#%RAML 0.8 title: Nova extensions for Neutron Shared IPs API version: v2.0 baseUri: https://{novaUri}/{version}/ mediaType: application/json traits: - secured: headers: X-Auth-Token: description: Token for request's tenant required: true type: string /servers/{serverId}/ip_associations: displayName: Nova IP Associations description: A collection of IP associations is: [ secured ] get: description: | List all IPs associated to this instance Invokes and parses (with tenant_id as header): GET http://{neutronUri}/{neutronVersion}/ip_addresses?device_id={serverId}&service=compute responses: 200: description: ok body: application/json: example: | {"ip_associations": [{"id": "1", "address": ""}, {"id": "2", "address": ""}]} 404: description: server not found /{ipAddressId}: description: | A specific IP association, a member of the IP association collection This id is the same as neutron's ip_address's id get: description: | Shows an IP association Invokes and parses (with tenant_id as header): * GET http://{neutronUri}/{neutronVersion}/ip_addresses/{ipAddressId} responses: 200: description: ok body: application/json: example: | {"ip_association": {"id": "1", "address": ""}} 404: description: IP association not found put: description: | Create IP address association (idempotent PUT) Invokes and parses: * GET http://{neutronUri}/{neutronVersion}/ip_addresses/{ipAddressId}/ports?device_id={serverId} (with tenant_id as header) * PUT http://{neutronUri}/{neutronVersion}/ip_addresses/{ipAddressId}/ports/{portId} with {"service": "compute"} body: application/json: example: | {"ip_association": {}} responses: 201: description: created 400: description: | Bad input * ip_address_id association already exists * ambiguous request: more than one port is related to device_id/ip_address_id 404: description: | not found * server not found * ip_address_id is not found, e.g. neutron call returns 404 500: description: | something went horribly wrong, e.g. neutron call returns 5xx delete: description: | Delete IP address association Invokes and parses: * GET http://{neutronUri}/{neutronVersion}/ip_addresses/{ipAddressId}/ports?device_id={serverId} (with tenant_id as header) * PUT http://{neutronUri}/{neutronVersion}/ip_addresses/{ipAddressId}/ports/{portId} with {"service": "none"} responses: 204: description: successfully deleted 404: description: | not found * server not found * ip_address_id is not found, e.g. neutron call returns 404 post: responses: 501: description: not implemented