%% -*- mode: erlang;erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %% ex: ft=erlang ts=4 sw=4 et [ %% Riak Client APIs config {riak_api, [ %% pb_backlog is the maximum length to which the queue of pending %% connections may grow. If set, it must be an integer >= 0. %% By default the value is 5. If you anticipate a huge number of %% connections being initialised *simultaneously*, set this number %% higher. %% {pb_backlog, 64}, %% pb is a list of IP addresses and TCP ports that the Riak %% Protocol Buffers interface will bind. {pb, [ {"", 8087 } ]} ]}, %% Riak Core config {riak_core, [ %% Default location of ringstate {ring_state_dir, "/var/lib/riak/ring"}, {default_bucket_props, [ {n_val,1}] }, %% Default ring creation size. Make sure it is a power of 2, %% e.g. 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 etc {ring_creation_size, 8}, %% http is a list of IP addresses and TCP ports that the Riak %% HTTP interface will bind. %{http, [ {"", 8098 } ]}, %% https is a list of IP addresses and TCP ports that the Riak %% HTTPS interface will bind. {https, [ { "", 8098 }] }, %% Default cert and key locations for https can be overridden %% with the ssl config variable, for example: {ssl, [ {certfile, "/etc/riak/host.crt"}, {keyfile, "/etc/riak/host.key"}, {cacertfile, "/etc/riak/rootCA.crt"} ]}, %% riak_handoff_port is the TCP port that Riak uses for %% intra-cluster data handoff. {handoff_port, 8099 }, %% To encrypt riak_core intra-cluster data handoff traffic, %% uncomment the following line and edit its path to an %% appropriate certfile and keyfile. (This example uses a %% single file with both items concatenated together.) %{handoff_ssl_options, [{certfile, "/tmp/erlserver.pem"}]}, %% DTrace support %% Do not enable 'dtrace_support' unless your Erlang/OTP %% runtime is compiled to support DTrace. DTrace is %% available in R15B01 (supported by the Erlang/OTP %% official source package) and in R14B04 via a custom %% source repository & branch. {dtrace_support, false}, %% Health Checks %% If disabled, health checks registered by an application will %% be ignored. NOTE: this option cannot be changed at runtime. %% To re-enable, the setting must be changed and the node restarted. %% NOTE: As of Riak 1.3.2, health checks are deprecated as they %% may interfere with the new overload protection mechanisms. %% If there is a good reason to re-enable them, you must uncomment %% this line and also add an entry in the riak_kv section: %% {riak_kv, [ ..., {enable_health_checks, true}, ...]} %% {enable_health_checks, true}, %% Platform-specific installation paths (substituted by rebar) {platform_bin_dir, "/usr/sbin"}, {platform_data_dir, "/var/lib/riak"}, {platform_etc_dir, "/etc/riak"}, {platform_lib_dir, "/usr/lib/riak/lib"}, {platform_log_dir, "/var/log/riak"} ]}, %% Riak KV config {riak_kv, [ {storage_backend, riak_kv_multi_backend}, {multi_backend_default, <<"eleveldb_mult">>}, {multi_backend, [ {<<"eleveldb_mult">>, riak_kv_eleveldb_backend, [ {data_root, "/var/lib/riak/leveldb"}, {anti_entropy, {on, []}}, {anti_entropy_build_limit, {1, 3600000}}, {anti_entropy_expire, 604800000}, {anti_entropy_concurrency, 2}, {anti_entropy_tick, 15000}, {anti_entropy_data_dir, "/var/lib/riak/anti_entropy"}, {anti_entropy_leveldb_opts, [ {write_buffer_size, 4194304}, {max_open_files, 20}]}, {vnode_vclocks, true}, {http_url_encoding, on}, {fsm_limit, 50000}, {object_format, v1} ]}, {<<"lock_bitcask_mult">>, riak_kv_bitcask_backend, [ {data_root, "/var/lib/riak/bitcask"}, {expiry_secs, 120} ]} ]} ]}, %% Merge Index Config {merge_index, [ %% The root dir to store search merge_index data {data_root, "/var/lib/riak/merge_index"}, %% Size, in bytes, of the in-memory buffer. When this %% threshold has been