# Neutron DHCP agent puppet resource Setup and configure Neutron metadata agent # Parameters https://github.com/openstack/puppet-neutron/blob/5.1.0/manifests/agents/metadata.pp ``auth_password`` (required) The password for the administrative user. ``shared_secret`` (required) Shared secret to validate proxies Neutron metadata requests. ``package_ensure`` Ensure state of the package. Defaults to 'present'. ``debug`` Debug. Defaults to false. ``auth_tenant`` The administrative user's tenant name. Defaults to 'services'. ``auth_user`` The administrative user name for OpenStack Networking. Defaults to 'neutron'. ``auth_url`` The URL used to validate tokens. Defaults to 'http://localhost:35357/v2.0'. Note, for this resource it is decomposed to auth_host and auth_port due to implementation restrictions ``auth_insecure`` turn off verification of the certificate for ssl (Defaults to false) ``auth_ca_cert`` CA cert to check against with for ssl keystone. (Defaults to undef) ``auth_region`` The authentication region. Defaults to 'RegionOne'. ``metadata_ip`` The IP address of the metadata service. Defaults to ''. ``metadata_port`` The TCP port of the metadata service. Defaults to 8775. ``metadata_workers`` (optional) Number of separate worker processes to spawn. The default, count of machine's processors, runs the worker thread in the current process. Greater than 0 launches that number of child processes as workers. The parent process manages them. Having more workers will help to improve performances. Defaults to: $::processorcount ``metadata_backlog`` (optional) Number of backlog requests to configure the metadata server socket with. Defaults to 4096 ``metadata_memory_cache_ttl`` (optional) Specifies time in seconds a metadata cache entry is valid in memory caching backend. Set to 0 will cause cache entries to never expire. Set to undef or false to disable cache. Defaults to 5