===== quark ===== Creamy German Style Build Status ==================== .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/rackerlabs/quark.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/rackerlabs/quark Caution ======= Quark is not currently designed to work with `DevStack `_ (but it can with the instructions below). We mention this because these instructions can become invalid if and when changes are pushed to DevStack. Please also not that once Quark+Neutron+DevStack+Tempest are wired up, the Tempest tests are failing. Please watch `this Quark Github Issue `_ for updates on this. Dependencies =================== `aiclib `_ Database Migrations =================== `Here `_ Install with DevStack and Neutron ================================= - Ensure you have a user already with sudo rights. If you need one, do this as root:: /usr/sbin/adduser stack echo "stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers - Switch to user with sudo rights:: sudo su - stack # or whatever user you already have (instead of stack) - Clone devstack:: git clone https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack - Go into devstack folder:: cd devstack - Create the local.conf configuration file that DevStack needs (localrc is inside it now) with Neutron as an anabled service (NOTE: This notation is explained `here `_):: [[local|localrc]] DATABASE_PASSWORD=password ADMIN_PASSWORD=password SERVICE_PASSWORD=password SERVICE_TOKEN=password RABBIT_PASSWORD=password # Enable Logging LOGFILE=/opt/stack/logs/stack.sh.log VERBOSE=True LOG_COLOR=True SCREEN_LOGDIR=/opt/stack/logs # Pre-requisite ENABLED_SERVICES=rabbit,mysql,key # Horizon (always use the trunk) ENABLED_SERVICES+=,horizon HORIZON_REPO=https://github.com/openstack/horizon HORIZON_BRANCH=master # Nova ENABLED_SERVICES+=,n-api,n-crt,n-obj,n-cpu,n-cond,n-sch IMAGE_URLS+=",https://launchpad.net/cirros/trunk/0.3.0/+download/cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-disk.img" # Glance ENABLED_SERVICES+=,g-api,g-reg # Neutron ENABLED_SERVICES+=,q-api,q-svc,q-agt,q-dhcp,q-l3,q-lbaas,q-meta,neutron # Cinder ENABLED_SERVICES+=,cinder,c-api,c-vol,c-sch # Tempest ENABLED_SERVICES+=,tempest - Remove Python's six packge:: sudo rm -f /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/six.py /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/six.pyc # Old version of six package in /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ crashes # quark server - Install Devstack:: ./stack.sh - Install aiclib:: sudo pip install aiclib # the reason for sudo here is if you don't you'll get permission denied when it tries to install to /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist/packages - Install quark:: cd /opt/stack #the folder where devstack installed all the services git clone https://github.com/rackerlabs/quark cd quark sudo python setup.py develop # the reason for sudo here is if you don't you'll get permission denied when it tries to install to /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist/packages - Validate quark installed:: pip freeze | grep quark # should see something like: # -e git+http://github.com/rackerlabs/quark@ff5b05943b44a44712b9fc352065a414bb2a6bf9#egg=quark-master - Now edit the /etc/neutron/neutron.conf file to setup Quark as the core plugin:: vim /etc/neutron/neutron.conf # Search for line containing 'core_plugin = ' and replace it with # 'core_plugin = quark.plugin.Plugin' # # Search for line containing 'service_plugins = ' and remove # 'neutron.services.l3_router.l3_router_plugin.L3RouterPlugin,' from # service plugins list - Stop Neutron by going into the screen session and going to the q-svc window and pressing ctrl-C:: screen -r # or go into devstack clone and then type ./rejoin-stack.sh # press ctrl+6 to go to q-svc window ctrl+C - Go back into screen and restart neutron (q-svc window):: screen -r stack # or go into folder where you cloned devstack then type ./rejoin-stack.sh # if screen command returns 'Cannot open your terminal /dev/pts/0' execute 'sudo chmod o+rwx /dev/pts/0' # go to q-svc window (ctrl+a, 7 currently does it) # previous command that devstack used to start neutron should be in history, press up arrow key to see it - You shouldn't receive any errors. To validate Quark has started up, you can scroll up in q-svc screen window (ctrl+a, esc, page-up) and look for the following lines:: DEBUG neutron.service [-] core_plugin = quark.plugin.Plugin ... DEBUG neutron.service [-] QUARK.default_ipam_strategy=ANY DEBUG neutron.service [-] QUARK.default_net_strategy={} DEBUG neutron.service [-] QUARK.default_network_type=BASE DEBUG neutron.service [-] QUARK.ipam_driver=quark.ipam.QuarkIpam DEBUG neutron.service [-] QUARK.ipam_reuse_after=7200 DEBUG neutron.service [-] QUARK.net_driver=quark.drivers.base.BaseDriver DEBUG neutron.service [-] QUARK.strategy_driver=quark.network_strategy.JSONStrategy GOTCHAS ======= - you won't be able to create ports until you've added at least one mac_address_range (use `this `_ script to do it, changing host IP and admin password)