solar-celery: image: solarproject/solar-celery # path inside of the container should be exactly the same as outside # because solar uses absolute path to find resoruce actions files volumes: - /vagrant/.vagrant:/vagrant/.vagrant - /vagrant/solar:/solar - /vagrant/solard:/solard - /vagrant/templates:/vagrant/templates - /vagrant/resources:/vagrant/resources environment: - REDIS_HOST= - REDIS_PORT=6379 - RIAK_HOST= - RIAK_PORT=8087 # links are not used for configuration because we can rely on non-container # based datastores links: - riak - redis riak: image: tutum/riak ports: - 8087:8087 - 8098:8098 redis: image: tutum/redis ports: - 6379:6379 environment: - REDIS_PASS=**None**