Dmitry Shulyak 4f050093ba Add upstart config for solar-worker
In order to make GID and UID configurable those values will be
souorced from /etc/default/solar-worker during pre-script and script
stanzas in upstart

Change-Id: I6b23e4fb176043533522a68e448fb635324fa4d2
2016-01-26 12:39:49 +02:00

72 lines
2.6 KiB

- hosts: all
sudo: yes
ssh_ip_mask: "10.0.0.*"
# upgrade pbr first, old version throws strange errors
- shell: pip install pbr -U
# Setup development env for solar
- shell: pip install -e . chdir=/vagrant
- shell: pip install git+git://
- include: tasks/ssh_conf.yaml
- hosts: all
# setup solar-resources
# change to openstack/solar-resources later
- git: repo= dest=/vagrant/solar-resources update=no
- shell: pip install gevent
# set default config location
- lineinfile:
dest: /home/vagrant/.bashrc
line: export SOLAR_CONFIG="/vagrant/.config"
state: present
# create custom config file /vagrant/.solar_config_override for vagrant env
- file: path=/.solar_config_override state=touch mode=0644
- lineinfile:
dest: /.solar_config_override
line: "solar_db: riak://"
state: present
create: yes
- lineinfile:
dest: /.solar_config_override
line: "log_file: /var/log/solar/solar.log"
state: present
create: yes
- lineinfile:
dest: /.solar_config_override
line: "counter_bucket_type: counters"
state: present
create: yes
- lineinfile:
dest: /home/vagrant/.bashrc
line: export PYTHONWARNINGS="ignore"
state: present
# make riak default on vagrant env
- lineinfile:
dest: /home/vagrant/.bashrc
line: export SOLAR_CONFIG_OVERRIDE="/.solar_config_override"
state: present
- lineinfile:
dest: /home/vagrant/.bashrc
line: eval "$(_SOLAR_COMPLETE=source solar)"
state: present
- file: path=/var/lib/solar/repositories state=directory owner=vagrant
- file: src=/vagrant/solar-resources/resources dest=/var/lib/solar/repositories/resources state=link owner=vagrant
- file: src=/vagrant/solar-resources/templates dest=/var/lib/solar/repositories/templates state=link owner=vagrant
- name: start riak container
shell: docker-compose up -d riak chdir=/vagrant
# preconfigure docker container
# add counters datatype etc.
- shell: timeout 60 docker exec vagrant_riak_1 riak-admin wait_for_service riak_kv
- shell: timeout 10 docker exec vagrant_riak_1 riak-admin bucket-type create counters '{"props":{"datatype":"counter"}}'
ignore_errors: yes
- shell: timeout 10 docker exec vagrant_riak_1 riak-admin bucket-type activate counters
- include: tasks/worker_upstart.yaml