extra_sections = [x for x in actual.keys() if x not in expect.keys()]
msgs = []
if len(missing_sections) > 0:
msgs.append("Missing sections: %s" % missing_sections)
if len(extra_sections) > 0:
msgs.append("Extra sections: %s" % extra_sections)
for section in expect.keys():
missing_subsections = [x for x in expect[section]
if x not in actual.get(section, {})]
# extra subsections are allowed
if len(missing_subsections) > 0:
msgs.append("Section '%s' is missing subsections: %s"
% (section, missing_subsections))
if len(msgs) > 0:
||||"While checking '%s':\n %s"
% (filename, "\n ".join(msgs)))
def _check_lines_wrapping(self, tpl, raw):
code_block = False
for i, line in enumerate(raw.split("\n")):
# NOTE(ndipanov): Allow code block lines to be longer than 79 ch
if code_block:
if not line or line.startswith(" "):
code_block = False
if "::" in line:
code_block = True
if "http://" in line or "https://" in line:
# Allow lines which do not contain any whitespace
if re.match("\s*[^\s]+$", line):
len(line) < 80,
msg="%s:%d: Line limited to a maximum of 79 characters." %
(tpl, i + 1))
def _check_no_cr(self, tpl, raw):
matches = re.findall('\r', raw)
len(matches), 0,
"Found %s literal carriage returns in file %s" %
(len(matches), tpl))
def _check_trailing_spaces(self, tpl, raw):
for i, line in enumerate(raw.split("\n")):
trailing_spaces = re.findall(" +$", line)
self.assertEqual(len(trailing_spaces), 0,
"Found trailing spaces on line %s of %s" % (i + 1, tpl))
def test_template(self):
releases = [x.split('/')[1] for x in glob.glob('specs/*/')]
self.assertTrue(len(releases), "Not able to find spec directories")
for release in releases:
with open("specs/%s-template.rst" % release) as f:
template =
spec = docutils.core.publish_doctree(template)
template_titles = self._get_titles(spec)
files = glob.glob("specs/%s/*/*" % release)
for filename in files:
"spec %s must use 'rst' extension."
% filename)
with open(filename) as f:
data =
spec = docutils.core.publish_doctree(data)
titles = self._get_titles(spec)
self._check_titles(filename, template_titles, titles)
self._check_lines_wrapping(filename, data)
self._check_no_cr(filename, data)
self._check_trailing_spaces(filename, data)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# Hold back to 1.4, since that's what's in Fedora 20 repos
# and we don't need anything newer for tests
minversion = 1.4
envlist = docs,py27,pep8
skipsdist = True
usedevelop = True
setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}
install_command = pip install -U {opts} {packages}
deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
whitelist_externals = find
commands =
find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
python testr --slowest --testr-args='{posargs}'
commands = {posargs}
commands =
find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
python build_sphinx
deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
commands =
flake8 {posargs}
ignore = E128
exclude = .venv,.git,.tox,doc,.eggs
Reference in New Issue
Block a user