Change-Id: Ia9da3a05d89c8eedd21d412b2344193e3202aa2b
Python bindings to the Surveil API
This is a client library for Surveil built on the Surveil API.
Command-line API
Installing this package gets you a shell command,
, that you can use to interact with the Surveil
You'll need to provide the Surveil API URL. You can do this with the
parameter, but it's easier to just set it
as environment variable:
export SURVEIL_API_URL=http://localhost:8080/v2
You'll find complete documentation on the shell by running
surveil help
Bash completion
Basic command tab completion can be enabled by sourcing the bash completion script:
source /usr/local/share/monasca.bash_completion
Python API
To use the python API, simply create a client with the endpoint:
from surveilclient import client
c = client.Client('http://localhost:8080/v2', version='2_0')
hosts = c.config.hosts.list()