Fix up Ranger Dockerfile and README.rst. Fix Dockerfile for tempest tests. Also remove unnecessary directories. Change-Id: I6d64755c6911919f8527e94a57113d886daf22bc
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409 lines
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Executable File
# Copyright 2016 AT&T Corp
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
from ranger_tempest_plugin.tests.api import fms_base
from tempest import config
from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
from tempest.lib import decorators
from tempest.lib import exceptions
CONF = config.CONF
class TestTempestFms(fms_base.FmsBaseOrmTest):
def setup_credentials(cls):
super(TestTempestFms, cls).setup_credentials()
def setup_clients(cls):
super(TestTempestFms, cls).setup_clients()
cls.rms_client = cls.os_primary.rms_client
def resource_setup(cls):
# create flavor then save off flavor_id for use in test cases
body = cls._get_flavor_params()
cls.flavor = cls._create_flv_and_validate_creation_on_dcp_and_lcp(
# these variables will be used to test list filters
cls.flavor_id = cls.flavor['id']
cls.flavor_name = cls.flavor['name']
cls.visibility = cls.flavor['visibility']
cls.series = cls.flavor['series']
cls.tenant_id = cls.tenant_id
cls.region_id = CONF.identity.region
cls.alias = cls.flavor['alias']
cls.dflt_ex_specs = cls.flavor['extra-specs']
super(TestTempestFms, cls).resource_setup()
def _get_flavor_details(self, flavor_id):
_, body = self.client.get_flavor(flavor_id)
flavor = body["flavor"]
return flavor
def _data_setup(self, post_body):
flavor = self._create_flv_and_validate_creation_on_dcp_and_lcp(
return flavor
def _exec_tags_function(self, flavor_id, req_json, action, para):
if action == 'add':
_, body = self.client.add_tags(flavor_id, req_json)
elif action == 'update':
_, body = self.client.update_tags(flavor_id, req_json)
elif action == 'delete':
_, body = self.client.delete_tags(flavor_id, para)
self._wait_for_flavor_status_on_dcp(flavor_id, 'Success')
def _exec_ex_spec_function(self, flavor_id, es_body, action, para):
if action == 'add':
_, body = self.client.add_extra_specs(flavor_id, es_body)
elif action == 'update':
_, body = self.client.update_extra_specs(flavor_id, es_body)
elif action == 'delete':
_, body = self.client.delete_extra_specs(flavor_id, para)
self._wait_for_flavor_status_on_dcp(flavor_id, 'Success')
def resource_cleanup(cls):
# cls.delete_role_to_admin()
flavor_id = cls.flavor['id']
super(TestTempestFms, cls).resource_cleanup()
def test_get_flavor(self):
""" Execute get_flavor using flavor_id / flavor_name
for para in [self.flavor_id, self.flavor_name]:
_, body = self.client.get_flavor(para)
self.assertIn(self.flavor_id, body["flavor"]["id"])
def test_list_flavor_with_filters(self):
""" This function executes 'list flavors' with the following filters:
- None (no filters, i.e. list all flavors)
- alias filter
- region filter
- visibility filter
- 'contains' filter
- 'starts_with' filter
- 'series' filter
- "tenant" filter
# for use by the 'constains and 'starts_with' filter
str_index1 = data_utils.rand_int_id(0, len(self.flavor_name) - 1)
str_index2 = data_utils.rand_int_id(str_index1 + 1,
# define the list flavors filters to be used for this test
alias_filter = "?alias=%s" % self.alias
region_filter = "?region=%s" % self.region_id
visibility_filter = "?visibility=%s" % self.visibility
contains_filter = '?contains=%s' \
% self.flavor_name[str_index1:str_index2]
startswith_filter = "?starts_with=%s" % self.flavor_name[:str_index2]
series_filter = "?series=%s" % self.series
tenant_filter = "?tenant=%s" % self.tenant_id
for list_filter in [None, region_filter, visibility_filter,
alias_filter, contains_filter, startswith_filter,
series_filter, tenant_filter]:
_, body = self.client.list_flavors(list_filter)
flavor_ids = [flvr["id"] for flvr in body["flavors"]]
self.assertIn(self.flavor_id, flavor_ids)
def test_create_flavor(self):
post_body = self._get_flavor_params()
# call client create_flavor and wait till status equals 'Success'
_, body = self.client.create_flavor(**post_body)
