# Cinder resource for puppet handler Controls a live cycle of the cinder entities, like the main puppet class, auth, DB, AMQP, packages, keystone user, role and endpoint. # Parameters source https://github.com/openstack/puppet-cinder/blob/5.1.0/manifests/init.pp ``database_connection`` Url used to connect to database. (Optional) Defaults to 'sqlite:////var/lib/cinder/cinder.sqlite' ``database_idle_timeout`` Timeout when db connections should be reaped. (Optional) Defaults to 3600. ``database_min_pool_size`` Minimum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool. (Optional) Defaults to 1. ``database_max_pool_size`` Maximum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool. (Optional) Defaults to undef. ``database_max_retries`` Maximum db connection retries during startup. Setting -1 implies an infinite retry count. (Optional) Defaults to 10. ``database_retry_interval`` Interval between retries of opening a sql connection. (Optional) Defaults to 10. ``database_max_overflow`` If set, use this value for max_overflow with sqlalchemy. (Optional) Defaults to undef. ``rabbit_use_ssl`` (optional) Connect over SSL for RabbitMQ Defaults to false ``kombu_ssl_ca_certs`` (optional) SSL certification authority file (valid only if SSL enabled). Defaults to undef ``kombu_ssl_certfile`` (optional) SSL cert file (valid only if SSL enabled). Defaults to undef ``kombu_ssl_keyfile`` (optional) SSL key file (valid only if SSL enabled). Defaults to undef ``kombu_ssl_version`` (optional) SSL version to use (valid only if SSL enabled). Valid values are TLSv1, SSLv23 and SSLv3. SSLv2 may be available on some distributions. Defaults to 'TLSv1' ``amqp_durable_queues`` Use durable queues in amqp. (Optional) Defaults to false. ``use_syslog`` Use syslog for logging. (Optional) Defaults to false. ``log_facility`` Syslog facility to receive log lines. (Optional) Defaults to LOG_USER. ``log_dir`` (optional) Directory where logs should be stored. If set to boolean false, it will not log to any directory. Defaults to '/var/log/cinder' ``use_ssl`` (optional) Enable SSL on the API server Defaults to false, not set ``cert_file`` (optinal) Certificate file to use when starting API server securely Defaults to false, not set ``key_file`` (optional) Private key file to use when starting API server securely Defaults to false, not set ``ca_file`` (optional) CA certificate file to use to verify connecting clients Defaults to false, not set_ ``mysql_module`` (optional) Deprecated. Does nothing. ``storage_availability_zone`` (optional) Availability zone of the node. Defaults to 'nova' ``default_availability_zone`` (optional) Default availability zone for new volumes. If not set, the storage_availability_zone option value is used as the default for new volumes. Defaults to false ``sql_connection`` DEPRECATED ``sql_idle_timeout`` DEPRECATED