2015-09-25 10:22:15 +02:00

238 lines
7.7 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# To run:
# python example-riaks.py deploy
# solar changes stage
# solar changes process
# solar orch run-once last
# python example-riaks.py add_haproxies
# solar changes stage
# solar changes process
# solar orch run-once last
import click
import sys
from solar.core import resource
from solar.core import signals
from solar.core import validation
from solar.core.resource import virtual_resource as vr
from solar import errors
from solar.interfaces.db import get_db
from solar.events.controls import React, Dep
from solar.events.api import add_event
db = get_db()
def setup_riak():
resources = vr.create('nodes', 'templates/riak_nodes.yaml', {'count': 3})
nodes = [x for x in resources if x.name.startswith('node')]
node1, node2, node3 = nodes
riak_services = []
ips = '10.0.0.%d'
for i in xrange(3):
num = i + 1
r = vr.create('riak_service%d' % num,
{'riak_self_name': 'riak%d' % num,
'riak_hostname': 'riak_server%d.solar' % num,
'riak_name': 'riak%d@riak_server%d.solar' % (num, num)})[0]
for i, riak in enumerate(riak_services):
signals.connect(nodes[i], riak)
for i, riak in enumerate(riak_services[1:]):
signals.connect(riak_services[0], riak, {'riak_name': 'join_to'})
hosts_services = []
for i, riak in enumerate(riak_services):
num = i + 1
hosts_file = vr.create('hosts_file%d' % num,
'resources/hosts_file', {})[0]
signals.connect(nodes[i], hosts_file)
for riak in riak_services:
for hosts_file in hosts_services:
signals.connect(riak, hosts_file,
{'riak_hostname': 'hosts:name',
'ip': 'hosts:ip'},
errors = resource.validate_resources()
for r, error in errors:
click.echo('ERROR: %s: %s' % (r.name, error))
has_errors = False
if errors:
events = [
Dep('hosts_file1', 'run', 'success', 'riak_service1', 'run'),
Dep('hosts_file2', 'run', 'success', 'riak_service2', 'run'),
Dep('hosts_file3', 'run', 'success', 'riak_service3', 'run'),
React('riak_service2', 'run', 'success', 'riak_service2', 'join'),
React('riak_service3', 'run', 'success', 'riak_service3', 'join'),
# Dep('riak_service1', 'run', 'success', 'riak_service2', 'join'),
# Dep('riak_service1', 'run', 'success', 'riak_service3', 'join'),
# React('riak_service2', 'join', 'error', 'riak_service2', 'leave'),
# React('riak_service3', 'join', 'error', 'riak_service3', 'leave'),
React('riak_service2', 'leave', 'success', 'riak_service2', 'join'),
React('riak_service3', 'leave', 'success', 'riak_service3', 'join'),
# React('riak_service2', 'leave', 'success', 'riak_service1', 'commit_leave'),
# React('riak_service3', 'leave', 'success', 'riak_service1', 'commit_leave'),
# Dep('riak_service1', 'commit_leave', 'success', 'riak_service2', 'join'),
# Dep('riak_service1', 'commit_leave', 'success', 'riak_service3', 'join'),
React('riak_service3', 'join', 'success', 'riak_service1', 'commit'),
React('riak_service2', 'join', 'success', 'riak_service1', 'commit')
for event in events:
click.echo('Use solar changes process & orch')
def setup_haproxies():
hps = []
hpc = []
hpsc_http = []
hpsc_pb = []
for i in xrange(3):
num = i + 1
hps.append(vr.create('haproxy_service%d' % num,
hpc.append(vr.create('haproxy_config%d' % num,
hpsc_http.append(vr.create('haproxy_service_config_http%d' % num,
{'listen_port': 8098,
'protocol': 'http',
'name': 'riak_haproxy_http%d' % num})[0])
hpsc_pb.append(vr.create('haproxy_service_config_pb%d' % num,
{'listen_port': 8087,
'protocol': 'tcp',
'name': 'riak_haproxy_pb%d' % num})[0])
riak1 = resource.load('riak_service1')
riak2 = resource.load('riak_service2')
riak3 = resource.load('riak_service3')
riaks = [riak1, riak2, riak3]
for single_hpsc in hpsc_http:
for riak in riaks:
signals.connect(riak, single_hpsc, {'riak_hostname': 'backends:server',
'riak_port_http': 'backends:port'})
for single_hpsc in hpsc_pb:
for riak in riaks:
signals.connect(riak, single_hpsc, {'riak_hostname': 'backends:server',
'riak_port_pb': 'backends:port'})
# haproxy config to haproxy service
for single_hpc, single_hpsc in zip(hpc, hpsc_http):
signals.connect(single_hpsc, single_hpc, {"backends": "config:backends",
"listen_port": "config:listen_port",
"protocol": "config:protocol",
"name": "config:name"})
for single_hpc, single_hpsc in zip(hpc, hpsc_pb):
signals.connect(single_hpsc, single_hpc, {"backends": "config:backends",
"listen_port": "config:listen_port",
"protocol": "config:protocol",
"name": "config:name"})
# assign haproxy services to each node
node1 = resource.load('node1')
node2 = resource.load('node2')
node3 = resource.load('node3')
nodes = [node1, node2, node3]
for single_node, single_hps in zip(nodes, hps):
signals.connect(single_node, single_hps)
for single_node, single_hpc in zip(nodes, hpc):
signals.connect(single_node, single_hpc)
has_errors = False
for r in locals().values():
# TODO: handle list
if not isinstance(r, resource.Resource):
# print 'Validating {}'.format(r.name)
local_errors = validation.validate_resource(r)
if local_errors:
has_errors = True
print 'ERROR: %s: %s' % (r.name, local_errors)
if has_errors:
print "ERRORS"
events = []
for node, single_hps, single_hpc in zip(nodes, hps, hpc):
# r = React(node.name, 'run', 'success', single_hps.name, 'install')
d = Dep(single_hps.name, 'run', 'success', single_hpc.name, 'run')
e1 = React(single_hpc.name, 'run', 'success', single_hps.name, 'apply_config')
e2 = React(single_hpc.name, 'update', 'success', single_hps.name, 'apply_config')
# events.extend([r, d, e1, e2])
events.extend([d, e1, e2])
for event in events:
def main():
def deploy():
def add_haproxies():
def undeploy():
raise NotImplemented("Not yet")
if __name__ == '__main__':