
367 lines
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# Copyright 2013 Rackspace Hosting Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
View Helpers for Quark Plugin
import netaddr
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from quark.db import ip_types
from quark import network_strategy
from quark import protocols
from quark import tags
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
STRATEGY = network_strategy.STRATEGY
quark_view_opts = [
help=_('Controls whether or not to calculate and display'
'allocation pools or not')),
help=_('Controls whether or not to show ipam_strategy')),
help=_('Controls whether or not to show ip_policy_id for'
help=_('Controls whether or not to show the provider subnet '
'id specified in the network strategy or use the '
'real id.')),
CONF.register_opts(quark_view_opts, "QUARK")
def _is_default_route(route):
return route.value == 0
def _make_network_dict(network, fields=None):
shared_net = STRATEGY.is_provider_network(network["id"])
res = {"id": network["id"],
"name": network.get("name"),
"tenant_id": network.get("tenant_id"),
"admin_state_up": True,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"shared": shared_net}
if CONF.QUARK.show_ipam_strategy:
res['ipam_strategy'] = network.get("ipam_strategy")
if not shared_net:
if fields and "all_subnets" in fields:
res["subnets"] = [_make_subnet_dict(s)
for s in network.get("subnets", [])]
res["subnets"] = [s["id"] for s in network.get("subnets", [])]
res["subnets"] = STRATEGY.subnet_ids_for_network(network["id"])
return res
def _make_subnet_dict(subnet, fields=None):
dns_nameservers = [str(netaddr.IPAddress(dns["ip"]))
for dns in subnet.get("dns_nameservers", [])]
subnet_id = subnet.get("id")
if STRATEGY.is_provider_subnet(subnet_id):
net_id = STRATEGY.get_network_for_subnet(subnet_id)
net_id = subnet["network_id"]
res = {"id": subnet_id,
"name": subnet.get("name"),
"tenant_id": subnet.get("tenant_id"),
"network_id": net_id,
"ip_version": subnet.get("ip_version"),
"dns_nameservers": dns_nameservers or [],
"cidr": subnet.get("cidr"),
"shared": STRATEGY.is_provider_network(net_id),
"enable_dhcp": None}
if CONF.QUARK.show_subnet_ip_policy_id:
res['ip_policy_id'] = subnet.get("ip_policy_id")
if (CONF.QUARK.show_allocation_pools and not
res["allocation_pools"] = subnet.get('allocation_pools', [])
res["allocation_pools"] = []
def _host_route(route):
return {"destination": route["cidr"],
"nexthop": route["gateway"]}
res["gateway_ip"] = None
res["host_routes"] = []
default_found = False
for route in subnet.get("routes", []):
netroute = netaddr.IPNetwork(route["cidr"])
if _is_default_route(netroute):
# NOTE(mdietz): This has the potential to find more than one
# default route. Quark normally won't allow you to create
# more than one, but it's plausible one exists regardless.
# As such, we're going to pretend it isn't possible, but
# log it anyway.
if default_found:
LOG.info(_("Default route %(gateway_ip)s already found for "
"subnet %(id)s") % res)
res["gateway_ip"] = route["gateway"]
default_found = True
return res
def _make_security_group_dict(security_group, fields=None):
res = {"id": security_group.get("id"),
"description": security_group.get("description"),
"name": security_group.get("name"),
"tenant_id": security_group.get("tenant_id")}
res["security_group_rules"] = [
_make_security_group_rule_dict(r) for r in security_group["rules"]]
return res
def _make_security_group_rule_dict(security_rule, fields=None):
ethertype = protocols.human_readable_ethertype(
protocol = protocols.human_readable_protocol(
security_rule.get("protocol"), ethertype)
res = {"id": security_rule.get("id"),
"ethertype": ethertype,
"direction": security_rule.get("direction"),
"tenant_id": security_rule.get("tenant_id"),
"port_range_max": security_rule.get("port_range_max"),
"port_range_min": security_rule.get("port_range_min"),
"protocol": protocol,
"remote_ip_prefix": security_rule.get("remote_ip_prefix"),
"security_group_id": security_rule.get("group_id"),
"remote_group_id": security_rule.get("remote_group_id")}
return res
def _ip_port_dict(ip, port, fields=None):
service = ip.get_service_for_port(port)
res = {"id": port.get("id"),
"device_id": port.get("device_id"),
"service": service}
return res
def _port_dict(port, fields=None):
res = {"id": port.get("id"),
"name": port.get("name"),
"network_id": port["network_id"],
"tenant_id": port.get("tenant_id"),
"mac_address": port.get("mac_address"),
"admin_state_up": port.get("admin_state_up"),
"status": "ACTIVE",
"security_groups": [group.get("id", None) for group in
port.get("security_groups", None)],
"device_id": port.get("device_id"),
"device_owner": port.get("device_owner")}
if "mac_address" in res and res["mac_address"]:
mac = str(netaddr.EUI(res["mac_address"])).replace('-', ':')
res["mac_address"] = mac
# NOTE(mdietz): more pythonic key in dict check fails here. Leave as get
if port.get("bridge"):
res["bridge"] = port["bridge"]
