# OpenStack Event Listener ## What is STORY.md? Retweeted Safia Abdalla (@captainsafia): From now on, you can expect to see a "STORY.md" in each of my @github repos that describes the technical story/process behind the project. https://twitter.com/captainsafia/status/839587421247389696 ## Introduction I wanted to write a little about a project that I enjoyed working on, called the OpenStack Event Listener, or "OSEL" for short. This project bridged the OpenStack control plane on one hand, and an external scanning facility provided by Qualys. It had a number of interesting challenges. I was never able to really concentrate on it - this project took about 20% of my time for a period of about 3 months. I am writing this partially as catharsis, to allow my brain to mark this part of my mental inventory as ripe for reclamation. I am also writing on the off chance that someone might find this useful in the future. ## The Setting Let me paint a picture of the environment in which this development occurred. The Comcast OpenStack environment was transitioning from the OpenStack Icehouse release (very old) to the Newton release (much more current). This development occurred within the context of the Icehouse environment. Comcast's security team uses S3 RiskFabric to manage auditing and tracking security vulnerabilities across the board. They also engage the services of Qualys to perform network scanning (in a manner very similar to Nessus) once a day against all the CIDR blocks that comprise Comcast's Internet-routable IP addresses. Qualys scanning could also be triggered on-demand. ## Technical Requirements First, let me describe the technical requirements for OSEL: * OSEL would connect to the OpenStack RabbitMQ message bus and register as a listener for "notification" events. This would allow OSEL to inspect all events, including security group changes. * When a security group change occurred, OSEL would ensure that it had the details of the change (ports permitted or blocked) as well as a list of all affected IP addresses. * OSEL would initiate a Qualys scan using the Qualys API. This would return a scan ID. * OSEL would log the change as well as the Qualys scan ID to the Security instance of Splunk to create an audit trail. * Qualys scan results would be imported into S3 RiskFabric for security audit management. ## Implementation Approach My group does most of it's development in Go, and this was no exception. This is what the data I was getting back from the AMQP message looked like. All identifiers have been scrambled. ```json { "_context_roles":[ "Member" ], "_context_request_id":"req-f96ea9a5-435e-4177-8e51-bfe60d0fae2a", "event_type":"security_group_rule.create.end", "timestamp":"2016-10-03 18:10:59.112712", "_context_tenant_id":"ada3b9b06482909f9361e803b54f5f32", "_unique_id":"eafc9362327442b49d8c03b0e88d0216", "_context_tenant_name":"BLURP", "_context_user":"bca89c1b248e4a78282899ece9e744cc54", "_context_user_id":"bca89c1b248e4a78282899ece9e744cc54", "payload":{ "security_group_rule_id":"bf8318fc-f9cb-446b-ffae-a8de016c562" }, "_context_project_name":"BLURP", "_context_read_deleted":"no", "_context_tenant":"ada3b9b06482909f9361e803b54f5f32", "priority":"INFO", "_context_is_admin":false, "_context_project_id":"ada3b9b06482909f9361e803b54f5f32", "_context_timestamp":"2016-10-03 18:10:59.079179", "_context_user_name":"admin", "publisher_id":"network.osctrl1", "message_id":"e75fb2ee-85bf-44ba-a083-2445eca2ae10" } ``` ## Testing Pattern I leaned heavily on dependency injection to make this code as testable as possible. For example, I needed an object that would contain the persistent `syslog.Writer`. I created a `SyslogActioner` interface to represent all interactions with syslog. When the code is operating normally, interactions with syslog occur through methods of the `SyslogActions` struct. But in unit testing mode the `SyslogTestActions` struct is used instead, and all that does is save copies of all messages that would have been sent so they can be compared against the intended messages. This facilitates good testing. ## Fate of the Project The OSEL project was implemented and installed into production. There were two problems with it. The first to become visible is that there was no exponential backoff for the AMQP connection to the OpenStack control plane's RabbitMQ. When that RabbitMQ had issues - which was surprisingly often - OSEL would hanner away, trying to connect to it. That would not be too much of an issue; despite what was effectively an infinite loop, CPU usage was not extreme. The real problem was that connection failures were logged - and logs could become several gigabytes in a matter of hours. This was mitigated by the OpenStack operations team rotating the logs hourly, and alerting if an hour's worth of logs exceeded a set size. It was my intention to use one of the many [exponential backoff modules](https://github.com/cenkalti/backoff) available out there to make this more graceful. The second - and fatal - issue is that S3 RiskFabric was not configured to ingest from Qualys scans more than once a day. Since Qualys was already scanning the CIDR block that corresponded to our OpenStack instances once a day, we were essentially just adding noise to the system. The frequency of the S3-Qualys imports could not be easily altered, and as a result the project was shelved. ## Remaining Work If OSEL were ever to be un-shelved, here are a few of the things that I wish I had time to implement. - Neutron Port Events: The initial release of OSEL processed only security group rule additions, modifications, or deletions. So that covered the base case for when a security group was already associated with a set of OpenStack Networking (neutron) ports. But a scan should be similarly launched when a new port is created and associated to a security group. This is what happens when a new host is created. - Modern OpenStack: In order to make this work with a more modern OpenStack, it would probably best to integrate with events generated through Aodh. Aodh seems to be built for this kind of reporting. - Implement exponential backoff for AMQP connections as mentioned earlier.