flavor = body["flavor"]
test_flvr_id = flavor['id']
self._wait_for_flavor_status_on_dcp(flavor["id"], 'Success')
# do not forget to add this account to addCleanUp
# verify flavor record created successfully
flavor = self._get_flavor_details(test_flvr_id)
self.assertEqual(flavor["visibility"], "private")
self.assertEqual(flavor["regions"][0]["name"], CONF.identity.region)
self.assertEqual(flavor["status"], "Success")
def test_add_flvr_tags(self):
# setup data for test case
post_body = self._get_flavor_params()
flavor = self._data_setup(post_body)
test_flvr_id = flavor['id']
# test add_tags command with two sets of key:values
add_tag_body = {"tags": {"a": "b", "c": "d"}}
self._exec_tags_function(test_flvr_id, add_tag_body, 'add', None)
_, tag_body = self.client.get_tags(test_flvr_id)
self.assertDictEqual(add_tag_body.get("tags"), tag_body.get("tags"))
def test_replace_flvr_tags(self):
# setup data for test case and assign two tags
post_body = self._get_flavor_params()
tags = {}
tags["a"] = "b"
tags["c"] = "d"
post_body["tag"] = tags
flavor = self._data_setup(post_body)
test_flvr_id = flavor['id']
# test replace_tags command
replace_tag_body = {"tags": {"e": "f", "g": "h"}}
self._exec_tags_function(test_flvr_id, replace_tag_body,
'update', None)
_, tag_body = self.client.get_tags(test_flvr_id)
def test_delete_flvr_tag(self):
# setup data for test case and assign two tags
post_body = self._get_flavor_params()
tags = {}
tags["e"] = "f"
tags["g"] = "h"
post_body["tag"] = test_tag_body = tags
flavor = self._data_setup(post_body)
test_flvr_id = flavor['id']
# test delete_tag command - delete the first key in tags body
delete_tag_key_e = "e"
self._exec_tags_function(test_flvr_id, None, 'delete',
# do get_tag and confirm that resp body["tag"] now contains only
# second keypair
_, tag_body = self.client.get_tags(test_flvr_id)
self.assertDictEqual(test_tag_body, tag_body.get("tags"))
def test_delete_all_flvr_tags(self):
# setup data for test case
post_body = self._get_flavor_params()
tags = {}
tags["i"] = "j"
tags["k"] = "l"
post_body["tag"] = test_tag_body = tags
flavor = self._data_setup(post_body)
test_flvr_id = flavor['id']
# before execute test, check that "tag" body is populated correctly
_, tag_body = self.client.get_tags(test_flvr_id)
self.assertDictEqual(test_tag_body, tag_body.get("tags"))
# test delete_all_tags command - run get_tag again and confirm
# that the tag dict is now empty
self._exec_tags_function(test_flvr_id, None, 'delete', None)
_, tag_body = self.client.get_tags(test_flvr_id)
# assert that tag_body contains nothing
def test_add_flvr_region(self):
# setup data for test case
post_body = self._get_flavor_params(set_region=False)
flavor = self._data_setup(post_body)
test_flvr_id = flavor['id']
post_region_body = '{"regions": [{"name": "%s"}]}' % (self.region_id)
post_region_body = json.loads(post_region_body)
_, body = self.client.add_flvr_regions(test_flvr_id,
self._wait_for_flavor_status_on_dcp(test_flvr_id, 'Success')
_, body = self.client.get_flavor(test_flvr_id)
def test_delete_flvr_region(self):
# setup data for test case
post_body = self._get_flavor_params()
flavor = self._data_setup(post_body)
test_flvr_id = flavor['id']
# delete the region then check to confirm flavor status
_, body = self.client.delete_flvr_region(test_flvr_id,
# flavor status must show 'no regions' when it has no region assigned
self._wait_for_flavor_status_on_dcp(test_flvr_id, 'no regions')
# flavor region is now empty after the lone region was removed
_, body = self.client.get_flavor(test_flvr_id)
self.assertTrue(len(body["flavor"]["regions"]) == 0)
def test_add_flvr_extra_specs(self):
# setup data for test case
post_body = self._get_flavor_params()
flavor = self._data_setup(post_body)
test_flvr_id = flavor['id']
test_dflt_ex_specs = flavor['extra-specs']
# add a custom extra spec
add_es_body = {"os_extra_specs": {"a": "apple"}}
self._exec_ex_spec_function(test_flvr_id, add_es_body, 'add',
# assert extra specs add results match expected
_, flvr_ex_specs = self.client.get_extra_specs(test_flvr_id)