reached the data is transformed %% into a segment file which resides on disk. {buffer_rollover_size, 1048576}, %% Overtime the segment files need to be compacted. %% This is the maximum number of segments that will be %% compacted at once. A lower value will lead to %% quicker but more frequent compactions. {max_compact_segments, 20} ]}, %% Bitcask Config {bitcask, [ %% Configure how Bitcask writes data to disk. %% erlang: Erlang's built-in file API %% nif: Direct calls to the POSIX C API %% %% The NIF mode provides higher throughput for certain %% workloads, but has the potential to negatively impact %% the Erlang VM, leading to higher worst-case latencies %% and possible throughput collapse. {io_mode, erlang}, {data_root, "/var/lib/riak/bitcask"} ]}, %% eLevelDB Config {eleveldb, [ {data_root, "/var/lib/riak/leveldb"} ]}, %% Lager Config {lager, [ %% What handlers to install with what arguments %% The defaults for the logfiles are to rotate the files when %% they reach 10Mb or at midnight, whichever comes first, and keep %% the last 5 rotations. See the lager README for a description of %% the time rotation format: %% https://github.com/basho/lager/blob/master/README.org %% %% If you wish to disable rotation, you can either set the size to 0 %% and the rotation time to "", or instead specify a 2-tuple that only %% consists of {Logfile, Level}. %% %% If you wish to have riak log messages to syslog, you can use a handler %% like this: %% {lager_syslog_backend, ["riak", daemon, info]}, %% {handlers, [ {lager_file_backend, [ {"/var/log/riak/error.log", error, 10485760, "$D0", 5}, {"/var/log/riak/console.log", info, 10485760, "$D0", 5} ]} ] }, %% Whether to write a crash log, and where. %% Commented/omitted/undefined means no crash logger. {crash_log, "/var/log/riak/crash.log"}, %% Maximum size in bytes of events in the crash log - defaults to 65536 {crash_log_msg_size, 65536}, %% Maximum size of the crash log in bytes, before its rotated, set %% to 0 to disable rotation - default is 0 {crash_log_size, 10485760}, %% What time to rotate the crash log - default is no time %% rotation. See the lager README for a description of this format: %% https://github.com/basho/lager/blob/master/README.org {crash_log_date, "$D0"}, %% Number of rotated crash logs to keep, 0 means keep only the %% current one - default is 0 {crash_log_count, 5}, %% Whether to redirect error_logger messages into lager - defaults to true {error_logger_redirect, true}, %% maximum number of error_logger messages to handle in a second %% lager 2.0.0 shipped with a limit of 50, which is a little low for riak's startup {error_logger_hwm, 100} ]}, %% riak_sysmon config {riak_sysmon, [ %% To disable forwarding events of a particular type, use a %% limit of 0. {process_limit, 30}, {port_limit, 2}, %% Finding reasonable limits for a given workload is a matter %% of experimentation. %% NOTE: Enabling the 'gc_ms_limit' monitor (by setting non-zero) %% can cause performance problems on multi-CPU systems. {gc_ms_limit, 0}, {heap_word_limit, 40111000}, %% Configure the following items to 'false' to disable logging %% of that event type. {busy_port, true}, {busy_dist_port, true} ]}, %% SASL config {sasl, [ {sasl_error_logger, false} ]}, %% riak_control config {riak_control, [ %% Set to false to disable the admin panel. {enabled, false}, %% Authentication style used for access to the admin %% panel. Valid styles are 'userlist' . {auth, userlist}, %% If auth is set to 'userlist' then this is the %% list of usernames and passwords for access to the %% admin panel. {userlist, [{"user", "pass"} ]}, %% The admin panel is broken up into multiple %% components, each of which is enabled or disabled %% by one of these settings. {admin, true} ]} ].