import click import json import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') # don't show windows import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import networkx as nx import os from x import actions as xa from x import deployment as xd from x import resource as xr from x import signals as xs def cli(): pass def init_cli_resource(): def resource(): pass cli.add_command(resource) @click.command() @click.argument('resource_path') @click.argument('action_name') def action(action_name, resource_path): print 'action', resource_path, action_name r = xr.load(resource_path) xa.resource_action(r, action_name) resource.add_command(action) @click.command() @click.argument('name') @click.argument('base_path') @click.argument('dest_path') @click.argument('args') def create(args, dest_path, base_path, name): print 'create', name, base_path, dest_path, args args = json.loads(args) xr.create(name, base_path, dest_path, args) resource.add_command(create) @click.command() @click.argument('resource_path') @click.argument('tag_name') @click.option('--add/--delete', default=True) def tag(add, tag_name, resource_path): print 'Tag', resource_path, tag_name, add r = xr.load(resource_path) if add: r.add_tag(tag_name) else: r.remove_tag(tag_name) resource.add_command(tag) @click.command() @click.argument('path') @click.option('--all/--one', default=False) @click.option('--tag', default=None) def show(tag, all, path): if all or tag: for name, resource in xr.load_all(path).items(): show = True if tag: if tag not in resource.tags: show = False if show: print resource print else: print xr.load(path) resource.add_command(show) @click.command() @click.argument('path') @click.argument('args') def update(args, path): print 'Update', path, args args = json.loads(args) # Need to load all resources for bubbling effect to take place # TODO: resources can be scattered around, this is a simple # situation when we assume resources are all in one directory base_path, name = os.path.split(path) all = xr.load_all(base_path) r = all[name] r.update(args) resource.add_command(update) def init_cli_connect(): @click.command() @click.argument('emitter') @click.argument('receiver') @click.option('--mapping', default=None) def connect(mapping, receiver, emitter): print 'Connect', emitter, receiver emitter = xr.load(emitter) receiver = xr.load(receiver) print emitter print receiver if mapping is not None: mapping = json.loads(mapping) xs.connect(emitter, receiver, mapping=mapping) cli.add_command(connect) @click.command() @click.argument('emitter') @click.argument('receiver') def disconnect(receiver, emitter): print 'Disconnect', emitter, receiver emitter = xr.load(emitter) receiver = xr.load(receiver) print emitter print receiver xs.disconnect(emitter, receiver) cli.add_command(disconnect) def init_cli_connections(): def connections(): pass cli.add_command(connections) @click.command() def show(): print json.dumps(xs.CLIENTS, indent=2) connections.add_command(show) # TODO: this requires graphing libraries @click.command() def graph(): g = xs.connection_graph() pos = nx.spring_layout(g) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g, pos) nx.draw_networkx_edges(g, pos, arrows=True) nx.draw_networkx_labels(g, pos) plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('graph.png') connections.add_command(graph) def init_cli_deployment_config(): @click.command() @click.argument('filepath') def deploy(filepath): print 'Deploying from file {}'.format(filepath) xd.deploy(filepath) cli.add_command(deploy) if __name__ == '__main__': init_cli_resource() init_cli_connect() init_cli_connections() init_cli_deployment_config() cli()