def test_update_flvr_extra_specs(self):
# setup data for test case
post_body = self._get_flavor_params()
flavor = self._data_setup(post_body)
test_flvr_id = flavor['id']
test_dflt_ex_specs = flavor['extra-specs']
# run the test
add_es_body = {"os_extra_specs": {"a": "apple"}}
replace_es_body = {"os_extra_specs": {"a": "apple", "b": "banana"}}
# add one custom extra spec , then replace with additional extra spec
self._exec_ex_spec_function(test_flvr_id, add_es_body, 'add', None)
# then add another custom extra spec using update_extra_spec
self._exec_ex_spec_function(test_flvr_id, replace_es_body, 'update',
# assert extra specs update results match expected
_, flvr_ex_specs = self.client.get_extra_specs(test_flvr_id)
def test_delete_flvr_extra_spec(self):
# setup data for test case
post_body = self._get_flavor_params()
flavor = self._data_setup(post_body)
test_flvr_id = flavor['id']
# run the test
add_es_body = {"os_extra_specs": {"g": "guava", "h": "honeydew"}}
delete_es_key_h = "h"
# add two custom extra specs then do get_extra_specs to save off
# the extra_spec add results
self._exec_ex_spec_function(test_flvr_id, add_es_body, 'add', None)
_, test_ex_specs = self.client.get_extra_specs(test_flvr_id)
# now delete one of the custom extra specs
self._exec_ex_spec_function(test_flvr_id, None, 'delete',
# assert extra specs update results match expected
_, flvr_ex_specs = self.client.get_extra_specs(test_flvr_id)
def test_delete_all_flvr_extra_specs(self):
# setup data for test case
post_body = self._get_flavor_params()
flavor = self._data_setup(post_body)
test_flvr_id = flavor['id']
test_dflt_ex_specs = flavor['extra-specs']
# run the test
# add custom extra specs, then validate extra-spec add result
add_es_body = {"os_extra_specs": {"c": "carrots"}}
self._exec_ex_spec_function(test_flvr_id, add_es_body, 'add', None)
_, ex_specs_add_results = self.client.get_extra_specs(test_flvr_id)
self.assertIn("c", ex_specs_add_results["os_extra_specs"])
# run delete ALL extra specs - note that this will only
# delete custom extra specs, NOT the default extra specs
self._exec_ex_spec_function(test_flvr_id, None, 'delete', None)
_, flvr_ex_specs = self.client.get_extra_specs(test_flvr_id)
# assert that flavor extra specs now contains only
# the default extra specs
def test_add_flvr_tenant(self):
# setup data for test case
post_body = self._get_flavor_params()
flavor = self._data_setup(post_body)
test_flvr_id = flavor['id']
# check that flavor contains one tenant before testing add_flvr_tenant
flavor = self._get_flavor_details(test_flvr_id)
self.assertEqual(len(flavor["tenants"]), 1)
# test add_flvr_tenant by adding one more tenant
post_tenant_body = '{"tenants": ["%s"]}' % (self.alt_tenant_id)
post_tenant_body = json.loads(post_tenant_body)
_, body = self.client.add_flvr_tenants(test_flvr_id, post_tenant_body)
self._wait_for_flavor_status_on_dcp(test_flvr_id, 'Success')
# get flavor on same flavor id and confirm we have two tenants now
flavor = self._get_flavor_details(test_flvr_id)
self.assertEqual(len(flavor["tenants"]), 2)
def test_delete_flvr_tenant(self):
# setup data for test case and assign two tags
post_body = self._get_flavor_params(single_tenant=False)
flavor = self._data_setup(post_body)
test_flvr_id = flavor['id']
# checking that flavor created contains two tenants
flavor = self._get_flavor_details(test_flvr_id)
self.assertEqual(len(flavor["tenants"]), 2)
# delete one tenant, then wait until status = 'Success'
_, body = self.client.delete_flvr_tenant(test_flvr_id,
self._wait_for_flavor_status_on_dcp(test_flvr_id, 'Success')
# get flavor to confirm flavor["tenants"] now shows one tenant only
flavor = self._get_flavor_details(test_flvr_id)
self.assertEqual(len(flavor["tenants"]), 1)
def test_delete_flavor(self):
# setup data for test case
post_body = self._get_flavor_params()
flavor = self._create_flv_and_validate_creation_on_dcp_and_lcp(
test_flvr_id = flavor['id']
# delete the data and do get_flavor to ensure 404-NotFound response
self.assertRaises(exceptions.NotFound, self.client.get_flavor,