Bogdan Dobrelya 32b8edac41 Fix db_host connections for nova resource
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <>
2015-07-29 12:10:08 +02:00
2015-07-17 23:25:33 +00:00
2015-07-24 13:35:01 +03:00
2015-07-22 23:27:04 +00:00
2015-04-21 09:56:20 +02:00
2015-07-17 16:19:16 +03:00
2015-06-03 17:23:28 +02:00
2015-06-29 15:35:31 +02:00
2015-06-09 09:40:50 +02:00
2015-03-27 15:54:19 -07:00
2015-07-17 15:06:02 +02:00
2015-07-22 14:53:42 +03:00
2015-07-24 13:35:01 +03:00
2015-04-22 13:47:15 +02:00
2015-07-09 12:36:36 +02:00
2015-05-28 13:31:11 +02:00
2015-07-24 08:33:07 +00:00

Setup development env

  • Install Vagrant
  • Setup environment:
cd solar
vagrant up
  • Login into vm, the code is available in /vagrant directory
vagrant ssh
solar --help
  • Launch standard deployment:
  • Get ssh details for running slave nodes (vagrant/vagrant):
vagrant ssh-config
  • Get list of docker containers and attach to the foo container
sudo docker ps -a
sudo docker exec -it foo

Solar usage

  • To get data for the resource bar (raw and pretty-JSON):
solar resource show --tag 'resources/bar'
solar resource show --json --tag 'resources/bar' | jq .
solar resource show --name 'resource_name'
solar resource show --name 'resource_name' --json | jq .
  • To clear all resources/connections:
solar resource clear_all
solar connections clear_all
  • Some very simple cluster setup:
cd /vagrant

solar resource create node1 resources/ro_node/ '{"ip":"", "ssh_key" : "/vagrant/.vagrant/machines/solar-dev1/virtualbox/private_key", "ssh_user":"vagrant"}'
solar resource create mariadb_service resources/mariadb_service '{"image": "mariadb", "root_password": "mariadb", "port": 3306}'
solar resource create keystone_db resources/mariadb_keystone_db/ '{"db_name": "keystone_db", "login_user": "root"}'
solar resource create keystone_db_user resources/mariadb_user/ user_name=keystone user_password=keystone  # another valid format

solar connect node1 mariadb_service
solar connect node1 keystone_db
solar connect mariadb_service keystone_db '{"root_password": "login_password", "port": "login_port"}'
# solar connect mariadb_service keystone_db_user 'root_password->login_password port->login_port'  # another valid format
solar connect keystone_db keystone_db_user

solar changes stage
solar changes proccess
solar orch run-once <uid>

You can fiddle with the above configuration like this:

solar resource update keystone_db_user '{"user_password": "new_keystone_password"}'
solar resource update keystone_db_user user_password=new_keystone_password   # another valid format

solar changes stage
solar changes proccess
solar orch run-once <uid>
  • Show the connections/graph:
solar connections show
solar connections graph

You can also limit graph to show only specific resources:

solar connections graph --start-with mariadb_service --end-with keystone_db
  • You can make sure that all input values are correct and mapped without duplicating your values with this command:
solar resource validate
  • Disconnect
solar disconnect mariadb_service node1
  • Tag a resource:
solar resource tag node1 test-tags # Remove tags
solar resource tag node1 test-tag --delete

Low level API


Creating resources:

from x import resource
node1 = resource.create('node1', 'x/resources/ro_node/', 'rs/', {'ip':'', 'ssh_key' : '/vagrant/tmp/keys/ssh_private', 'ssh_user':'vagrant'})

node2 = resource.create('node2', 'x/resources/ro_node/', 'rs/', {'ip':'', 'ssh_key' : '/vagrant/tmp/keys/ssh_private', 'ssh_user':'vagrant'})

keystone_db_data = resource.create('mariadb_keystone_data', 'x/resources/data_container/', 'rs/', {'image' : 'mariadb', 'export_volumes' : ['/var/lib/mysql'], 'ip': '', 'ssh_user': '', 'ssh_key': ''}, connections={'ip' : 'node2.ip', 'ssh_key':'node2.ssh_key', 'ssh_user':'node2.ssh_user'})

nova_db_data = resource.create('mariadb_nova_data', 'x/resources/data_container/', 'rs/', {'image' : 'mariadb', 'export_volumes' : ['/var/lib/mysql'], 'ip': '', 'ssh_user': '', 'ssh_key': ''}, connections={'ip' : 'node1.ip', 'ssh_key':'node1.ssh_key', 'ssh_user':'node1.ssh_user'})

to make connection after resource is created use signal.connect

To test notifications:

keystone_db_data.args    # displays node2 IP

node2.update({'ip': ''})

keystone_db_data.args   # updated IP

If you close the Python shell you can load the resources like this:

from x import resource
node1 = resource.load('rs/node1')

node2 = resource.load('rs/node2')

keystone_db_data = resource.load('rs/mariadn_keystone_data')

nova_db_data = resource.load('rs/mariadb_nova_data')

Connections are loaded automatically.

You can also load all resources at once:

from x import resource
all_resources = resource.load_all('rs')

Resource compiling

You can compile all meta.yaml definitions into Python code with classes that derive from Resource. To do this run

solar resource compile_all

This generates file in the main directory (do not commit this file into the repo). Then you can import classes from that file, create their instances and assign values just like these were normal properties. If your editor supports Python static checking, you will have autocompletion there too. An example on how to create a node with this:

import resources_compiled

node1 = resources_compiled.RoNodeResource('node1', None, {})
node1.ip = ''
node1.ssh_key = '/vagrant/.vagrant/machines/solar-dev1/virtualbox/private_key'
node1.ssh_user = 'vagrant'

HAProxy deployment (not maintained)

cd /vagrant
solar deploy haproxy_deployment/haproxy-deployment.yaml

or from Python shell:

from solar.core import deployment

Resource management and orchestration engine for distributed systems
Readme 5.5 MiB
Python 91.4%
Shell 4.9%
Erlang 1.6%
Ruby 1.1%
HAProxy 0.6%
Other 0.3%