- Uses tortilla lib to wrap the REST API (dep) - Uses python requests to manage login/logout (dep) - Provides 2 functional working examples with Redfish simulator and ProLiant server or Moonshot Server - Remove OpenStack deps as this code has to be usable outside of OpenStack - Provides a configuration file to handle credentials and connection URL - Provides a mapping class to handle multiple versions of Redfish (in this version, 0.95.0 for ProLiant and 1.0.0 for mockup) - Provides a first action reset_server to ... reset system The action is commented into simple-proliant.py to not do unexpected reset. - Provides a first retrieving function get_bios_version to get the BIOS version of a system. - Add basic logging capability - Clean up to meet pep8 and doc strings (in progress).
DMTF Redfish specification
This directory contains the current references from the DMTF on the Redfish specification (1.0.0 at the time of the writing) In order to ease test, the DMTF has published a mockup environment to simulate a Redfish based system so it is possible to write programs without real Redfish compliant hardware platform.
Docker container
In order to help testing python-redfish, this directory provides a script which you should be able to run on your system (providing you have docker support and a docker registry) which will create a docker container running the DMTF Redfish mockup on the port 8000.
To build your container, just issue: ./buildImage.sh To launch it, just issue: ./run-redfish-simulator.sh To use it, just issue: firefox http://localhost:8000/redfish/v1
Systems entry point: http://localhost:8000/redfish/v1/Systems
Chassis entry point: http://localhost:8000/redfish/v1/Chassis
Managers entry point: http://localhost:8000/redfish/v1/Managers