# NOTE(ClifHouck): This causes another trip to the DB since tags are
# are not eager loaded. According to mdietz this be a small impact on
# performance, but if the tag system gets used more on ports, we may
# want to eager load the tags.
t = PORT_TAG_REGISTRY.get_all(port)
except Exception as e:
# NOTE(morgabra) We really don't want to break port-listing if
# this goes sideways here, so we pass.
msg = ("Unknown error loading tags for port %s: %s"
% (port["id"], e))
return res
def _make_port_address_dict(ip, port, fields=None):
enabled = ip.enabled_for_port(port)
subnet_id = ip.get("subnet_id")
net_id = ip.get("network_id")
show_provider_subnet_ids = CONF.QUARK.show_provider_subnet_ids
if STRATEGY.is_provider_network(net_id) and show_provider_subnet_ids:
subnet_id = STRATEGY.get_provider_subnet_id(
net_id, ip["version"])
ip_addr = {"subnet_id": subnet_id,
"ip_address": ip.formatted(),
"enabled": enabled}
if fields and "port_subnets" in fields:
ip_addr["subnet"] = _make_subnet_dict(ip["subnet"])
return ip_addr
def _make_port_for_ip_dict(ip, port, fields=None):
res = _ip_port_dict(ip, port)
return res
def _ip_is_fixed(port, ip):
at = ip.get('address_type')
return (not at or at in (ip_types.FIXED, ip_types.SHARED))
def _make_port_dict(port, fields=None):
res = _port_dict(port)
ips = []
for assoc in port.associations:
res["fixed_ips"] = [_make_port_address_dict(ip, port, fields)
for ip in ips if _ip_is_fixed(port, ip)]
return res
def _make_ip_ports_list(ip, query, fields=None):
ports = []
for port in query:
port_dict = _ip_port_dict(ip, port, fields)
return ports
def _make_ports_list(query, fields=None):
ports = []
for port in query:
port_dict = _port_dict(port, fields)
port_dict["fixed_ips"] = [_make_port_address_dict(ip, port, fields)
for ip in port.ip_addresses if
_ip_is_fixed(port, ip)]
return ports
def _make_subnets_list(query, fields=None):
subnets = []
for subnet in query:
subnets.append(_make_subnet_dict(subnet, fields=fields))
return subnets
def _make_mac_range_dict(mac_range):
return {"id": mac_range["id"],
"cidr": mac_range["cidr"]}
def _make_segment_allocation_range_dict(sa_range, allocations=None):
size = len(xrange(sa_range["first_id"], sa_range["last_id"] + 1))
sa_dict = {
"id": sa_range["id"],
"segment_id": sa_range["segment_id"],
"segment_type": sa_range["segment_type"],
"first_id": sa_range["first_id"],
"last_id": sa_range["last_id"],
"do_not_use": sa_range["do_not_use"],
"size": size}
if allocations is not None:
sa_dict["free_ids"] = sa_dict["size"] - allocations
return sa_dict
def _make_route_dict(route):
return {"id": route["id"],
"cidr": route["cidr"],
"gateway": route["gateway"],
"subnet_id": route["subnet_id"]}
def _make_ip_dict(address):
return {"id": address["id"],
"network_id": address["network_id"],
"ip_address": address.formatted(),
"address": address.formatted(),
"port_ids": [assoc.port_id
for assoc in address["associations"]],
"subnet_id": address["subnet_id"],
"tenant_id": address["used_by_tenant_id"],
"version": address["version"],
"type": address['address_type']}
def _make_ip_policy_dict(ipp):
return {"id": ipp["id"],
"tenant_id": ipp["tenant_id"],
"name": ipp["name"],
"subnet_ids": [s["id"] for s in ipp["subnets"]],
"network_ids": [n["id"] for n in ipp["networks"]],
"exclude": [ippc["cidr"] for ippc in ipp["exclude"]]}
def _make_floating_ip_dict(flip, port_id=None):
if not port_id:
ports = flip.ports
port_id = None
if ports and len(ports) > 0:
port_id = None if not ports[0] else ports[0].id
fixed_ip = flip.fixed_ips[0] if flip.fixed_ips else None
return {"id": flip.get("id"),
"floating_network_id": flip.get("network_id"),
"router_id": CONF.QUARK.floating_ip_router_id,
"fixed_ip_address": None if not fixed_ip else fixed_ip.formatted(),
"floating_ip_address": flip.formatted(),
"tenant_id": flip.get("used_by_tenant_id"),
"status": "RESERVED" if not port_id else "ASSOCIATED",
"port_id": port_id}
def _make_scaling_ip_dict(flip):
# Can an IPAddress.fixed_ip have more than one port associated with it?
ports = []
for fixed_ip in flip.fixed_ips:
if fixed_ip.ports:
ports.append({"port_id": fixed_ip.ports[0].id,
"fixed_ip_address": fixed_ip.address_readable})
return {"id": flip.get("id"),
"scaling_ip_address": None if not flip else flip.formatted(),
"scaling_network_id": flip.get("network_id"),
"tenant_id": flip.get("used_by_tenant_id"),
"status": flip.get("status"),
"ports": ports}
def _make_job_dict(job):
return {"id": job.get('id'),
"action": job.get('action'),
"completed": job.get('completed'),
"tenant_id": job.get('tenant_id'),
"created_at": job.get('created_at')}