# HAProxy deployment with MariaDB, Keystone and Nova workdir: /vagrant resource-save-path: rs/ test-suite: haproxy_deployment.haproxy_deployment resources: - name: node1 model: x/resources/ro_node/ args: ip: ssh_key: /vagrant/.vagrant/machines/solar-dev2/virtualbox/private_key ssh_user: vagrant - name: node2 model: x/resources/ro_node/ args: ip: ssh_key: /vagrant/.vagrant/machines/solar-dev3/virtualbox/private_key ssh_user: vagrant - name: node3 model: x/resources/ro_node/ args: ip: ssh_key: /vagrant/.vagrant/machines/solar-dev4/virtualbox/private_key ssh_user: vagrant - name: node4 model: x/resources/ro_node/ args: ip: ssh_key: /vagrant/.vagrant/machines/solar-dev5/virtualbox/private_key ssh_user: vagrant - name: node5 model: x/resources/ro_node/ args: ip: ssh_key: /vagrant/.vagrant/machines/solar-dev6/virtualbox/private_key ssh_user: vagrant - name: mariadb_keystone1_data model: x/resources/data_container/ args: image: mariadb export_volumes: - /var/lib/mysql ip: ssh_user: ssh_key: - name: mariadb_keystone2_data model: x/resources/data_container/ args: image: mariadb export_volumes: - /var/lib/mysql ip: ssh_user: ssh_key: - name: keystone1 model: x/resources/keystone/ args: admin_port: 35357 port: 5000 image: TEST config_dir: /etc/solar/keystone1 ip: ssh_user: ssh_key: - name: keystone2 model: x/resources/keystone/ args: admin_port: 35357 port: 5000 config_dir: /etc/solar/keystone2 image: TEST ip: ssh_user: ssh_key: - name: haproxy_keystone_config model: x/resources/haproxy_config/ args: name: keystone servers: [] listen_port: 5000 ports: [] ssh_user: ssh_key: - name: mariadb_nova1_data model: x/resources/data_container/ args: image: mariadb export_volumes: - /var/lib/mysql ip: ssh_user: ssh_key: - name: mariadb_nova2_data model: x/resources/data_container/ args: image: mariadb export_volumes: - /var/lib/mysql ip: ssh_user: ssh_key: - name: nova1 model: x/resources/nova/ args: ip: image: TEST ssh_user: ssh_key: - name: nova2 model: x/resources/nova/ args: ip: image: TEST ssh_user: ssh_key: - name: haproxy_nova_config model: x/resources/haproxy_config/ args: name: nova servers: [] listen_port: 8774 ports: [] ssh_user: ssh_key: - name: haproxy-config model: x/resources/haproxy/ args: ip: listen_ports: [] configs: [] configs_names: [] configs_ports: [] ssh_user: ssh_key: - name: haproxy model: x/resources/docker_container args: ip: image: tutum/haproxy ports: [] ssh_user: ssh_key: host_binds: [] volume_binds: [] connections: - emitter: node1 receiver: mariadb_keystone1_data - emitter: node2 receiver: mariadb_keystone2_data - emitter: mariadb_keystone1_data receiver: keystone1 - emitter: mariadb_keystone2_data receiver: keystone2 - emitter: keystone1 receiver: haproxy_keystone_config mapping: ip: servers port: ports - emitter: keystone2 receiver: haproxy_keystone_config mapping: ip: servers port: ports - emitter: node3 receiver: mariadb_nova1_data - emitter: node4 receiver: mariadb_nova2_data - emitter: mariadb_nova1_data receiver: nova1 - emitter: mariadb_nova2_data receiver: nova2 - emitter: nova1 receiver: haproxy_nova_config mapping: ip: servers port: ports - emitter: nova2 receiver: haproxy_nova_config mapping: ip: servers port: ports # HAProxy config container - emitter: node5 receiver: haproxy-config - emitter: haproxy_keystone_config receiver: haproxy-config mapping: listen_port: listen_ports name: configs_names ports: configs_ports servers: configs - emitter: haproxy_nova_config receiver: haproxy-config mapping: listen_port: listen_ports name: configs_names ports: configs_ports servers: configs - emitter: haproxy-config receiver: haproxy mapping: ip: ip listen_ports: ports ssh_user: ssh_user ssh_key: ssh_key config_dir: host_binds