- Adds entry for management of /var/log/python-redfish by the RPM (not used I think it shouldn't be handled that way) - python-requests >= 2.9.1 is a mandatory installation dep - Removal for now of the python3 compatible line causing problems with setuptools
This repository will be used to house the Redfish python library, a reference implementation to enable Python developers to communicate with the Redfish API (http://www.dmtf.org/standards/redfish).
The current Redfish specification revision is 1.0.0 - Note that the mockup
is still at version 0.99.0a and may not reflect what the standard provides
The full documentation is available at http://pythonhosted.org/python-redfish/installation.html
Project Structure
This project follows the same convention as OpenStack projects, eg. using pbr for build and test automation:
doc/ # Documentation
doc/source # The doc source files live here
doc/build/html # Output of building any docs will go here
dmtf # Reference documents and mockup provided by the DMTF
examples/ # Any sample code using this library, eg. for education
# should be put here
pbconf # Project builder file to build rpm/deb packages for
# distributions
redfish/ # The redfish library itself
redfish/tests/ # Python redfish unit test suite
redfish-client # Client tool to manage redfish devices
To use the enclosed examples, you will need Python 2.7 or Python 3.4 (https://www.python.org/downloads/). Note that Python 2.7.9 enforces greater SSL verification requiring server certificates be installed. Parameters to relax the requirements are available in the library, but these configurations are discouraged due to security.
Python requirements are listed in requirements.txt; additional requirements for running the unit test suite are listed in test-requirements.txt.
Note: The program was tested with Python 2.7.10 and 3.4.2 however it might work as well with all Python 3 releases.
Get the sources
The sources are available on github and can be retrieved using:
git clone https://github.com/uggla/python-redfish
As python redefish is currently in heavy development we recommend to checkout the devel branch using:
cd python-redfish
git checkout devel
Please refer to the following link.
Distribution list: python-redfish@mondorescue.org
Further References
Please look at dmtf/README.rst file.