.. _handler_ansible_details: Ansible Handler =============== Let's look into simple ``hosts_file/actions/run.yaml`` example :: - hosts: [{{host}}] sudo: yes tasks: {% for val in hosts %} - name: Create hosts entries for {{val['name']}} => {{val['ip']}} lineinfile: dest: /etc/hosts regexp: ".*{{val['name']}}$" line: "{{val['ip']}} {{val['name']}}" state: present {% endfor %} It's pretty much standard ansible playbook, but it is processed with jinja2 before ansible is executed. Solar will create proper inventory :: localhost ansible_connection=local user=vagrant location_id="d6255f99dda2fca55177ffad96f390a9" transports_id="2db90247d5d94732448ebc5fdcc9f80d" hosts="[{'ip': u'', 'name': u'node1'}, {'ip': u'', 'name': u'node0'}]" Playbook will be also created :: - hosts: [localhost] sudo: yes tasks: - name: Create hosts entries for node1 => lineinfile: dest: /etc/hosts regexp: ".*node1$" line: " node1" state: present - name: Create hosts entries for node0 => lineinfile: dest: /etc/hosts regexp: ".*node0$" line: " node0" state: present You may wonder about ``hosts: [{{host}}]``, we have our own :ref:`res-transports-term` so we execute ansible like this :: ansible-playbook --module-path /tmp/library -i /tmp/tmpkV0U5F/tmpGmLGEwhosts_file2/inventory /tmp/tmpkV0U5F/tmpGmLGEwhosts_file2/runlNjnI3