// Copyright 2015, EMC, Inc. /*eslint-env node*/ var monorail = require('./../lib/api/monorail/monorail'); var ironic = require('./../lib/api/openstack/ironic'); var config = require('./../config.json'); var glance = require('./../lib/api/openstack/glance'); var keystone = require('./../lib/api/openstack/keystone'); var logger = require('./../lib/services/logger').Logger('info'); var encryption = require('./../lib/services/encryption'); var jsonfile = require('jsonfile'); var _ = require('underscore'); var Promise = require('bluebird'); var ironicConfig = config.ironic; var glanceConfig = config.glance; /* * @api {get} /api/1.1/info / GET / * @apiDescription get shovel information * @apiVersion 1.1.0 */ module.exports.infoGet = function infoGet(req, res) { 'use strict'; var info = { name: 'shovel', description: 'rackHD-ironic agent', appversion: config.shovel.appver, apiversion: config.shovel.apiver }; res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(JSON.stringify(info)); }; /* * @api {get} /api/1.1/ironic/drivers / GET / * @apiDescription get ironic drivers * @apiVersion 1.1.0 */ module.exports.driversGet = function driversGet(req, res) { 'use strict'; return keystone.authenticatePassword(ironicConfig.os_tenant_name, ironicConfig.os_username, ironicConfig.os_password). then(function (token) { token = JSON.parse(token).access.token.id; return ironic.get_driver_list(token); }). then(function (result) { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(result); }) .catch(function (err) { logger.error({ message: err, path: req.url }); res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(JSON.stringify(err)); }); }; /* * @api {get} /api/1.1/ironic/nodes / GET / * @apiDescription get ironic nodes * @apiVersion 1.1.0 */ module.exports.ironicnodesGet = function ironicnodesGet(req, res) { 'use strict'; return keystone.authenticatePassword(ironicConfig.os_tenant_name, ironicConfig.os_username, ironicConfig.os_password). then(function (token) { token = JSON.parse(token).access.token.id; return ironic.get_node_list(token); }). then(function (result) { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(result); }) .catch(function (err) { logger.error({ message: err, path: req.url }); res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(JSON.stringify(err)); }); }; /* * @api {get} /api/1.1/ironic/chassis / GET / * @apiDescription get ironic chassis * @apiVersion 1.1.0 */ module.exports.ironicchassisGet = function ironicchassisGet(req, res) { 'use strict'; return keystone.authenticatePassword(ironicConfig.os_tenant_name, ironicConfig.os_username, ironicConfig.os_password). then(function (token) { token = JSON.parse(token).access.token.id; return ironic.get_chassis_by_id(token, req.swagger.params.identifier.value); }). then(function (result) { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(result); }) .catch(function (err) { logger.error({ message: err, path: req.url }); res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(JSON.stringify(err)); }); }; /* * @api {get} /api/1.1/ironic/nodes / GET / * @apiDescription get ironic node * @apiVersion 1.1.0 */ module.exports.ironicnodeGet = function ironicnodeGet(req, res) { 'use strict'; return keystone.authenticatePassword(ironicConfig.os_tenant_name, ironicConfig.os_username, ironicConfig.os_password). then(function (token) { token = JSON.parse(token).access.token.id; return ironic.get_node(token, req.swagger.params.identifier.value); }). then(function (result) { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(result); }) .catch(function (err) { logger.error({ message: err, path: req.url }); res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(JSON.stringify(err)); }); }; /* * @api {patch} /api/1.1/ironic/node/identifier / PATCH / * @apiDescription patch ironic node info * @apiVersion 1.1.0 */ module.exports.ironicnodePatch = function ironicnodePatch(req, res) { 'use strict'; return keystone.authenticatePassword(ironicConfig.os_tenant_name, ironicConfig.os_username, ironicConfig.os_password). then(function (token) { token = JSON.parse(token).access.token.id; var data = JSON.stringify(req.body); return ironic.patch_node(token, req.swagger.params.identifier.value, data); }). then(function (result) { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(result); }) .catch(function (err) { logger.error({ message: err, path: req.url }); res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(JSON.stringify(err)); }); }; /* * @api {get} /api/1.1/catalogs/identifier / GET / * @apiDescription get catalogs * @apiVersion 1.1.0 */ module.exports.catalogsGet = function catalogsGet(req, res) { 'use strict'; return monorail.request_catalogs_get(req.swagger.params.identifier.value). then(function (catalogs) { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(catalogs); }) .catch(function (err) { logger.error({ message: err, path: req.url }); res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(JSON.stringify(err)); }); }; /* * @api {get} /api/1.1/catalogs/identifier / GET / * @apiDescription get catalogs by source * @apiVersion 1.1.0 */ module.exports.catalogsbysourceGet = function catalogsbysourceGet(req, res) { 'use strict'; return monorail.get_catalog_data_by_source(req.swagger.params.identifier.value, req.swagger.params.source.value). then(function (catalogs) { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(catalogs); }) .catch(function (err) { logger.error({ message: err, path: req.url }); res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(JSON.stringify(err)); }); }; /* * @api {get} /api/1.1/nodes/identifier / GET / * @apiDescription get specific node by id * @apiVersion 1.1.0 */ module.exports.nodeGet = function nodeGet(req, res) { 'use strict'; return monorail.request_node_get(req.swagger.params.identifier.value). then(function (node) { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(node); }) .catch(function (err) { logger.error({ message: err, path: req.url }); res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(JSON.stringify(err)); }); }; /* * @api {get} /api/1.1/nodes / GET / * @apiDescription get list of monorail nodes * @apiVersion 1.1.0 */ module.exports.nodesGet = function nodesGet(req, res) { 'use strict'; return monorail.request_nodes_get(). then(function (nodes) { Promise.filter(JSON.parse(nodes), function (node) { return monorail.lookupCatalog(node); }) .then(function (discoveredNodes) { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(JSON.stringify(discoveredNodes)); }); }) .catch(function (err) { logger.error({ message: err, path: req.url }); res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(JSON.stringify(err)); }); }; /* * @api {get} /api/1.1/nodes/identifier/sel / GET / * @apiDescription get specific node by id * @apiVersion 1.1.0 */ module.exports.getSeldata = function getSeldata(req, res,next) { 'use strict'; return monorail.request_poller_get(req.swagger.params.identifier.value). then(function (pollers) { pollers = JSON.parse(pollers); return Promise.filter(pollers, function (poller) { return poller.config.command === 'sel'; }) .then(function (sel) { if (sel.length > 0) { return monorail.request_poller_data_get(sel[0].id) .then(function (data) { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(data); }); } next(); }); }) .catch(function (err) { logger.error({ message: err, path: req.url }); res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(JSON.stringify(err)); }); }; /* * @api register: node * @apiDescription register a node in Ironic * @apiVersion 1.1.0 */ module.exports.registerpost = function registerpost(req, res) { 'use strict'; var localGb, ironicToken, ironicNode, extra, port, propreties, node, info, userEntry; //init extra = port = propreties = node = info = {}; userEntry = req.body; if (userEntry.driver === 'pxe_ipmitool') { info = { 'ipmi_address': userEntry.ipmihost, 'ipmi_username': userEntry.ipmiuser, 'ipmi_password': userEntry.ipmipass, 'deploy_kernel': userEntry.kernel, 'deploy_ramdisk': userEntry.ramdisk }; } else if (userEntry.driver === 'pxe_ssh') { info = { 'ssh_address': userEntry.sshhost, 'ssh_username': userEntry.sshuser, 'ssh_password': userEntry.sshpass, 'ssh_port': userEntry.sshport, 'deploy_kernel': userEntry.kernel, 'deploy_ramdisk': userEntry.ramdisk }; } else { info = {}; } /* Fill in the extra meta data with some failover and event data */ extra = { 'nodeid': userEntry.uuid, 'name': userEntry.name, 'lsevents': { 'time': 0 }, 'eventcnt': 0, 'timer': {} }; if (typeof userEntry.failovernode !== 'undefined') { extra.failover = userEntry.failovernode; } if (typeof userEntry.eventre !