[metadata] name = packetary version = 8.0.0 summary = The chain of tools to manage package`s lifecycle. description-file = README.rst author = Mirantis Inc. author_email = product@mirantis.com url = http://mirantis.com home-page = http://mirantis.com classifier = Development Status :: 4 - Beta Environment :: OpenStack Intended Audience :: Information Technology Intended Audience :: System Administrators License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v2 (GPLv2) Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux Programming Language :: Python Programming Language :: Python :: 2 Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7 Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4 Topic :: Utilities [files] packages = packetary [entry_points] console_scripts = packetary=packetary.cli.app:main packetary.drivers = deb=packetary.drivers.deb_driver:DebRepositoryDriver rpm=packetary.drivers.rpm_driver:RpmRepositoryDriver [build_sphinx] source-dir = doc/source build-dir = doc/build all_files = 1 [upload_sphinx] upload-dir = doc/build/html [compile_catalog] directory = packetary/locale domain = packetary [update_catalog] domain = packetary output_dir = packetary/locale input_file = packetary/locale/packetary.pot [extract_messages] keywords = _ gettext ngettext l_ lazy_gettext mapping_file = babel.cfg output_file = packetary/locale/packetary.pot [global] setup-hooks = pbr.hooks.setup_hook setup_hooks.setup_hook