- hosts: [{{ ip }}] sudo: yes tasks: - docker: #command: /bin/bash -c "glance-manage db_sync && /usr/bin/glance-registry" command: /usr/bin/glance-registry name: {{ resource_name }} image: {{ image }} state: running net: host {% if ports.value %} ports: {% for port in ports.value %} {% for p in port['value'] %} - {{ p['value'] }}:{{ p['value'] }} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if host_binds.value %} volumes: # TODO: host_binds might need more work # Currently it's not that trivial to pass custom src: dst here # (when a config variable is passed here from other resource) # so we mount it to the same directory as on host {% for bind in host_binds.value %} - {{ bind['value']['src'] }}:{{ bind['value']['dst'] }}:{{ bind['value'].get('mode', 'ro') }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} - name: wait for glance registry wait_for: host={{ ip }} port=9191 timeout=20