== 'undefined') { extra.eventre = userEntry.eventre; } localGb = 0.0; return monorail.request_node_get(userEntry.uuid). then(function (result) { if (!JSON.parse(result).name) { var error = { error_message: { message: 'failed to find required node in RackHD' } }; logger.error(error); throw error; } ironicNode = JSON.parse(result); return monorail.nodeDiskSize(ironicNode) .catch(function (err) { var error = { error_message: { message: 'failed to get compute node Disk Size' } }; logger.error(err); throw error; }); }).then(function (localDisk) { localGb = localDisk; return monorail.getNodeMemoryCpu(ironicNode) .catch(function (err) { var error = { error_message: { message: 'failed to get compute node memory size' } }; logger.error(err); throw error; }); }).then(function (dmiData) { if (localGb === 0 || dmiData.cpus === 0 || dmiData.memory === 0) { var error = { error_message: { message: 'failed to get compute node data', nodeDisk: localGb, memorySize: dmiData.memory, cpuCount: dmiData.cpus } }; throw error; } propreties = { 'cpus': dmiData.cpus, 'memory_mb': dmiData.memory, 'local_gb': localGb }; node = { 'name': userEntry.uuid, 'driver': userEntry.driver, 'driver_info': info, 'properties': propreties, 'extra': extra }; return keystone.authenticatePassword(ironicConfig.os_tenant_name, ironicConfig.os_username, ironicConfig.os_password); }). then(function (token) { ironicToken = JSON.parse(token).access.token.id; return ironic.create_node(ironicToken, JSON.stringify(node)); }). then(function (ret) { logger.debug('\r\ncreate node:\r\n' + ret); if (ret && JSON.parse(ret).error_message) { throw JSON.parse(ret); } ironicNode = JSON.parse(ret); port = { 'address': userEntry.port, 'node_uuid': ironicNode.uuid }; return ironic.createPort(ironicToken, JSON.stringify(port)); }). then(function (createPort) { logger.info('\r\nCreate port:\r\n' + JSON.stringify(createPort)); return ironic.set_power_state(ironicToken, ironicNode.uuid, 'on'); }). then(function (pwrState) { logger.info('\r\npwrState: on'); if (pwrState && JSON.parse(pwrState).error_message) { throw JSON.parse(pwrState); } }).then(function () { var timer = {}; timer.start = new Date().toJSON(); timer.finish = new Date().toJSON(); timer.stop = false; timer.timeInterval = 15000; timer.isDone = true; var data = [{ 'path': '/extra/timer', 'value': timer, 'op': 'replace' }]; return ironic.patch_node(ironicToken, ironicNode.uuid, JSON.stringify(data)); }). then(function (result) { logger.info('\r\patched node:\r\n' + result); }). then(function () { _.each(ironicNode.identifiers, function (mac) { return monorail.request_whitelist_set(mac) .then(function (whitelist) { logger.info('\r\nmonorail whitelist:\r\n' + JSON.stringify(whitelist)); }); }); }) .then(function () { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); var success = { result: 'success' }; res.end(JSON.stringify(success)); }) .catch(function (err) { logger.error({ message: err, path: req.url }); res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(JSON.stringify(err)); }); }; /* * @api unregister: node * @apiDescription unregister a node from Ironic * @apiVersion 1.1.0 */ module.exports.unregisterdel = function unregisterdel(req, res) { 'use strict'; var ironicToken; return keystone.authenticatePassword(ironicConfig.os_tenant_name, ironicConfig.os_username, ironicConfig.os_password). then(function (token) { ironicToken = JSON.parse(token).access.token.id; return ironic.delete_node(ironicToken, req.swagger.params.identifier.value); }) .then(function (delNode) { if (delNode && JSON.parse(delNode).error_message) { throw delNode; } else { logger.info('ironicNode: ' + req.swagger.params.identifier.value + ' is been deleted susccessfully'); res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); var success = { result: 'success' }; res.end(JSON.stringify(success)); //remove macs from whitelist in rackHD return monorail.request_node_get(req.swagger.params.identifier.value) .then(function (node) { _.each(JSON.parse(node).identifiers, function (mac) { return monorail.request_whitelist_del(mac); }); }); } }) .catch(function (err) { logger.error({ message: err, path: req.url }); res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(JSON.stringify(err)); }); }; /* * @api config.json: modify shovel-monorail * @apiDescription modify shovel config.json file and restart the server * @apiVersion 1.1.0 */ module.exports.configsetmono = function configsetmono(req, res) { 'use strict'; res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/plain'); if (setConfig('monorail', req.body)) { res.end('success'); } else { res.end('failed to update monorail config'); } }; /* * @api config.json: modify shovel-keystone * @apiDescription modify shovel config.json file and restart the server * @apiVersion 1.1.0 */ module.exports.configsetkeystone = function configsetkeystone(req, res) { 'use strict'; res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/plain'); if (setConfig('keystone', req.body)) { res.end('success'); } else { res.end('failed to update keystone config'); } }; /* * @api config.json: modify shovel-ironic * @apiDescription modify shovel config.json file and restart the server * @apiVersion 1.1.0 */ module.exports.configsetironic = function configsetironic(req, res) { 'use strict'; res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/plain'); if (req.body.hasOwnProperty('os_password')) { var password = req.body.os_password; //replace password with encrypted value try { req.body.os_password = encryption.encrypt(password); } catch (err) { logger.error(err); res.end('failed to update ironic config'); } } if (setConfig('ironic', req.body)) { res.end('success'); } else { res.end('failed to update ironic config'); } }; /* * @api config.json: modify shovel-glance * @apiDescription modify shovel config.json file and restart the server * @apiVersion 1.1.0 */ module.exports.configsetglance = function configsetglance(req, res) { 'use strict'; res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/plain'); if (req.body.hasOwnProperty('os_password')) { var password = req.body.os_password; //replace password with encrypted value try { req.body.os_password = encryption.encrypt(password); } catch (err) { logger.error(err); res.end('failed to update ironic config'); } } if (setConfig('glance', req.body)) { res.end('success'); } else { res.end('failed to update glance config'); } }; /* * @api config.json: modify * @apiDescription modify shovel config.json file and restart the server * @apiVersion 1.1.0 */ module.exports.configset = function configset(req, res) { 'use strict'; res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/plain'); if (setConfig('shovel', req.body) === true) { res.end('success'); } else { res.end('failed to update shovel config'); } }; function setConfig(keyValue, entry) { 'use strict'; var filename = 'config.json'; jsonfile.readFile(filename, function (error, output) { try { var content = keyValue === null ? output : output[keyValue]; var filteredList = _.pick(content, Object.keys(entry)); _.each(Object.keys(filteredList), function (key) { content[key] = entry[key]; }); output[keyValue] = content; jsonfile.writeFile(filename, output, { spaces: 2 }, function () { logger.debug(content); }); } catch (err) { logger.error(err); return false; } }); return true; } /* * @api config.json: get * @apiDescription get shovel config.json file and restart the server * @apiVersion 1.1.0 */ module.exports.configget = function configget(req, res) { 'use strict'; var filename = 'config.json'; jsonfile.readFile(filename, function (error,content) { try { delete content.key; if (content.ironic.hasOwnProperty('os_password')) { content.ironic.os_password = '[REDACTED]'; } if (content.glance.hasOwnProperty('os_password')) { content.glance.os_password = '[REDACTED]'; } res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(JSON.stringify(content)); } catch (err) { logger.error(err); res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/plain'); res.end('failed to get config'); } }); }; /* * @api {get} /api/1.1/glance/images / GET / * @apiDescription get glance images */ module.exports.imagesGet = function imagesGet(req, res) { 'use strict'; return keystone.authenticatePassword(glanceConfig.os_tenant_name, glanceConfig.os_username, glanceConfig.os_password). then(function (token) { token = JSON.parse(token).access.token.id; return glance.get_images(token); }). then(function (result) { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(result); }) .catch(function (err) { logger.error({ message: err, path: req.url }); res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.end(JSON.stringify(err)); }); };